

The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 6:00 pm at the Kristenwood Meeting Facility, 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd, Central, LA 70739 to consider the following item(s):

SS-8-16 Subdivision of Tract A-1-A-4-A of the Former Evans White Estate Property This property is located on the east side of Blackwater Road between the Dyer Road and Carey Road intersections in Section 25, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting to subdivide one tract into 3 lots for single family residential land use on an existing private servitude of access. (Applicant: Adam Rabalais)

SS-9-16 Subdivision of Tract 5-C-1-A and Tract 5-C-1-B of the Former J.J. Kent Property This property is located on the south side of Greenwell Springs-Port Hudson Road west of the Joor Road intersection in Section 7, T5S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting to subdivide two tract into 3 lots for single family residential land use and dedicate a private servitude of access with existing structures. (Applicant: Mark McDaniel)

CUP-1-16 Conditional Use Permit for a Daiquiri Shop This property is located at 14790 Wax Road in Suite 106 of the Wax Pointe Shopping Center on a portion of Lot Y which is on the south side of Wax Road between the Sullivan Road and West Brookside Drive intersections in Sections 8 & 9, T6S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting conditional use approval for liquor sales for a daiquiri shop in the B3 (General Commercial Business Three) Zoning District. (Applicant: Brian Clovatre)

PUD-4-15 Final Development Plan: The Settlement on Shoe Creek This property is located on the west side of Sullivan Road near the Brent Avenue intersection on Tract A-4-A of the former Hutchinson and Williams Property and a portion of Tract 1 of the former Quentin Bourke Property located in Sections 68 and 69, T6S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is seeking conditional use approval through a Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan consisting of 36 single family residential lots with a 92,000 square foot assisted care living facility and rezone 6.1 acres from the R1 (Single Family Residential One) Zoning District to the R2 (Single Family Residential Two) Zoning District. (Applicant: Prescott Bailey, Southern Lifestyle Development)

PUD-1-16 Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan: The Lakes at Woodland Grove (Deferred from the March 24, 2016 Zoning Commission Meeting by the Applicant) This property is located on the north side of Wax Road between the Sullivan Road and Old Wax Road intersections on Tracts A-1-A-1 and a portion of Tract A-1-A-2 of the Milton G. Harelson Property in Sections 4 and 9, T6S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting to rezone portions of the aforementioned tracts from R/A (Rural Agricultural) Zoning District to R1 (Single Family Residential District One) and R3 (Single Family Residential District Three) through a conditional use PUD Preliminary Plan consisting of 175 single family residential lots with an office park. (Applicant: Blake Seguin, Central Development Group)

PUD-2-16 Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan: Arden Oaks This property is located between the southern end of Brennen Drive of the Hampton Village Estates 4th Filing Subdivision and the northern end of Bretshire Drive of the Comite Hills 2nd Filing Subdivision on Tract Z-1-B-2 of the former George B. Cooke Property in Section 46, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting to rezone from R1 (Single Family Residential District One) to R2 (Single Family Residential District Two) through a conditional use PUD Final Development Plan consisting of 79 single family residential lots. (Applicant: Mark Willie, Arden Oaks LLC)

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