
For a limited time, you can buy To Whisper Her Name (A Belle Meade Plantation Novel Book 1) Kindle book written by Tamera Alexander for only $1.99 (87% off) from Amazon.

About the book:

USA Today Bestseller

From the USA Today bestselling author of A Lasting Impression and A Beauty So Rare comes an exquisite historical novel set against the real history of Belle Meade Plantation in Nashville, TN that explores the struggles of real people of the post-war South and the journeys of a man and a woman scarred by betrayal.

Olivia Aberdeen, destitute widow of a man shot as a traitor to the South, is shunned by proper society and gratefully accepts an invitation from “Aunt” Elizabeth Harding, mistress of Belle Meade Plantation. Expecting to be the Harding’s head housekeeper, Olivia is disillusioned when she learns the real reason Elizabeth’s husband, Confederate General William Giles Harding, agreed to her coming. Not finding the safe haven she expects, Olivia is caught off guard by her feelings for Ridley Adam Cooper, a Southern man who seems anything but a Southern gentleman.

Branded a traitor by some, Ridley Cooper, a Southern son who chose to fight for the Union, is a man desperate to end the war still raging inside him. Determined to learn “the gift” that Belle Meade’s head horse trainer and former slave, Bob Green, possesses, Ridley harbors secrets that threaten both their lives.

As Ridley seeks to make peace within himself for “betraying” the South he loved, Olivia is determined to never be betrayed again.

Please note: Kindle prices tend to change quickly, so be sure to check that the total still says $1.99 before you “purchase” it.  If you do accidentally purchase a Kindle book after the price has increased, you do have a short amount of time to request a refund from Amazon.

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Between the FREE books from Amazon and Kindle books I’ve checked out from the library, I’ve been having so much fun reading on my iPad.  I really thought I wouldn’t like not having a physical book, but I love it.

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