Lisa Archer LONGMONT, CO
I watched my sister suffer
Benzos are the biggest nightmare and best kept secret by the drug manufacturers to the doctors. They have devastated thousands of lives and themedical community appears to be ignorant of the problems.
Donna Bunce FRESNO, CA
I spent years of my life addicted to Benzodiazapines. Long term use is not ok. Each of us can heal!! Benzodiazapine dependence and abuse is a waste of each precious life. There is true healing! Try mindfulness meditation. Honor Emotions: Meditate not medicate!!
This is a disgrace to allow this medicine to be prescribed to people. It needs to stop now!
Phyllis Noreen Petersen ENUMCLAW, WA
This is important to me because after 33.5 years of being prescribed this drug, I know, for FACT the drugs are harmful. I will never be the same and ALL I did was take the prescribed amount that was written for me by my doctor. IF the doctors don’t get educated then how in the name of God will their patients! IF the doctors are educated then how in the name of GOD are they prescribing these harmful drugs called benzodiazapenes??? Has a client/patient WE Trust that our doctors are doing was is safe for us. IF they don’t listen to the literature and findings regarding the damage the drugs can do, then EVERYONE needs to be able to find out in any other of the many forms to dispense the correct information. I suffer from Protracted Withdrawals and other physical and mental diseases and disorders due to me following the doctor’s instructions on how and WHY he wanted me to take the prescribed benzo’s!! This information IF False!!!
I am a consumer and a worker that sees this first hand. Doctors hand this out like candy. They do now see the dangers that come with that policy.
Christopher Taylor FERNANDINA BEACH, FL
For over two and a half years I have suffered from protracted withdrawal brought on by discontinuing my use of Klonopin. For the first 18 months after the medication left my symptom I was in excruciating mental and physical agony. These symptoms were not brought on by the anxiety disorder the Klonopin had been prescribed to treat. As a matter of fact, having been in therapy—and medication free—for many months, my anxiety is far lower than it ever has been; that includes during my time on the benzodiazepine. How do I know it was the Klonopin? Because I had been through it before…with Valium. The exact same symptoms of horrendous suffering. Both times I was taking these medicines as prescribe by a psychiatrist. I felt incredibly ill while on the pills, had lapses in memory, cognitive impairment, etc. I don’t for a moment regret that I stopped taking them. To me, they are poison. This time, with the Klonopin, has lasted much longer than my initial experience with Valium. Luckily I am able to function, and know that I will not succumb to the symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal. I do not know if these adverse affects can occur in every person who takes benzodiazepines, but I have communicated, online, with people all over the world who have had experiences similar to mine. I think it is gross negligence, and indicative of the state of the psychiatric industry and it’s profit over health business model that we who suffer have been ignored. I have direct, experiential evidence that benzodiazepines cause serious ill. If you have a conscience, you will at the very least do further research. But I believe it behooves you to report the actual truth of what these pills can do to people.
Christopher Erb BOCA GRANDE, FL
I graduated deans award pharmacy Samford University and the benzos took over a decade off my life with symptoms of dependence AND withdrawl not addiction as the doctors use these agents against their short term indication. There is a BIG misunderstanding re these agents and still is. I have been to dozens of psychologist and ptschiatrists and communicated with many rehab centers and I have found only 3 people with a cursory view of the dangers. I was so sick that I wanted to martyr myself so no one else would have to go thru this hell and torture and physiological fear and terror. It is not an underlying condition, you would be a fool and an unlearned buffon to believe that. Please save people from this torture even if it only helps 30.000 people a year iin the USA as it is that severe!
Calvin Yoder BOURBON, IN
This is very important to me because of the damage done to my wife CNS, being administered Klonopin for over 10 yrs. Then being offloaded cold Turkey after a suicide attempt. I knowing what this would do reinstated her and found a Doc that would help us titrate off these meds. Anyone who thinks these meds are a safe alternative needs to be reeducated this field of medicine. This is an insane way to lose your mind with Docs standing by, not even having a clue on how to deal with this problem. Any GP administering this meds needs to have their license revoked. When I called our Doc telling him about what my wife was going through he laughed and tells me we need counseling. Needless to say we do not doctor with him anymore. There is nothing about this that creates hysteria but it will cause you to lose your mind if it is not properly withdrawn from. Only a Doc that is totally out of touch with his patients would think this. There are many as such in my findings. Yes and there should be lots of anger about this as this is a totally irresponsible way for GP’s to deal with their patients when all they are looking for is help.
Victim of the drug’s withdrawal effects
Freida Blankenship CANDLER, NC
Benzos are not safe. They can be deadly.
Kristen Bellows TORONTO, CANADA
My psychiatrist wouldn’t put me on a benzo because THEY ARE NOT SAFE!!!
Christopher Wood MILFORD, DE
I was put on effexor and xanax back in 2003 and had a bad reaction from the effexor. My doctor then put me on xanax to counteract the side effects from the effexor. After a few weeks I quit both cold turkey because of how badly I felt on them. This only made things much worse. I ended up staying awake for 5 days and 6 nights with derealisation, panic, delusions, hallucinations, muscle spasms and jerking, convulsions, severe anxiety, paranoia, and a few other symptoms.
This started into motion several months of doctor’s visits and a quest on trying to figure out what was happening to me. I explained my symptoms and doctor’s had no clue what was wrong…even with the knowledge that I had been prescribed benzos and effexor. I was put on and off benzodiazepines several times to the point where no doctor would prescribe them to. I had to resort fro buying them off them streets because the withdrawal symtoms were so intense I couldn’t function or work without them. I even had trouble with my speech and walking. It was horrific. After many months of this I went to a doctor who put me on klonopin before moving back to my stay with my parents in my home state. The symptoms abated while on klonopin, but I was a total zombie. I had no emotion, no energy, no creativity, no real interest in life, muscle weakness, fatigue, and few other symptoms that were manageable compared to not being on the medication.
In my home town, after moving back to live with my parents, I went to more doctors who still had no idea what was happening to me…they thought it was just an anxiety or mood disorder. I stayed on klonopin for years while steadily falling back to symptoms I thought had gone for good.
Things got so bad that I ended up detoxing off the medication in January 2010. I am now 3 1/2 years into a protracted withdrawal. The first 2 to 3 years were indescribable. There are no words to adequately convey how horrible this process of benzodiazepine withdrawal is.
So when I see a statement that says that these medicatons are safe, I get a little upset and rightfully so. This article should include the dangers of these medications and not gloss over the reality that so many have had to face while on the medication or when coming off of it. I left quite a bit of detail out of this very short account of my long and arduous experience. I could write a book or two about how bad this was. Please, rewrite this article to include real dangers or remove altogether. Thank you.
Leif Bratsch AUBURN, WA
I take it personal that someone is protect cover the pharmacy industry for being accountable for the suffering these drugs have caused to me and thousands of others. The morals of the writer of this article is obtuse and only cares about their wallet not about humanity and would rather control humanity with profit and I find it disturbing. This articl is false and misleading and enables more suffering to continue for the benefit of a few.
Christina Bogle VANCOUVER, WA
I have been irrevocably damaged from these drugs. I want to see them taken off the market. The drugs ruin lives!
I went through hell because of benzos… rebound anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, loss of concentration and memory. I had to go through painful withdrawal all alone, as no doctor knew how to help. They knew only how to prescribe something else.
Jigme Datse Rasku NELSON, CANADA
My brother-in-law died by his own hands due in large part (in my opinion) to benzodiazapine withdrawal. I believe that he was in large part unsupported by the medical community, and did not have support outside the medical community except for a very few number of people. Benzodiazapines are very dangerous, and highly addictive.
I have a friend that has been battling this addiction.
people need to learn non-drug ways of dealing with stress. benzos are poison.
menta valerie MILAN, ITALY
so Dangerous, lost persons because of this drug
Martha and John Nygaard LAS CRUCES, NM
I’ve been damaged by benzos and I’ve been off of them for 5 years now. They are poison.
Benzo s have been a nightmare for me.
Claudette Miklis DEER PARK, TX
For my daughter who went through benzo withdrawal.
Frank Miklis DEER PARK, TX
I watched my daughter go through benzodiazepine withdrawal and I was afraid for her life. I’ve never seen anything like it before and hope to never see it again.
Elizabeth Gilarowski TORONTO, CANADA about 3 hours ago Liked 1
The provision of information on a drug’s side-effects should be mandatory.
han don NAUARA, IRELAND about 3 hours ago Liked 1
The drugs do harm even kill, there are a plethora of safe nurturing alternatives. these type of lies are shameful.
Valium is Hell to get off
Bob Rowlands WOBURN, MA
My step-daughter has been suffering from the harmful effects of benzo withdrawal since last August. Her recovery has been slow and is by no means over. I would seem from our experience that most of the medical community in the U.S. does not seem to be informed on how harmful benzodiazapine can be. This drug is by no means safe and non-addictive, so withdrawing the misleading article is very important.
Crystle Imrie PHOENIX, AZ
False and misleading medical information; benzodiazepines ARE disabling and deadly. You CAN NOT stop using cold turkey. You MUST taper slowly under MEDICAL supervision. They can be very dangerous.
Darren Tierney NORTH ADAMS, MA
Personal experience
Proper education of both patients and health professionals and withdrawal of benzo meds from the market are way overdue. The trouble is, they are seen as the easy option, whatever form they come in, to “calm” someone down, to sedate them even as opposed to using other techniques. Not forgetting the multi-million pounds/dollars economy that keeps pushing these drugs.
Deanna Charest ORTING, WA about 2 hours ago Liked 1
Psychiatric drugs hurt people and are no answer to suffering.
Gail Page WOBURN, MA about 2 hours ago Liked 1
My daughter is suffering from protracted benzo withdrawal.
Sherri Bertini OLIVEHURST, CA
Because these companies lie about there products…
My experience of living with and withdrawing from these drugs has been nothing short of brutal and in humane. I have lost too many years to trying to get well again. These drugs are so dangerous. Do not be mislead.
Leslie Khalsa BIRMINGHAM, AL
I was taken off Xanax (4 mg daily) in less than 18 days because I lost my insurance and was not yet eligible for Medicare (and had to go to Community Psychiatry, whose policy it is NOT to prescribe benzodiazepines). The hell that followed is impossible to describe. I developed terrible insomnia, akathesia, and was unable to function. My ex-husband seized the opportunity and filed for sole custody of our son, who I had primary custody of. I tried to fight back, but my anxiety was so severe that I ended up signing over primary custody of my then-nine year old son and checking into a psychiatric hospital due to suicidal thoughts which plagued my every waking moment. In the hospital, I was put on Klonopin and Effexor XR. I have been unable to get off either of these drugs without experiencing unbearable anxiety and depression. These medications are dangerous and disabling. It is irresponsible to suggest otherwise. Those of us whose lives have been destroyed by psychiatric medications refuse to remain silent any longer.
The worst time in my life was from quitting klonopin. Before that I had to quit xannax as had trouble breathing. I had withdrawal symptoms from hell, went on to have spasms so tight, I had a limp for a few weeks. Later I had stiffening in my rib cage. My chiropractor and physical therapist could not find a reason for it. It wasn’t until 1 & 1/2 years off that the stiffness cleared up and went away for the first times since it started. But the crowning glory was quitting klonopin. I had many withdrawal symptoms, muscle spasms so bad, I thought I wasn’t getting enough air in my lungs. Watched muscles literally jump for 2 years. Jerked on and off, had violent shaking, nausea for days. And all this was after taking valium to ease the withdrawal from the 10 time stronger klonopin. I had a spasm in my chest that mimicked a heart attack, but was not thank God. But my heart rate was off that evening, and had to go to the ER,. I thank God I survived it. The ER doc was worried about the pain on my chest. These are major nervous system depressants that cause many physical reactions if taken long enough. Then lowering a doses to quit, is a true nightmare. They were never miracle drugs. They were abused by the prescribing doctors, to innocent patients.
I work to support people who have been prescribed benzodiazepines and then gone on to develop long term issues. These drugs need to be withdrawn completely as they are dangerous and do not address issues of anxiety, they exacerbate them.
Ruth Andersen AUSTIN, TX
A dear friend of mind was seriously harmed by these drugs. It is at best irresponsible and at worst despicable to spread misinformation about them.
Meschelle Linjean ALEXANDRIA, VA
Because although I withdrew from benzodiazepines a year ago, I continue to have very severe neurological symptoms (cranial, oral, and mandibular dystonia; EPS/Parkinsonian symptoms; sensations of movement/rocking, balance difficulties, disorientation, cognitive impairment, body vibrations, neuropathy) as well as CNS and autonomic nervous system dysfunction. In addition, I have serious chemical and food sensitivities that I never had before. I have had to alter my whole life. My job and relationships are suffering because of my ongoing impairments. This information needs to be brought to the forefront so that physicians are aware of what they’re doing to patients when they prescribe benzodiazepines. Patients need to be given COMPLETE informed consent. The type of disabilities I’m experiencing because of benzodiazepines is not a rare occurrence. There are many of us. There are many more who still do not know what is happening to them. The article you published does a great disservice to this issue and perpetuates the dangerous prescribing habits among uninformed doctors. Please do not contribute to spreading such fallacious information.
Daniel Mackler NEW YORK, NY
i’ve known so many people who have had a horrible time trying to get off benzos.
Donald Warren FLORENCE, AL
This is a very dangerous article! One does not have to search very far to find many people whose lives have been ruined by benzodiazepines!
Physicaly Dependent.
amanda meshekey NEW PORT RICHEY, FL
I suffered a great deal, I do not wish for any one else to got through what I did and am still dealing with!
Larry Golbom LARGO, FL
Benzos: About 50 years and the silence continues. Amazing.
Eileen sheldon
I know what it has done to me, and am very aware of similar suffering by hundreds of others.
Teresa Lollie DUNCAN, CANADA
Took a benzo for broken sleep. Got functional brain and central nervous system injury from it when I quit in one day and was not told a thing about side effects or physical dependency.
Teresa Lollie DUNCAN, CANADA
Doctors have no idea what the truth is as the clinical trial info was buried. This info proves extreme and often permanent debilitating brain injury and central nervous system side effects and dependency if taken even at low dose for as little time as a week.
A dear friend committed suicide after a Dr just took away a drug he’d been on for years. No slow “weening,”
Clarence Klekar LULING, TX
The harm that benzo withdrawal causes is something a family member experienced. I’d say it is not a safe drug.
Michael Brown SEMMES, AL
Currently in protracted benzodiazepine withdrawal.
Fraudulent information, brainwash
The public must not be deceived and drawn into the mental ‘health’ system.
Because innocent lives are being destroyed as well as the innocent patients.Being left Without Any medical help after being taken off it for whayever reason,especially when it was because of an “error “,it is Unlawful and so Very Very Wrong!!!!
Natalie Champagne VICTOIA, CANADA
Personal experience
Kelli DeBusk DEER PARK, TX
Because I think what happens with benzodiazepines is even WORSE than addiction. I requested to be taken off Xanax after using as prescribed for one year and my doctor fixed me up with a 2 week taper. What happened during and after was the most horrendous experience of my life. I had no clue what was wrong with me until I met hundreds if not thousands of other benzo victims online experiencing exactly the same thing. I didn’t have cancer as I thought. I didn’t have general anxiety disorder or any number of mental illnesses as my doctor labeled me. I had benzodiazepine withdrawal. Telling people that it’s safe is quite simply false and dangerous information. This can happen to anyone and it needs to stop now. Not tomorrow but now. That’s why it’s important to me.
Theresa Pisani OCCIDENTAL, CA
Family member has gone through several years of hell on these drugs…now suffering from protracted withdrawal symptoms. She is nearly unrecognizable as the bright spirit she once was as a teen.
betty mclaughlin HOMER, MI
it was rough getting off klonopin .. no dr.. ever told me what to expect when i withdrew and i was given 60 days to get off.insane..
Richard Klekar AUSTIN, TX
I am a survivor of long-term use of benzodiazepines and have been in recovery for 3-1/2 years. I can assure you from my own personal experience and from meeting others in recovery or who are struggling to get off of benzodiazepines that this class of drugs is highly addictive and causes functional and structural changes in the brain resulting in long-term complications with cognition and memory.
kim mcmillan FAIRBURN, GA
These drugs have stolen my life. Now I am in withdrawel and they are harming me more.
Paisley Blackburn KOKOMO, IN
Because it’s an outright lie!!!! I was taken off of Klonopin after being prescribed it for almost 10 years cold turkey by incompetent and irresponsible doctors!!! I went thru a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’m surprised I’m still alive, but the mere fact that I am is a testament to my strength. These drugs are NOT safe and they are ADDICTIVE! To say otherwise is fraud and should result in a class action lawsuit against any doctors that believe this.
Ron Unger EUGENE, OR
This was a lousy article that showed either either accidental or deliberate ignorance of both the lack of long term effectiveness and the potential for addiction in this class of drugs. It seems pretty lame to allow such an article and then cut off comments that might bring out the truth.
Laura Borst HOUSTON, TX
Benzodiazepines are suppressive drugs that are often very difficult to withdraw from. Like many psychiatric drugs, they often make people worse instead of better. They should not be recommended for “clinical depression”(which is largely a pathologization of feeling sad).
Seven years of my life were destroyed by benzos!!!!
Dr. Shorter,
I understand that you feel that some of the comments posted in response to this article were out of line and now, as a result, all comments have been removed while the article still stands. The individuals who commented aren’t “hysterical” as the title of your article suggests, but are extremely angry (and rightfully so) at the devastation these drugs have caused in their lives and also at the complete dismissal by and lack of validation from the medical community. This article is a prime example of that for them. You must also note that a symptom of withdrawal from the benzodiazepines is rage, irritability and anger. Most of the individuals who commented are terribly sick from benzodiazepine withdrawal, while attempting to reduce their dose and return themselves to health, and are much more prone to act out of character because of the effects these drugs and their withdrawal have on the brain and CNS.
The comment in question in this article is “The benzos are among the safest and most effective drug classes in the history of psychopharmacology; the SSRI “antidepressants,” a less effective drug class, elbowed them off the roller rink. This is worth knowing.” The problem is, you failed to mention the caveat “when properly prescribed” when referring to benzodiazepines as one of the “safest” drugs in psychopharmacology. That is my one of my issues with the article. You are absolutely correct that SSRI’s are less effective drugs, although I would take it a step further and say that there’s no evidence whatsoever that SSRI drugs work any better than placebo and that they also carry a risk for dependence and withdrawal that outweighs any “benefit” a patient might get from them.
But the benzodiazepine’s efficacy comes at a price if used for too long- more than 2-4 weeks- and there are some individuals who become dependent in an even shorter time frame. I have also met and spoken with benzo patients who state that they suffered a paradoxical reaction from the drug almost instantly or within a short time after starting. (which are usually misdiagnosed as some sort of “underlying disorder” and treated with more Psychiatric drugs, further harming the patient).
I can appreciate your stance in regards to the failure to successfully treat a catatonic patient with benzodiazepines. If a life can be saved or dramatically improved by the use of a benzodiazepine and it is not, due to an overinflated fear of the drug, then that too is a tragedy. I have no objection to the single dose administration of benzodiazepines for life threatening illnesses in a hospital environment. The objections being posed as comments in response to your article were by individuals who were medically mismanaged and made iatrogenically dependent on benzodiazepines because of negligent of prescribing of the drugs by medical providers. I hope you would agree that risk versus benefit is hugely important in evidence-based medicine.
The other statement in question from this article is: “But the main point is that in the U.S. and Britain this drug class became demonized as addictive.” There is a reason they were “demonized” as addictive, Dr. Shorter, and that is because they ARE!! I believe this statement fueled many of the emotionally charged comments. There is usually no informed consent given to the patient by healthcare professionals when prescribing benzodiazepines. This causes a great sense of deception on the part of the patient and a complete breakdown of trust in the patient-provider relationship when the patient realizes that they cannot stop taking this drug (that they were falsely told was “safe and non-addictive”) without horrific withdrawal symptoms. To add insult to injury, many of the unsuspecting patients are then accused of being “addicts” by the healthcare system, despite being compliant patients and taking their benzodiazepine as directed by their doctor. These patients aren’t addicts, but have become physiologically dependent (the terminology is important) on the drug and must often take many months to years to painstakingly taper themselves off of the benzodiazepine. In the process, if the symptoms become severe (which they often do), the patient loses their job, their home and experience a breakdown in personal relationships, marriages, etc. due to the debilitating nature of the withdrawal syndrome which can last for many months or years. For some, (usually the ones mismanaged by medical doctors and cold-turkeyed from their benzo) the pain of the withdrawal syndrome is so great and the duration so long that they commit suicide. When weighing risk vs. benefit, as discussed previously, surely years of complete disability and/or death fails to outweigh temporary anxiety relief.
How can you not understand how infuriated these people are and how devastating this is to so many people’s lives, Dr. Shorter? You are a professor and I would hope that means you value the importance of education and fact-finding. I would like to challenge you to educate yourself further on this topic by talking to some of the Canadian members of the benzodiazepine withdrawal support groups and learning their first-hand experiences with this class of drug. I will personally connect you with as many Canadian benzo-affected individuals as you’re willing to hear testimonials from by privately sending you my e-mail address attached to this comment. It is my hope that you will respond and accept this opportunity to learn the facts about this class of drug from the people who have firsthand experience.
“When you know better you do better.”
― Maya Angelou
If you choose to decline this opportunity, I will then I urge everyone who’s lives have been affected by this class of drug to compose their critiques of this article in a constructive, non-threatening manner. This is important because the casual observer will glance over the article and see a PhD’s assertion that benzodiazepines are “safe” and then most likely look at the comments as many of us do nowadays.
Debbie Yordy FORT MYERS, FL
My best friend died because of this drug and he left a family grieving behind
I watched my son go through this – helll on earth.
Rachel Stanley WESTERVILLE, OH
My uncle committed suicide after being taken off Valium cold turkey. He was disabled and had been on them 17 years for muscle spasms. Due to an error in a drug test he had to wait to get more for 2 weeks. He made it only 6 days. Please don’t let this happen to any one else’s family.
Adam Chaparro DYER, NV
My wife life changed forever because of benzos. She will never be the same
donna wilkins WEST CARROLLTON, OH
My husband completed suicide after being taken off Valium. He was disabled and had been on them 17 years for muscle spasms. Due to an error in a drug test he had to wait to get more for 2 weeks. He made it only 6 days. This means alot to me.
debbie christopher BRISTOL, UNITED KINGDOM
i an involuntary prescription addict to valium and it has ruined my life and my childrens and to say the drugs are SAFE and NON ADDICTIVE is a JOKE
Benzodiazepine withdrawl has been the worst experience of my life.
Benzodiazepines are already over-prescribed in Canada. The article seeks to expand their use. Given the common failure to inform patients of the risks of dependency on benzodiazepines, an expansion of their use would produce an even larger problem with dependency.
Diana Goodavage MADISON, WI
All of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are extremely dangerous. They change the brain in ways that we do not even understand.
I’m crying while reading these comments from the other petitioners. This article is so obscene, suggesting that what these people went through was caused by something “safe”.
Leah Friedman LOS ANGELES, CA
It is so very vital that the truth be known about the horrific dangers of Benzodiazepines especially when it comes to our precious kids, moms, dads, families, friends, everyone.
Marjorie Chaparro DYER, NV
I am a Benzo withdrawal survivor
Scott Hopkinson PAHOA, HI
PLEASE do not support or “broadcast” a message as devastatingly harmful as “benzos are safe and effective”. The past two years of my life are the only proof I need to know the truth.
Because I was wrongfully prescribed a mass dose for 14 years and almost paid with my life. Now I am on a taper plan to heal and recover. THIS MEDICATION NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!
I have gone through benzo dependence and withdrawal. The panic attacks are one of the worst life experiences you can imagine.
I withdrawal from xanax a benzo and it was terrifying. two years clean and still have issues. These drugs are NOT safe and ARE addictive! I went through literal hell from these and still am.
Randall Sturdevant BINGHAMTON, NY
Klonopin destroyed my life and soul.
It is so important that the truth be known of the dangers of benzo diazepine medications. Misleading and false information will cause harm to so many more.
Donna Versace CHARLOTTE, NC
I am one of the many of thousands who suffered horrifically while tapering off of a benzodiazepine. I only took 0.5 mg. of Klonopin daily for 2 months yet it took 9 long hard months of suffering to taper off of. Several times of feeling suicidal and having to call suicide hotlines due to the withdrawal symptoms.
As someone still going through withdrawal from ambien and klonopin after an 8 month slow taper, and 7 months since my last dose, I was grossly offended by this article, and it’s claim that benzos are in any way safe medications.
Gretchen Wiseman PRINCETON, WV
My mother was effected by this drug. It’s real, silently. If you try to tell me it’s not than please tell what we have been barely surviving for the last three years.
Many people around the globe have become tolerant to and dependent on benzos, they have immense trouble getting off them, they take months and years to recover, this article is an insult to their suffering.
Jennifer turton LANTANA,, FL
11 years of benzo use and 2 years of getting off and still recovering.
Mary Saunders PORTLAND, OR
Oregon budget cuts hit abruptly some years ago, so some medications became unavailable. One man died of seizures in withdrawal. This is not a minor issue.
Kenneth W Thomas RN CLEARWATER, FL
Misinformation about the withdrawal effects can lead to more deaths. Truth needs to be told at all times.
Diana Howland BEDFORD, MA
Cognition and memory are important. We did not know we were at risk to lose these faculties.
Nicole Elliott LONDON, CANADA
I went through benzo withdrawal myself, and nearly killed myself several times because of it. It’s NOT a drug that should be taken – by anyone.
Scott MacLachlan VALENCIA, CA
Regarding your, “Benzo Hysteria” article.
I’ve run a Facebook group (440+ members) since 2010, and cannot describe the devastation caused to so many and their families by the daily prescribing of benzos. It’s truly reckless to state that “benzos are among the safest and most effective drug classes in the history of psychopharmacology.” For once, could someone put the patient’s needs in front of the stockholder’s? Our group consists not only of hard working mom’s & dad’s, but lawyers, stockbrokers, dentists, let alone a professor of psychiatry at a prominent US university.
If you haven’t, please read, (page 4 under “Benzodiazepines”) for a more accurate gage as to how many people are affected by not only prescribed use, but more so the discontinuation of benzodiazepines, which are too often horrific. All of us who work in benzo recovery (as well as those who continue to suffer) would greatly appreciate a retraction, or at least, an article addressing the reality that is Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome.
Scott Douglas MacLachlan (former psychiatric worker)
Took a benzo for 4 months as Dr prescribed. I suffer every single day. Every single day.
Suffering the devastation myself from these dreadful drugs and feeling very angry about an article that is not only misinformed but very dangerous.
Gretchen Wiseman FAYETTEVILLE, GA
Benzos are dangerous.
Because these medications stole over a year and a half of my life from me and caused me a great deal of pain, both physical and emotional. This information is very much misleading and full of ignorance.
I am two years off 18 years of prescribed klonopin use. I’m still unable to work due to pain, fatigue, burning skin, muscle spasms, weakness, blurred vision and depression. I was never like this pre klonopin . I’ve lost all material wealth and have been denied disability. I went from being a leader in my field to food. Stamps.
Kathleen Bock NORTHFIELD, VT
Poisoning people for profit is part of a world lacking in beauty and humanity. This is not what we are meant to be. Lying about the poisoning for profit should never ever appear in a publication such as Psychology Today. You already have enough. Enough loyal readers. My Uncle subscribed to your magazine for years. God rest his soul. He would be turning in his grave to read this. You have enough amazingness to write about. Be a part of a world in truth and beauty and true health. Tell the true stories of those who are healed – surprise surprise because our brains are actually changed by being treated with kindness and respect or being mistreated and abused! Don’t let yourself be bought. Where will you enjoy your money in a world made so ugly by such things?
Jennifer Huddleston AUSTIN, TX
Because I’ve seen first hand how life altering and damaging Benzos are. They are extremely dangerous and need to be talked about on a more public level.
sarah pearson LOS ANGELES, CA
This is false and dangerous information leading to a public health epidemic.
Psi. Guadalupe Navarro MEXICO
because I have seen lots of patients going to withdraw from benzodiazepene, who have gotten the prescriptions from their medical doctor
Jim Gottstein ANCHORAGE, AK
The false information in this article that benzodiazapines are safe and non-addictive is very harmful.
Gretchen Wiseman FAYETTEVILLE, GA
I signed for awareness that false medical information is knowingly being published in a national magazine by the publishers for money.
because these so called doctor should be more aware abouty the dangers of benzodiacepines and be more careful aboutrecomending them, and educate himself better,
ty johnson SAN ANGELO, TX
21 years of my life lost because of this drug,Nothing compares.NOTHING!!!
Karen Kennedy SAN DIEGO, CA
I have struggled to get off Klonipin for over 2 years. This drug has taken everything from me, my health, creativity career, love of life. These drus should not be onthemarket, theyhavecaused so much untold. Suffering!
Melody Spangler BROWNSBURG, IN
I had a friend who spent a year going through withdrawal and is still dealing with effects
Ruth Hetrick DUBLIN, PA
Because the article is not true…many many people are harmed by these drugs…
david stokes ATLANTA, GA
Benzos are not safe due to my own experience with this dangerous destructive drug!
linda lenox LA CROSSE, WI
Benzo has wrecked my life
Angela Medalla HICKSVILLE, NY
Benzos together with all Benzos & all Psychiatrist drugs are dangerous & malignant for our health.
Dorte Bjørgulf Søgaard AARHUS, DENMARK
It is a complete lie and a brutal mockery of the many suffering from the impact of the dangerous stuf. It is known, benzo is more addictive than heroine. Wouldn’t there be a war going on, if I turned it that way to suggest to take heroine instad of benzo?
Chris Bryant CONCORD, CA
The specific benzodiazepine, clonazepam–which I was prescribed, took (for 7 montths) as directed, and then withdrew (quite agonizingly) has profoundly injured my overall health. These substances are destructive, long-term neuro-toxins–neurotoxins which make the Pharmaceutical corporations billions every year. Beware–and be aware.
The article is perverse, with false information. It is written by a doctor who labels people desiring to discontinue benzodiazepines, a controlled substance, as “hysterical,” hence the name “Benzo Hysteria.”
This article is irresponsible and plain wrong
Wendy Beveridge SAN DIEGO, CA
This is important to me because by taking my prescription benzo medications exactly as prescribed, and never abusing them, I still became terribly dependent upon them, and since going off of them (which was nearly unbearably difficult) I have since been suffering a “Post Withdrawal Syndrome” for a number of years now. This has been a devastating experience. My doctors never warned me of this risk.
betty wiseman FAYETTTEVILLE, WV
False and misleading medical information.
betty wiseman FAYETTTEVILLE, WV
Please retract this article. It has false and misleading information.
Nancy Minihane BRIGHTON, MA
Because Iknow what it is to go through the hell that is benzo cold turkey withdrawal. I’m now doing a tapering schedule (Ashton Manual) that is the only way I can get through this without pain, seizures, or death.
Signing this petition to open eyes of the health industry that benzodiazepines can be so hard to withdraw from for certain individuals. We are or still are in hell.
This quote from the article, ‘Benzo Hysteria’, goes against most, if not all, common medical opinion, and should not be publicized!
“The benzos are among the safest and most effective drug classes in the history of psychopharmacology”
This is important to me simply because I once had two good friends who are now dead because of benzo withdrawal. The terror and depression of benzo withdrawal were beyond horrendous, and the hopelessness of the suffering was so overwhelming that they took their own lives. The second one hanged herself on Good Friday in a closet. If you believe that something that would cause even one person to suffer indescribably before he or she surrenders and takes his or her life is safe and effective, you are more mentally ill and heartless than anyone who has ever hoped that such a medication might help them. If you would like to see her obituary, I will send it to you. I will never hear her voice again. Safe and effective?
Of course, I have also gone through a horrendous 2-year withdrawal from benzos. The depression was beyond description and caused me to become suicidal on three separate occasions. But, I made it through. Many don’t make it. The pure fear and depression are just too much. I have lost touch with others on some of the forums. I suspect some of them committed suicide as well. This author can be as smug as he wishes and hide behind his own vain psychiatric babblings and cite the babblings of other so-called experts in psychiatry, but he knows the truth. I don’t even have to spell it out for him or any psychiatrist. Once their words and phrases are carefully scrutinized and brought to light, there is nothing there of any substance or with any meaning.
People are surrendering their humanness, suffering and dying at the hands of psychiatrists who know very well that it is happening. They know that they are complicit in these things. Science affords them no defense. It is only a matter of time till the house falls. They know these things.
Its bad that people have to go through so much for something they didnt know about
Jennifer Roeder DURANOG, CO
Because its a known fact that Benzodiazepines are disabling and deadly.
false information in this article. (I am not associated in any way with CCHR)
false information
Nancy Rubenstein Del Giudice ANCHORAGE, AK
I started this petition after two years of being in benzo withdrawal and working with others. I have met so many, many people and heard their stories of many others. After studying as much as I could I began coaching people through their own withdrawals; sharing resources, safe practitioners (there are hardly any), and providing support. There are many doing what I do. Most people help others after the benzo hell they went through alone. Friends tend to disappear, even family fades away , as the medical community continues to hawk these poisons. Dr. Shorter, in his Psychology Today article “Benzo Hysteria” claims that these drugs are safe and effective.This is outrageous. This is not fact based, and should be a complete embarrassment to Psychology Today, which has harmfully misled the readers their mission is to educate.There is no published information on benzo withdrawal (yet)of serious note, other than Professor Heather Ashton”s manual (from the UK), which never had a random controlled trial. We respectfully entreat Psychology Today to retract this article and begin to face the reality of this epidemic of suffering and the dire need for resources, research and, most of all, understanding.
Adam Dickerson FORT WORTH, TX
Benzos are NOT SAFE!!!
From the article: “The benzos are among the safest and most effective drug classes in the history of psychopharmacology.”.
This is a flat out lie!
Nancy Rubenstein Del Giudice ANCHORAGE, AK
Benzo withdrawal and protracted withdrawal syndromes represent a growing public health epidemic.