This month at the Gluten-Free Menu Swap, we’re exploring specific gluten-free diets. So far, this month, we’ve explored the Paleo Diet, the Low FODMAPs Diet, and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). This week, I’m trying the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet.
The AIP diet starts with the usual Paleo restrictions (no grains, no dairy, no sugar, no legumes) and adds no nuts, no seeds, no eggs, no sweeteners, no nightshades, no chocolate, no coffee, no vegetable oils, no processed foods, no alcohol, and no NSAIDS. Whoa! That’s a lot of foods to worry about! And no chocolate?!! Ugh. So, why would you want to try this diet?
Well, this diet is specifically for people who have developed autoimmune diseases, and need to remove inflammation in the body, in order to manage their symptoms. However, some people without a diagnosed autoimmune disease like to use this diet as an elimination diet. That is, they remove all the foods that are suspects of causing problems for them. Their body starts to heal after removing the bad stuff. Then, they slowly start reintroducing foods to see how their body reacts. It can be a very effective way of identifying foods that trigger bad responses in your body — inflammation, digestive issues, skin and allergy reactions, etc.
What can you eat on this diet? Think of the basics. Fresh foods.
Meats — Try grass-fed, all natural meats for best results.
Vegetables — All but nightshades (no tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, and any spices from seeds and chilis) are allowed.
Fruits — All fruits are allowed, but don’t consume too much.
Oil/Fats — Avoid vegetable oils. Instead use olive oil, avocado, bacon fat, coconut oil, and possibly ghee.
Sweeteners — Use only small amounts of honey and maple syrup.
Herbal and Green Teas
Herbs — Fresh is best, and avoid the seeds.
It may seem pretty restrictive, but if you are dealing with some serious symptoms, you might just be willing to take the plunge. A week is not really long enough to try any diet for health reasons. Some people may start to see results in a couple weeks. But, if your body is in need of long term healing, it may take months. If you’re thinking about trying it for an extended period of time (6 – 24 months), it’s best to consult with your doctor.
I have trouble lasting for more than a couple weeks on the regular Paleo diet. I’m always sooo hungry! I just can’t seem to get enough calories. But, I have suspected that I have issues with nightshade vegetables, so I thought I’d give it a try. I wasn’t sure I could even come up with a menu. But, I think I’ve got a plan for this week that will work. And, since I cheated so badly on last week’s SCD menu plan, I’m ready to cut back on the starchy carbs again.
For more information on AIP and recipe ideas, check these resources:
AIP Lifestyle: Jessica Flanigan, a clinical nutritionist shares information, recipes, and tips for living a paleo lifestyle to manage autoimmune diseases.
Alt-ternative Autoimmune: I love how Angie describes Paleo as a template for creating a diet and lifestyle that works for you.
Autoimmune Paleo: Great print-out guides to help plan your meals, or take to the grocery store with you when shopping. Good source for recipes, too.
PaleoNonPaleo: a great interview and FAQs with Paleo Mom.
Paleo Mom Recipes: Look for recipes that indicate they are Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) -friendly. Also helpful, is a list of spices allowed on the AIP diet.
Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtables at Phoenix Helix
30 AIP Paleo Breakfast Ideas at Salixisme
Practical Paleo is more than a cookbook! It explains, in detail, about digestion, leaky gut, blood sugar regulation, etc. It also provides 30-day meal plans for specific health issues — including Autoimmune, Blood Sugar Regulation, Thyroid Health, MS, Fibromyalgia, Athletic Performance, Squeaky Clean Paleo, and more! It contains tear-out guides for Paleo foods (including foods marked for nightshades and FODMAPs), Sweeteners, and Gluten. And, it’s full of recipes, too! Each recipe is marked for nuts, eggs, nightshades, and FODMAPs. Very useful, with lots of great recipes, and ideas. You’ll find more of her recipes at Balanced Bites.
Some Paleo AIP Recipes I Need to Try:
AIP Carnitas Tacos at AIP Lifestyle
Broiled Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus Spears at Nom Nom Paleo
Lemon Asparagus Saute with Bacon at Paleo Living Magazine
Cilantro-Lime Cauliflower Rice at Popular Paleo
Roasted Cauliflower with Bacon and Garlic at Steamy Kitchen
Roasted Cauliflower Steaks at Whole Foods Market
Spaghetti Squash with Basil Avocado Sauce at Livin’ the Crunchy Life
Don’t forget to check below our menu for more gluten-free menus, meals, and ideas for Paleo AIP meals.
Celiac Family’s Menu This Week:
Simple Asparagus
Easy Garlic Shrimp
Salmon with Dill
Monday – Bacon-wrapped Chicken Tenders, Roasted Cauliflower, Asparagus (no parmesan)
Tuesday – Easy Garlic Shrimp (olive oil, no butter), Spaghetti Squash instead of noodles
Wednesday – Chicken Lettuce Wraps, Avocado, Cilantro
Thursday – Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry, Ginger Garlic Cauliflower Rice
Friday – Grilled Pork Chops, Roasted Winter Squash, Spinach and Bacon Sauté
Saturday –Salmon with Lemon and Dill, Cauliflower Rice, Garlic & Dill Zucchini
Sunday – leftovers
Gluten Free Menu Swap Roundup
Check back later to see who else may be sharing their gluten-free menus, recipe links, and ideas for Paleo AIP meals.
Want to join Gluten-Free Menu Swap?
For this week’s roundup, email your menu link to celiacfamily[AT]gmail[DOT]com. Or, simply put your menu link in the comments below.
Join us next week for sharing gluten-free menus and recipes with Cauliflower.
The Gluten-Free Menu Swap Page has the current schedule of themes and hosts. If you’d like to host a future week, please send me an email (celiacfamily[AT]gmail[DOT]com) with your preferred date and theme.
Need more menu ideas?
Laura at hosts Menu Plan Monday every week. You’ll find links to hundreds of meal plans (not necessarily gluten-free) there.
Or, check out some of my past menu plans.