
AROMA 7/10   APPEARANCE 4/5   TASTE 7/10   PALATE 3/5   OVERALL 14/20Chad9976 (1553) - Orlando, Florida, USA - FEB 29, 2016

AROMA: Even mix of roasted grain and sweet dark grain. Some milk chocolate/dairy (lactose) presence. Hint of coffee. No esters. No hops. 9/12

APPEARANCE: Black proper. Very thick brown foamy head. Good retention and lacing. 3/3

FLAVOR: Roasted barley up front. Gentle dry bitterness throughout first half. Underlying sweetness with distinct chocolate on finish. Some mineral sensation in aftertaste. Sweetness and roastiness are well balanced. 14/20

MOUTHFEEL: Medium/light body. Creamy texture. Fairly low CO2. Smooth. Lingering aftertaste of mineral and coffee. 3/5

OVERALL IMPRESSION: Solid sweet stout. Hits on most notes but doesn’t go above and beyond. Satisfying and impressive for fairly light brew of only 4.8% 6/10


DISCLAIMER: The author is not a certified BJCP judge; therefore, this score sheet is not necessarily indicative of proper BJCP judging techniques and protocol. The author is grading to 2015 BJCP Guidelines in order to prepare for examination.

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