Westeros, the fictional realm from Game of Thrones, is known mostly for its beheadings, psychopaths, and gruesome murders. For some reason tourists are eager to visit writes Samantha Shankman:
Parts of the show are filmed in Ireland and the country is looking to play up the connection.
Ireland’s tourism board is launching a social media campaign that shows visitors where Game of Thrones filming locations are in the real world.
A challenge for the country is that people may not realize that the places depicted in the show are real places that people can visit.
Ireland isn’t the first to have this idea. Travel agencies have long offered “Game of Thrones” tours to Ireland, Croatia, and other places where the show is filmed.
However this is the first time the government of Ireland is actively trying to promote its connection to the show.
It is perhaps being inspired by New Zealand where a record number of tourists visited in part because it is the home of The Hobbit movies.
Read more about the social media campaign, what it will aim to do, and more over here.
Source: Quartz