DONE DEAL The Upper West Side's District 3 education council has finally approved a rezoning plan that city officials say will help reduce overcrowding and promote diversity. Chalkbeat, Politico New York, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Daily News, New York 1, SchoolBook
A day before the a final vote, one lawyer called for the plan to be torn up. Chalkbeat
HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY In the second year of the city's high-profile 'Renewal' turnaround program, 48 percent of schools met fewer than half of their goals. Chalkbeat
Many city schools on the state's watch list saw gains. Chalkbeat, New York Daily News
SIGN OF THE TIMES A Manhattan Hunter Science High School teacher posted a sign on his door promising to stand up for students who may face harsh treatment during the Trump administration — and it soon went viral. Here's why the teacher, who normally tries to keep his political views out of the classroom, decided it was worth it. Chalkbeat
THAT'S NOT MY NAME New York may rename the Common Core — here are some of the alternatives you came up with. Chalkbeat
FIRST PERSON A CUNY professor explains why the presidential election results are a good reminder to not overlook in-depth interviews as a way of understanding how communities think about complicated social problems like segregation. Chalkbeat
ED SEC SPEC Donald Trump has floated Eva Moskowitz and Michelle Rhee as potential education secretary hires. But lesser-known Michigan philanthropist Betsy DeVos is also under consideration, which would have implications for everything from school oversight to Common Core. Chalkbeat
Michelle Rhee confirmed that she isn't pursuing the job, but said education reformers shouldn't stay away from the Trump administration. Chalkbeat
SCHOOL OF IMMIGRANTS At Brooklyn's P.S. 160, which has a large immigrant population, concerns about Trump's immigration policy rippled through the community. New York Times
IMPROPER SPENDING The head of a pre-k special ed program in Brooklyn improperly drew hundreds of thousands in salary and expensed an Acura SUV, according to the state comptroller. New York Post, New York Daily News
BLAST FROM THE PAST Richard Whitmire explains how former Chancellor Joel Klein reshaped New York City schools. The 74
ABUSE SUIT A mother who claims pre-k teachers at Manhattan's P.S. 198 locked her son in "trash-filled" stairwell as a punishment has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city. New York Daily News
COLLEGE FUND Thanks to a $10 million donation, the city will offer low-income families seed money to start college funds. New York Daily News, New York 1