
How The Right Tech Makes A Lean, Mean Fighting Machine Of A Business

Productivity and efficiency are two crucial metrics for a successful business. If time is getting wasted and work isn’t getting done right, then you have a serious problem on your hands. When you’re in the thick of it, it can be hard to define the problem and find a solution. That’s why you need to take a step back and find the tools that show you the way. Let’s look at how the right tech approach can make a much more focused and work-efficient business.

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Make sure you have a system that’s prepared

One of the biggest problems for any office is trying to make a change with an IT system that doesn’t let them. Too many use part-timers to set up an IT system, only calling them in when they need them. That’s a slow and ineffective method. You need to have an IT that’s set-up to grow and move forward with the business from the get-go. A virtual chief information officer that’s always connected and always ready. Not a part-timer, but a third-party that’s focused solely on making IT systems that are forward thinking. That can even help you find the tech solutions to some of your specific issues.

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Keep everyone in the loop

Communication can be a hassle in any business. If everyone is stuck to their computers by necessity, that can add another barrier to good communication. Or it can act as a bridge to it. Poor communication leads to the poor prioritization of a workload. It can even result in tasks disappearing into the ether, entirely forgotten. Help employees focus on the movements of the business as a whole as well as their individual workloads. A good to-do list app can help anyone prioritize their working day and ensure nothing’s lost in the gaps. Meanwhile, project management software keeps everyone in the loop about what they’re supposed to do to help the whole. Make sure that everyone is communicating and has their objectives before their eyes at all times.

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Take a bird’s eye view

Being in the loop is good, but it’s not just direction that they need. It’s an environment that allows them to carry on with their workload as much as possible. Taking a bird’s eye view is about getting a good look at how the workflow of the office is. How long does it take to do a certain task? How quickly does work move from one employee to the other? Workflow management can help any employer see where problems are and where shortcuts can be made without cutting quality. The problem with workflow can just as often be systematic as it can be a personal problem of an employee. Efficiency is all about reviewing and updating when you can.

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Stop losing things

Another symptom of an inefficient workload is the inability to get resources or information when you need them. In many offices, this can be down to reliance on a cumbersome physical method of storage. If you’re not able to organise your filing system, consider taking it all to a place that’s a lot easier to organise. We’re talking about using your IT network and Cloud software, where it’s a lot easier to tag and find what you need in no time flat. Even smaller businesses that can’t afford top quality IT systems can make use of shared networks. Nowadays, Microsoft Office is incorporating more ways of sharing and organising between groups. There should be no excuse for losing work-important documents nowadays.

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Track work interruption

Work isn’t always interrupted by someone losing something they need. There are all kinds of different factors that can take someone ‘out of their zone’. Seemingly urgent ‘questions’, new tasks popping up and the like. Part of solving the problem is helping staff prioritise, as we have mentioned before. For example, everyone can use an official ticketing/request system. If someone has a question or task that needs done, it can be input and set a level of priority. That way, the team member isn’t interrupted by new information and can check it when they need to. Teaching your employees how to set priority properly is important too. If they need something done by so-and-so o’clock, keep it low priority. If their own workflow is at a standstill until something is done, they can make it a top priority.

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Get automated

There are a lot of parts of the work process that are important, but they’re not making you money. They’re not a core part of the business. They’re administration tasks. Paper pushing and time wasting. There has to be a better way of dealing with them. Of course, there is; it’s called automation. A lot of the more tedious tasks can easily be automated. Tracking HR factors like absences, paid leave and infractions. Paying bills and sending invoices. Managing your inbox and scheduling meetings. There’s software that can make a lot of managing hands-off. It’s important that you keep an eye on what these automating approaches are doing, but that’s a small price to pay.

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Do business from everywhere

For the upper-tier management of any business, their ability to organise and focus the team efforts is important. Absences are never a great thing but if it’s someone with real managing power, it can be even worse. That’s why anyone with that kind of authority should be able to do their job when they’re on the go, too. Make sure you have a mobile fit with the applications that’s going to help you be present even when you’re not. Reading reports, managing emails, keeping in touch. This can all be done from a smartphone. Just make sure you’re also able to delegate some of the other responsibilities amongst the rest of the team.

It’s all about using tech to change the work environment for everyone in the business. From organising their daily tasks to make the overall team much more cohesive. Getting rid of drains on your time and getting more done quicker. We hope the tech mentioned above helps you do that.

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