
“Think and Speak from the Heart” – By Dipali

Declarations of love and praise are like passionate fiery embers that glow and light up the darkness. Receiving even one word that is uttered from unconditional love ignites the remembrance sweetness, tenderness and innocence of our true nature as Soul. For the words or communication, to uplift self or others, be sure what you say is genuine in nature. It is also important to have the wisdom to know when to speak, when to listen and when to observe golden silence. During a retrograde phase, we are to be more reflective and contemplative. And with Mercury retrograde in Leo, it is about words that sincerely flow from feelings within the heart.

With the symbolism of Mercury in Leo, we are invited to add some creative flair to our thinking and conversations and do so with all of our heart. We may be magnetically drawn to having lively conversations which are big, bold and dramatic. We are encouraged to be generous and kind with our praise and communication both to self and others.  To think and speak from the heart (Leo), is to embrace verbally expressing our passion and having the courage to say what we need to say and stand behind our choices. It is important to create a healthier relationship between the mind (logic) and heart (feeling) so they work together in harmony and unity.

If we look at the symbolism around a retrograde planet “the illusion of it slowing down or going backwards” it tells us a lot about how overall energy flow is moving. In this case, Mercury retrograde symbolizes a time of introspection on a mental energy level which gives us three weeks of pampering our nervous system to become recharged. For those born with a Natal Mercury Retrograde – generally speaking you may be very communicative and chatty now.

Mercury retrograde is not to blame, nor is any other planet in Astrology. Take it as a symbolic meaning to help you understand what shift in Consciousness is happening and how it influences your life. If you give your power away and blame or dump onto a retrograde phase you will feel very helpless. Take back your power by working with the symbols in Astrology so they are empowering to you.

Mercury in Leo:

-  “Think like a Leader.“  A leader is not only charismatic, but also authentic and has compassion when governing over anyone. We are invited to ‘think like a leader’ in our daily lives. Being generous, honest, loyal and dignified, people want to listen and pay attention to what is being said. Speak our truth with love and respect. Think about what love without limits and conditions represents. And finally, to allow our own unique style to be expressed with confidence.

When Mercury in Leo is Off-Balance: overly fixed perception(s) or rigid thinking, false mental pride, over-inflated, over exaggeration, embellishment to the point of lies, false pride, intolerance, does not want to share the  excess fake sugar words or communication, must be in the spotlight and can’t share with anyone else, domineering and overly rigid.

From a higher perspective, each astrology cycle is full of rich potential of positivity and empowerment. It begins with your use of will to choose something loving. The Mercury retrograde phase can be highly expressive and freedom oriented and conveying what’s in our hearts, which will ultimately help us to break new ground later in August 2012.

Mercury/Uranus Aries: make an initial conjunction (with total of three) to ignite the Retrograde phase in a way. We may be in for a few surprises and shocking revelations. Mercury (our personal microphone and communication) with Uranus (shocking, illuminating, lightening fast). Words may tumble out in a flash before you can screen or edit. There may be breakdown to lead you to the breakthrough. It is worth noting that Mercury will go retrograde making while making an aspect to Uranus in Aries retrograde (Uranus turns retrograde a day beforehand). This increases the twinges and rumblings of unpredictability and possible adjustment in thinking or planning. On a global level, it is possible that there can be unexpected weather flux with increase in heat, fire related news such as rapidly spreading of wildfires or magma bubbling out of a volcano.

Mercury/Pluto symbolism suggests adjustments in perception, patience and thinking. There is a need to re-direct thoughts ,thinking and mental attitudes to balancing the grand vision with pragmatism. Be realistic with what you think you want or desire.

Combine them together:

Mercury Retrograde/Uranus/Pluto and we have potential for a major re-wiring so that the heart (feeling) and mind (logic) work side by side instead of a gap or disconnect. As we begin with a stale outworn perception or mental attitude, there will be a break down to rebirth so we can truly. There is incredible energy for radical quick thinking as well as tremendous tension to make major decisions which will be ultimately more loving to yourself and others.

Few challenges that may come up:

~Rethinking love, romance and self-expression.

~Revelations or information that may shock or surprise and possibly offer confirmation.

~Possible for communications, projects or situations to stall, be delayed or move slow.

~ Person from your past  could reappear, to resolve or revisit an issue(s) regarding communication.

~Deeply stuck or stagnant perceptions or mental attitudes generate incredibly deep frustrations and agitations.

~Increase in unrest, or hyper-restlessness on the quest for freedom or expressing one’s truth.

~It is wise to learn how to speak with compassion and authenticity.


Quick Overview Mercury Retrograde: July 15th to August 8th, 2012

Retrograde: July 14th, 2012 at 12 degrees  Leo

Direct Station:  August 8th, 2012  at 1 degree Leo

Under this astrological phase, it is helpful to:

Give the nervous system some quiet time, meditate, relax, be non-linear and creative.

Clear out debris, clutter, shred old papers, clear away old paper-work.

Organize, sort, label and store

leave plenty of extra time for travel, in between appointments and triple check details around work/travel/emails.

People from the past revisit or resurface via communication

Revisit old issues and unresolved situations to bring healing and resolution

Revise, restore, review, recheck… all the “Re” activities is great to engage in under a Mercury Retrograde phase,

Where does this Retrograde Phase happen for you?

In your Natal/Birth Chart find the house that contains 9 – 15 degrees LEO . This is the Mercury retrograde will be symbolically re-tracing and putting you in touch with issues.

Mercury goes Direct at 1 degree Leo on August 8th, 2012. With Mercury in Leo, we are invited to speak authentically from our hearts and give recognition and express the love that we feel inside. Don’t let a day pass by without letting a loved one know how you feel about them.

~> Leave your comments or experience of the Mercury Retrograde here on the blog!

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Filed under: astrology transits, mercury retrograde

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