
Beth Peralta

Health and holidays do not always go hand in hand. When many of us think about holidays, food and drinks might fall into our “top 5” items we love. Holidays hold special food memories for me – lasagna on Christmas Eve and homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning are some of my favorites.

Keep the holiday healthy with these four tips! Photo Credit:Flickr

Special foods, holidays and health can go together with just a little effort.  Read on for some help to make it your healthiest holiday yet!

1.    Be active! Yes, it’s getting colder outside and darker earlier and activity does not lend itself as naturally to our lives than it does in the summer. Aiming for a way to stay active – at least 30 minutes – each day is key to help your health this season. Activity is also a huge stress reliever for me! And, bonus: if you cannot find a 30-minute chunk, try smaller increments of 10-15 minutes several times per day instead. There is no one best activity, either; the best one is the one you enjoy (or can at least tolerate during the amount of time it takes to watch your favorite sitcom)!

Jill Shunk, Registered Dietitian, shares her thoughts about activity:

“If you enjoy bundling up during the winter, get a buddy that would a daily brisk walk with you. Winter is also a great daytime to explore untapped interests with family or friends such as skiing, sledding, or hiking. Another great idea is to try a new group exercise class at your local gym that you are interested in!”

2.    Keep stocked with healthy foods. Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthier items for you and the whole family so that it is easier to make healthier choices. Balance out the holiday goodies with crunchy raw veggies or whole fruits. Store the healthy items at eye level in the fridge to help, too, instead of letting them get buried in a drawer or in the back.

3.    Find time for you to relax and de-stress. What makes you happy this time of year? Is it baking, shopping, or having 30 minutes alone? Whatever it is, make time for it. It can be so easy to allow ourselves to get caught up in all the “shoulds” and “have tos” this time of year that we can end up overstressed and exhausted. Remember, you are important, too!

4.    Have a game plan when going out. Heading out the door to a party? Your best defense is to have a game plan before you leave. Vague statements like, “I won’t eat that much” typically do not work. It helps to have set goals! If you are heading to a restaurant, check the menu beforehand and plan your order ahead of time, which can also help you stick to a budget!

Lori Carlson, chef and dietitian, shares her favorite tips:

“Keep yourself distracted. At parties, enjoy conversation in a different room than the desserts. Keep a beverage like water, tea or coffee in your hand. Pop a piece of gum in your mouth when you’re done with your meal so you won’t want the tempting treats or set a limit for how many you’ll try.”

Chambanamoms readers, what do you think? What healthy habits do you make sure to follow this time of year?

Beth Peralta has lived in Champaign­-Urbana since 1998, minus a few summers and nine months in grad school.  She is a mother to Natalie, wife to Andrew, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and an active community volunteer with the Junior League of Champaign­-Urbana. Free time is spent getting back into running after baby, trying new recipes, and checking out things to do in C­U with her family.

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