I have gotten better in so many unbelievable ways, however, I just can’t heal my GI. I have tried over and over and over, and I’ll get to a point that I’m pretty ok, but then I’ll eat something, and bloat again, and mental symptoms will try to come through. Then I’ll stop eating, except to survive and things will settle, then the whole circle starts over again. I knew if I was ever gong to heal that I had to address my GI issues, which I started in 2011. So for the past 3 years, I have tried everything. I can’t tolerate sugar at all, caffeine, dairy or gluten. I can eat some cheese, and ok with stupid meat and vegetables. This is torture and honestly, I don’t ever see it changing. I truly believe now that I will never be able to eat normal. Once these things are triggered, I don’t believe you can untrigger it.
I am actually considering finally getting a scope done. I just hope I don’t add more torture, but perhaps I should. I had one 7 years ago, when the heaviness on my chest started, and since I cut out all sugar even fruit, the heaviness stays away for the most part. I know a lot of us have a scope, which doesn’t usually show anything, and I just didn’t want to go through the risk of anesthesia, plus I completely hate doctors and don’t trust a single one of them. And, lets add that no one is knowledgable to handle benzo damage, and I know I will loose my patience if one more doctor tells me that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I do believe though that I will concede and schedule a scope and go through all that fear, and perhaps have a reaction, but I just can’t stand this, year after year, I try to stay hopefull, but what the heck!
Sorry to rant and rave. Wish I had happier thoughts, perhaps another day. Has anyone gotten a handle on this GI crap?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 10:40:25 pm by lislis »
Quote from: lislis on September 05, 2014, 10:22:10 pm
I have gotten better in so many unbelievable ways, however, I just can’t heal my GI. I have tried over and over and over, and I’ll get to a point that I’m pretty ok, but then I’ll eat something, and bloat again, and mental symptoms will try to come through. Then I’ll stop eating, except to survive and things will settle, then the whole circle starts over again. I knew if I was ever gong to heal that I had to address my GI issues, which I started in 2011. So for the past 3 years, I have tried everything. I can’t tolerate sugar at all, caffeine, dairy or gluten. I can eat some cheese, and ok with stupid meat and vegetables. This is torture and honestly, I don’t ever see it changing. I truly believe now that I will never be able to eat normal. Once these things are triggered, I don’t believe you can untrigger it.
I am actually considering finally getting a scope done. I just hope I don’t add more torture, but perhaps I should. I had one 7 years ago, when the heaviness on my chest started, and since I cut out all sugar even fruit, the heaviness stays away for the most part. I know a lot of us have a scope, which doesn’t usually show anything, and I just didn’t want to go through the risk of anesthesia, plus I completely hate doctors and don’t a single one of them. And, lets add that no one is knowledgable to handle benzo damage, and I know I will loose my patience if one more doctor tells me that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I do believe though that I will concede and schedule a scope and go through all that fear, and perhaps have a reaction, but I just can’t stand this, year after year, I try to stay hopefull, but what the heck!
Sorry to rant and rave. Which I had happier thoughts, perhaps another day. Has anyone gotten a handle on this GI crap?
Hey girl Its been so long ..
Im so sorry to hear what your going through. I dont have GI issues and I know that must be so hard .. I just wanted to say hello and let you know Im hoping you get this figured out so soon.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you are doing well!
Hi lislis– did the heaviness in your chest go away when you stopped eating sugar?? I have this sx , so any imput is appreciated. Sorry about your tummy troubles, I have them too and it is quite frustrating. Take care, jenny
Hi Jenny, About a month after I started withdrawal I woke up with a heavy chest and it lasted for over 2 years. Sometimes I would have a break, but it was only when I noticed that I felt worse when I ate sugar and stopped eating sugar that the heaviness went away. After time passed I got cocky and tried some sugar and the heaviness came back. That was a great piece of the puzzle for me. Unfortunately I don’t learn and several other times I tried sugar again and the heaviness each time came back. The other problem was that each time I tried sugar again, I would crash and become more intolerant to more foods. I wish I would have realized that sugar was apparently my trigger. I’ve maid a mess of my GI not knowing how to care for myself. The Ashton Manual tells you that you may experience GI symptoms, but doesn’t at all tell you why this is happening and how to avoid making it worse!!!!
I wish you the best on your GI quest!
i don’t know if we have already talked about this or not but Geraldine Burns said that same exact thing that you did when she was over ten years out. that she would never heal unless she healed her GI issues. i know she has a lot of things/supplements/modalities that she did to heal her gut. have you spoken to her?
i have her email address if you would like to? maybe she can help. but she did say the exact same thing that you did at a longer time out.
Quote from: lislis on September 05, 2014, 10:22:10 pm
I truly believe now that I will never be able to eat normal. Once these things are triggered, I don’t believe you can untrigger it.
This isn’t true. 2 things, actually. I’m a nutritionist and have worked with GI doctors throughout the world (Yeah, as an inpatient at a mental asylum – Editor) so I have a good knowledge base of this.
1) it’s pretty well known now that eating ketogenic (high fat, low carb) Is the healthiest way to eat. Paleo style. If this was everyone’s normal and not the horrendous diet that most people eat we would be healthier as a whole.
2) It takes 1 year to heal your gut from food sensitivities and allergies, be it acquired or genetic. This means 1 year of not even the slightest amount of that thing, that’s why most people fail at recovering from food sensitivities. Once you acquire an allergy it means that your body sees it as an intruder and the immune system attacks it- hence all the unpleasant symptoms that follow. Your immune system designates white blood cells for that particular nutrient that will attack every time it is detected. Now, if you go one year without taking in ANY of it, your body will recycle those white blood cells and hopefully the allergy, or immune reaction, will be gone.
Lets use dairy for instance. Say you go 9 months without 1 gram of dairy at all and your feeling much better. Then, one day you eat a small piece of cheese, or a soup with some cream in the broth. You may have just started your year all over again because you re-activated those white blood cells.
Its difficult to do, but avoiding these things will make you healthier anyway and if you can stick it out for that whole year you should be able to recover from that sensitivity.
Thank you guys! I totally agree about avoiding symptom causing foods. I need to practice what I preach. You are right. I start to feel better and then get cocky and eat things. The first time I may have no reaction, so I eat more and more and then wham! Then there is always that underlying part that there is something wrong that I am just blaming on OCD.
I appreciate all of your help guys! I believe I had Geraldine’s email, but if you could provide it again, that would be great!
Take care!
I woke up today feeling like I drank a twelve pack last night, barely able to function, which is how I feel three or four times a week. This is what food intolerances do to me, and I also don’t think it will ever stop. I’ve had very little improvement in this bw symptom since it began, so it’s hard to see why it ever would stop. I can’t even do low carb because I’m hypoglycemic, plus I don’t tolerate the added fat that is needed to replace carbs. I don’t tolerate any supplements at all, so no probiotics, herbs, or vitamins. Fermented foods are also out. Last summer I stumbled upon something that was helping me a ton, and allowing me to eat many more things, but eventually I became intolerant to that as well. I don’t know how much more I can take. It’s hard to have any hope when it’s so obvious that I will be dealing with this for many more years, if not forever. Sometimes I wish I could hurry up and die, because I can’t have a life. I read that gelatin can be good for healing the digestive system, so I’m going to try that, although I’m sure I won’t tolerate it either. Besides, I think this has more to do with my nervous system, but what do I have to lose. If that doesn’t work I will probably try to fast, but with my hypoglycemia I doubt I’ll get very far.
Caddo, very well stated and believe when I say, I am so sorry, because I know exactly what you are feeling. You made a great point that we try things and then become intolerant to the new stuff. I am exactly the same way. I used to get bad hypoglycemic feelings, but I haven’t for a long time, except for this past week, which I believe came from trying fermented foods. I bought gelatin on Amazon, but was too afraid to try it, and I threw it away. I am going to try to make bone broth now, which will have natural gelatin. Let’s see how that goes! I eat a lot of raw garlic I guess to help fungus, and if I have bacteria overgrowth and maybe because I can, lol. I have a small food list. I wonder if this will ever work itself out. But I also agree, I fear I have many years ahead of me in this unless, well you know.
I pray for you too. Let me know if you found a cure, and I’ll do the same . . . . . aaaahhhhh!