For Immediate Release
For more information contact:
Adam Savit / / 814-777-3988
58 National Security and Public Policy Leaders Sign Letter Urging Senators to Reject Nomination of Samantha Power
Today, a group of national security leaders, public policy organizations and influential citizens led by the Center for Security Policy sent a letter to all United States Senators urging them to oppose the nomination of Samantha Power to be the next U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
The signatories expressed strong concerns about previous statements made by Ms. Power, including those comparing what she viewed as the “criminal” behavior of the United States to that of Nazi Germany, asserting that American power must be subordinated to the dictates of the “international community,” and lumping Israel’s “sins” in the war on terror with those of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, and former Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, stated:
“It is imperative that the American people be presented with the stark contrast between the views of President Obama’s nominee to be the next U.S. Ambassador at the United Nations, and those of generations of our countrymen and women, who have fought for this country’s sovereignty and helped achieve — and believed in — its greatness. Samantha Power’s record suggests that she is better suited to represent the virulently anti-American UN to the United States, rather than the other way around.
The signatories of this letter believe the U.S. Senate must repudiate such sentiments and the damage they can do if allowed to encourage anti-American agendas at the UN, both for the United States and other freedom-loving peoples, notably those of Israel.
The letter is an updated version of one unveiled on the occasion of an expert panel briefing at the National Press Club on July 3. The press conference included remarks by: Hon. Allen West, USA (Ret.), former Member of Congress; Former U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amb. Jose S. Sorzano, who served with Amb. Jeanne Kirkpatrick; Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, USA (Ret.), former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence; best-selling author and syndicated columnist Diana West; and Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America.
On that occasion, Rep. West stated: “Ms. Power has consistently shown a disdain for American strength, and even worse exemplified a troubling manner towards our greatest ally, the State of Israel. She is the wrong choice for these troubling times…Samantha Power possesses no ability whatsoever to present a strong American character in a body politic replete with autocrats, theocrats, despots and dictators.”
The proceedings were covered by C-SPAN and can be viewed in their entirety here:
A copy of the letter from the group to Senators can be found below.
For further background on Samantha Power please consult:
One-page talking points flyer (Center for Security Policy)
Detailed dossier (Ilana Freedman, Gerard Direct)
Opposition research [1] [2] (Zionist Organization of America)
Fact sheet (Endowment for Middle East Truth)
Tell Your Senators: Reject Samantha Power | Sign the Petition Now
About the Center for Security Policy:
The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit
Dear Senator:
As you know, President Obama has declared his intention to nominate Samantha Power to be the next U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations. In light of her low regard for our country, her animus towards one of our most important allies, Israel, and her affinity for those who would diminish our sovereignty and strengthen our adversaries, we consider her to be a wholly unacceptable choice for this sensitive post and urge you to reject this nomination.
Of course, almost since its inception, the United Nations has been dominated by member states, organizations and personalities who share Dr. Power’s sentiments. We do not need to add to their number – especially as the representative of the American people – someone who shares their transnationalist agenda, with all that implies for our interests and freedoms.
That is particularly the case at this moment in history. Freedom-loving nations are under assault – arguably as never before – from totalitarian adversaries, Islamist ideologues, terrorist groups and other enemies. Such foes have found legitimacy and sustenance in the United Nations. And their agendas are routinely adopted as the agendas of this so-called “world body,” rather than ones that are actually in the interest of our country and allies.
Rep. LTC (R) Allen B. West
José S. Sorzano, Former U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin, US Army (Ret.)
Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, US Navy (Ret.)
Diana West, syndicated columnist and author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character
Morton Klein, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)
Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Brigitte Gabriel, President and Founder, ACT! for America
Gary L. Bauer, President, American Values
Ginni Thomas, Liberty Consulting
Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum
Jim Backlin, Christian Coalition of America
Louis Celli, Legislative Director, The American Legion
Frank Gaffney, President, Center for Security Policy
Clare Lopez, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy
Stephen Coughlin, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy
David Yerushalmi, Esq., General Counsel, Center for Security Policy
Sarah Stern, President, Endowment for Middle East Truth
Adam Turner, Counsel, Endowment for Middle East Truth
Kyle Shideler, Director of Research and Communications, Endowment for Middle East Truth
John D. Fonte, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Anita MonCrief, Senior Advisor, True the Vote
Ilana Freedman, Editor,
Kenneth R. Timmerman, President, Foundation for Democracy in Iran
Helen Freedman, Executive Director, Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI)
Jane Hansen Hoyt, President/CEO of Aglow International
Tom Trento, The United West
Stuart Kaufman, The United West
Esther H. Levens, CEO and Founder, Unity Coalition for Israel
Beth Gilinsky, National Conference on Jewish Affairs
Irene Alter, National Conference on Jewish Affairs
Dan Pollak, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)
Brooke Goldstein, Director, The Lawfare Project
Katharine Cornell Gorka, The Westminster Institute
Paul Caprio, Patriotic Veterans
Kevin L. Kearns, President, United States Business and Industry Council
Sandy Rios, Family Pac Federal
Jerome B. Gordon, Senior Editor New English Review, and author of The West Speaks
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Founder and President, Voice of the Copts
Michael G. Hoehn, Esq., Executive Director, Alliance For Vigilance
Richard Viguerie,
Elaine Donnelly, Center for Military Readiness
Blake Ortner, Senior Legislative Director, Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pete Hegseth, CEO, Concerned Veterans for America
Janet Porter, Faith2Action
Larry Cirignano, President, Faithful Catholic Citizens
Richard and Susan Falknor, Publishers, Blue Ridge Forum
Susan Carleson, Chairman and CEO, American Civil Rights Union
C. Preston Noell III, Tradition, Family and Property
Dr. Charles Jacobs
Ann Corcoran, Refugee Resettlement Watch
Karen Hughes, President, Mount Pleasant 912 Project
Alyssa A. Lappen, investigative journalist
Deborah Weiss, attorney and journalist
Dr. Steven Moysey, counterterrorism consultant
Lisa Benson, national security speaker/radio talk-show host
Pamela Hall, blogger/activist/photographer
Melissa Ortiz, Founder, Able Americans