I am sitting here listening to the most beautiful sound I’ve heard for a long time. Not quite as beautiful as a laugh from the beautiful Baby B, but pretty amazing anyway. It is raining! When the raindrops hit the leaves they make such an incredible song, and it is all the more beautiful because of how much we need it. It’s been so dry that the bare patches in what SHOULD be front lawn are starting to crack. I have lived here my whole life and can honestly say that I don’t ever remember a summer quite as dry as this one. Also, I knew I loved the rain, but it is true that you don’t always know what you have until it is gone, and I know now without a doubt that I LOVE the rain. Sorry about yesterday. Sometimes it’s a matter of mental self-preservation to take a step back and just stop to focus on something else, even if that something else is an incredibly stupid movie. I’m making up for it today, so here’s your weekend edition of Celebrate Every Day – which includes everything we missed from yesterday.
Moments With Moose –
Moose is young enough that he isn’t familiar with the rain. He was SO young last time it really came down, that he doesn’t quite remember what it was. This morning when we went outside he just stopped and sniffed the fresh, clean air, then looked at me with his head tilted off to one side, as if to say, “what’s this?” From there he proceeded to sniff everything in sight with an enthusiasm that made me smile. He was so cute.
Musings and Adventures of My Hubby –
In this series of posting my hubby’s musings and adventures, this one is next in line (I’m taking them in the order he originally posted them on Facebook), and though it isn’t winter now, I think the story is so funny that you’ll enjoy it. Keep in mind, this adventure really did happen – which makes it even better than if it were fiction.
Last night was epic, one for the history books, a tale for future generations told through written word and passed down in song. It began with the wife and I in… bed, Mama in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap, wait that was a different story, anyway, we were in bed sleeping. I awoke to a faint sound at 2 AM, it took me a second to pinpoint its location and identify it. One of the seismic detection indicators was going off, we had an intruder. My predator like instincts kick in, I go into stealth combat mode. I slip out of bed, quickly and quietly put on my night time winter camo; fleece pajama pants, dark blue with trees and snowflakes on them, a black t-shirt and my urban fur-lined combat slippers. Grab a hat with a stiff bill and my 4-in-1 Gerber tac-light clipped to it. I am now a shadow, quiet as a wraith, out of the bedroom down the hall, walking point. I have no cover or back-up, one is still in bed sleeping and my land-shark is dreaming of chasing bunnies and a bowl full of Milk-Bones, just me against the night and its malicious rogues. You invade my defenses, it is going down, GAME ON!! I grab Old Blue by the door, safety off, thumb on the weapon light switch, finger alongside the trigger guard, ready in a blink to unleash destruction. Slowly and quietly open one side of the French-doors, slicing the pie as I enter the arena of doom. I got you dead to rights, and now it is time to pay. Thumb the weapon light on and the chaos ensues, no time for sights in CQC, luckily I have learned to shoot instinctive over the years at these ranges. The scramble for cover as my combat reflex unleashes 5.1 grains of zinc plated, depleted aluminum, “B” allistic “B” adass at a laser like 180 fps. Center mass hit, what started as a scramble, is now a full on turbo-charged dash for cover. The masked bandits covered 15 yards in about 3 milliseconds, but I was quicker, rapid reload, another round downrange and hit on the fleet footed little thieves. They play hide and seek, probing my defenses for the next several minutes, getting 5.1 grains of terror for their efforts. 30 degrees out, ice on the field of battle, I feel no cold, just the cool calculations of ballistics and smooth trigger work I came to do. After 10 or so minutes, they gave up the assault and hopefully learned the error of their ways. I grab the bird feeders and return inside. Well played raccoons, but I am the ALPHA PREDATOR!!!
Happy Birthday R! Before I get started in on the weekend of celebrations – and there are a LOT of things to celebrate – I want to give a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow to my wonderful hubby, R. If anyone deserves a special day, it is him. He is choosing instead to work on the motor home so he can be sure it will be ready for our camping trip next month. He is doing such a good job! I will be baking him a special cake, and of course I got him a couple of gifts, but it is difficult to give a man who deserves the world enough to let him know how special he is to everyone he knows. R is the strongest, sweetest (though he doesn’t let everyone know that), kindest and most generous man I’ve ever met. He embraced being a step-father, but now we know to drop the “step” because he is a Dad through and through. The adoration on his face when he gazes on Baby B is incredible – the hat of Grandpa resting easily on his head. He plays cars and trains with E with amazing sound effects – which is what Grandpas are SUPPOSED to do, yet stays firm when necessary and in just the right way. This man makes me laugh every single day, sometimes while trying, but often just by letting his natural humor show through. He is the love of my life, my rock, my safe place and there are no words to adequately let him know how much I love him. Happy Birthday R. You deserve the world . . . I just wish I could give it to you, as you have given me more happiness than I ever knew was possible.
July 24th – Amelia Earhart Day – today is the birthday of the most famous American female aviator in history. Born in 1897, Amelia Earhart went missing on July 2, 1937 when she was attempting to fly around the world. She and her navigator were lost in the Pacific Ocean, heading towards a difficult leg of the journey towards Howell Island. Weather conditions were less than ideal. While they were still in radio communication, ships on the ground confirmed that she was having a difficult time finding the island. The radio communication faded and died, and her plane was never heard from again. The disappearance of her plane resulted in the largest search and rescue operation to date, with the U.S. Navy searching over 250,000 miles of ocean. It also started rumors about what caused the disappearance. Even now theories and speculation still exist about what happened – some of them even wonder if it was an alien abduction. Today we remember a tireless champion for women’s rights, paving the way for future women with dreams to do something to fulfill their dreams.
July 24th – Pie and Beer (and Pioneer) Day – Pioneer Day is held each year in Utah on July 24th, and is an official state holiday that commemorates the day in 1847 when Mormons entered the Salt Lake Valley. They have parades, plays reenacting the event, festivals and fireworks throughout the state to celebrate. They even close businesses and government offices! Because this celebration is tied to a specific religion – since the original pioneers that they are celebrating were all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who fled oppression in the east – not everyone felt included. Because of that, around a decade ago, finding themselves with a day off, pubs, restaurants and individuals began hosting “Pie and Beer” Day parties as an alternative. So why Pie and Beer? Well, they are two things that many people love to consume, but it’s also a play on words . . . “pie and beer” / “pioneer” . . . get it? I heard someone talking about this on the radio yesterday. She owns a pub in Utah and said that she found herself getting frustrated with the parade watchers would block the entrance to the pub, so she figured if she couldn’t beat them, she’d join them! She began serving Pie and Beer and encouraging people to come watch the parade from her pub, which they did, and turned it into a party that has become an annual event. This happens all over Utah and honestly it sounds like a lot of fun!
July 24th – Cousins Day – I am the oldest of all of my cousins. They were always enough younger than me that we were on different interest levels, but now as adults, I appreciate them so much! We “see” each other often on Facebook, and when we have occasional family gatherings it is always as if no time has passed and we are laughing and visiting, enjoying each other very much. Today is the day to honor your cousins, but wait! If you have cousins that means you’re a cousin too, so this is your day as well. If you can get together with your cousins today, and if not at least contact them and tell them how much you love and appreciate the big part they’ve played in your life.
July 24th – National Drive-Thru Day – How many times have you been in a hurry and you whipped through the drive-thru to grab a burger or a latte? I got to thinking about it one day and realized that each impulsive stop, oh-so-convenient since I didn’t have to get out of the car, was leading to SOOOOO many extra calories taken in. If it hadn’t been so convenient I wouldn’t have stopped and if I had REALLY wanted what was available at that stop, then it would have been worth pulling in, stopping and getting out to order in person. In our hurry hurry world, more and more things are as easy to get as that burger or drink. Today, depending on where you live, you can get more than just a burger and fries at the drive thru. You can get a six pack of beer, make a bank deposit, and even get married without having to take off your seat belt. There are drive thru libraries, art galleries, prayer booths, funeral parlors (seriously?) and strip clubs (eewwww). Stanford Hospital has even recently tested out a drive-thru emergency room to treat contagious patients during a pandemic or bio-terrorist attack. Wow! So who had the bright idea for the first the drive-thru? Well, Jack in the Box was America’s first drive-thru burger chain and they created “National Drive-Thru Day” to celebrate America’s love of convenience by vehicle. Some call it ease, some call laziness – but either way, it’s definitely something that has taken our country by storm!
July 24th – Tell An Old Joke Day – This one makes me giggle because over the years I have known several people who always have an old joke to tell. The funny thing is that sometimes they tell the same joke over and over, and they are always just as tickled by the telling as if it were the very first time they told it! That alone makes it worth laughing at, right? Today is just for the people who love to tell those old jokes – you know the ones . . . “Why Did The Chicken Cross the Road?” and “Knock Knock” jokes fit into that old category. Those jokes can call today “home” and be raised to either a new level, or if they truly aren’t funny, then they at least belong. Because it is healthy to laugh, and jokes play a very important part of our cultural identity, please take today to heart, tell some old jokes, and laugh! Here’s an old joke to get you through this celebration. “My psychiatrist told me I was crazy so I told him I wanted a second opinion. He said OK, you’re ugly too.” hahahaha OK, that’s mean, but it IS funny.
July 25th – Carousel Day (or Merry-Go-Round Day) – What a magical thing to celebrate! I love carousels, always have. There is an old classic wooden carousel at the Washington State Fair (see the picture to the left) – every time we go I would take a ride with the kids. It’s beautiful, with all the brightly painted animals and seats, the brass poles to hold onto. There’s another one that is set up every year at Westlake Center in Seattle during the Christmas season. It is absolutely magical! All of the trees on the block are all lit up with twinkle lights, Christmas music is piped in, and depending on the day, you may get to take a ride on the carousel while listening to Christmas carolers. The whole thought just puts a smile on my face! Truth is, you can’t get on a carousel without feeling wonderful when you get off. It just takes you back to childhood! There are some carousels that are considered to be National Historic Landmarks. William Schneider of Davenport, Iowa patented the modern carousel on July 25th, 1871. * Visit a classic wood carousel (from the 1800s to the 1940s) * Take a ride on a metal carousel (built in the 1940s to the 1960s)
July 25th – Culinarian’s Day – This is a day that EVERYONE can celebrate! It is for anyone who cooks. You don’t have to be a chef, just be able to make your way around a kitchen a little bit. We all have to eat, right? Eating out gets expensive, and honestly there isn’t any control over what is in the food when you eat out. We are a country that is getting more and more obese every year, so it really is time for more people to figure out how to do healthy cooking at home. This holiday is a great place to start! Get into your kitchen and celebrate by cooking up a storm! In my house EVERY day is Culinarian’s Day.
July 25th – National Day of the Cowboy – Is there anything more all American than Cowboys? I remember sitting with my Grandma (yes the wonderful woman I talk about so much) listening to her stories of when she was a young teen, riding the range with her brothers rounding up cattle. She, and men and women like her, epitomize the cowboy way of life and all that it represents – hard work, dedication and the drive that carved this nation out of the wilderness. This holiday started in 2004 when American Cowboy magazine began lobbying for a national resolution to preserve America’s cowboy, the cowboy’s courageous pioneering spirit and the nation’s Western heritage. This cause was taken up by Wyoming’s late U.S. Senator Craig Thomas. He sponsored resolutions in the U.S. Senate in 2005, 2006 and 2007. This year is the 9th annual Day of the Cowboy. Six states have passed the National Day of the Cowboy bill – Wyoming, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma and Oregon. There have also been either proclamations or resolutions from Kentucky, Indiana, Texas, Tennessee and Washington. Eventually it is hoped that the rest of the states will also jump on board. So what do you do to celebrate this one? Well, you could check the American Cowboy’s Magazine’s website to find out of there are any activities going on in your area. Some communities sponsor events that will feature picnics, campfires for cooking food or just sitting around, lessons in how saddle horses, roping, pitching horse shoes, cowboy crafts, etc. Honoring the cowboy and the cowboy way of life is definitely something to celebrate. This picture is of my hubby, the first day I met him. My heart does a bit of a pitter pat every time I see him – regardless of whether he’s wearing the cowboy hat or not. I have to say though – he really rocks that hat!
July 25th – Threading the Needle Day – No, this is not a day about sewing. Though threading the needle is definitely something that someone who sews does, but that’s a completely different celebration. “Thread The Needle” is a saying. It means to either walk a fine and awkward line between two things or issues, or to do something difficult. One example of that would be if you have two friends on opposite sides of an issue – you may have to “thread the needle” on the issue as you try to retain both of them as your friend. “Threading the Needle” is also a term used in billiards, referring to the precise shooting so an object ball is carefully shot through a narrow pathway. The term has been used in football and basketball, and apparently it is also a yoga pose! Wow! Quite the versatile little term!
July 26th – All or Nothing Day – Today is THE day! What day you ask? Well, the day to just GO FOR IT! Those dreams you’ve been thinking about and thinking you would chase down someday? Well, let today be that day. It’s the day to leap off the fence, make a plan, stop lollygagging and just go for it! Take inspiration from this day and leap in with both feet! What’s the worst that can happen? Nothing? It just doesn’t work out the way you want? Well, that’s going to happen if you DON’T go for it anyway right? What do you have to lose? It’s All or Nothing!
July 26th – Aunt and Uncle Day – What special people our aunts and uncles are! I have some really great ones. Some are funny, some are serious. Some are silly, some are a little distant. I’m in frequent contact with some, and not so much with others. I can imagine it is the same for most of you. We all have our FAVORITE aunt or uncle, and sometimes we have preferences for which ones to spend time with depending on what we are going to be doing. When I was growing up my Uncle A – who is only about 5 years older than I am – would have to play with me when we went to visit my Grandparents. He let me go up into his tree fort that he and his friends built – which was pretty special. I always looked forward to playing with him. My Uncle S, my father’s youngest brother, was also just a few years older than I am, would build the most amazing tents! We would use nearly every sheet and blanket in the house and take over the entire living room. Grandma was very understanding and just happy we weren’t fighting. My Aunt S – my father’s sister – she has always been there for me. She was always there to help me when I needed someone to talk to and had the best advice. Even now, I know I can go to her with anything and she’ll be there for me. My Uncle R and I have reconnected in the last couple of years, I’ve found out that that can happen when one ditches a horrible husband that nobody wants to be around, and gets a new one who everyone loves! I find myself getting so excited when he and his lovely wife – my Aunt M – are coming to visit! R and I went to Las Vegas with them last December – it was my first time. It was so much fun and I was able to get to know my Uncle and Aunt even better. I could run down the attributes of all of my family members, but I won’t. I know you have aunts and uncles of your own to appreciate today.
July 26th – Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day – Perthes disease- which is also known as Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, Calve Perthes disease or avascular necrosis – is a disorder that a childhood disorder that affects the head of the femur (the ball of the ball and socket joint of the hip). In Perthes disease the blood supply to the growth plate of the bone at the end of the femur becomes inadequate. The result is that the bone gets soft and breaks down. It isn’t clear why this happens in the femoral head because it doesn’t happen because of injury or from a general blood vessel problem. A child with this disease is usually otherwise quite healthy. Over several months the blood vessels re-grow and the blood supply returns to the “dead” bone tissue. New bone tissue is laid down and the femoral head re-grows/remodels over several years. This is very similar to how bone can heal from any normal fracture or break, but it does take longer. This isn’t actually a disease, but it was called that when it was first discovered, and like many such things, the name it was first given stuck. So, what are the symptoms of Perthes Disease? It starts with hip or grown pain and a limp. Sometimes the first symptom is knee pain. The pain continues and there may be wasting of the muscles in the upper thigh, shortening of the leg and stiffness in the hip. This can restrict movement and cause problems walking. When it’s been going on for a long time the leg that is affected may appear to be shorter and thinner than the one that is NOT affected. Now that I’ve told you WHAT this is, what I couldn’t find were any details on the Paddling for Awareness part! I must assume that someone, somewhere holds a special event to bring attention to this disease.
July 26th – Parent’s Day (4th Sunday in July) – I know we have Mother’s Day, and we have Father’s Day, but this is special and different. This isn’t just a Hallmark holiday intended to sell cards, candy and gifts. Today is the day to honor the importance of the family structure and family values, which are so important for the health of our children and of the nation. That structure and those values are established and nurtured by our parents. The best way to mark this day is by spending time with your parents, letting them know how much they are loved and appreciated. Since I’m unable to get up and go hang out with Mom and Dad today, they may come down to wish hubby a belated birthday and visit for a bit with us. I truly hope my parents know how much I love and appreciate them – but I’ll make sure they know it today, just in case. As an interesting side note, this day (the 4th Sunday in July) was proclaimed as National Parents Day in 1994 by President Clinton.
This Day In History –
7/24/1929 – Pres Hoover announces the Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounces war. (A lot of good that did….) 7/25/1814 – American forces defeat the British at the Battle of Niagara Falls (Lundy’s Lane) 7/25/1978 – Louise Joy Brown, the First “Test Tube” baby is born in Oldham General Hospital, UK 7/26/1775 – Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. 7/26/1952 – Mickey Mantle hits his first “Grand Slam”. 7/26/1967 – The Most Amazing Husband in the world was born – Happy Birthday R.
Food Celebration of the Day –
Friday – National Tequila Day – Remember this come flu season: During the 1918 worldwide flu epidemic, Mexican doctors prescribed doses of tequila as treatment. I had never heard of that so I went looking and did find this quote from a press release. Please keep in mind that the press release was put out by a tequila company . . . so take it as you will . . .”During the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic in Mexico, doctors prescribed ailing patients to drink a mixture of tequila, lime, and salt as a remedy, therefore making tequila a medicinal spirit. Qui, the world’s first platinum extra anejo tequila, is made from 100% agave, which is known to help reduce bacteria and relieve sore throats. Pair this with a powerhouse Vitamin C carrier such as freshly squeezed lime juice, and New Yorkers might be able to say goodbye to those saltines and ginger ale in no time! Or for those feeling feverish and restless, Qui Tequila can be used in a hot beverage with lemon and honey to help relax the body and rid it of toxins.” Since we make hot toddies to treat colds and such in our house, to me, this makes perfect sense!
Cilantro Grand Margarita
Rick Bayless’ Queso Dip With Tequila
Tequila Lime Chicken
Tequila Stinger
Tequila Lime Tart
Tequila Bars
Tequila Lime Shrimp Tacos With Orange-Jicama Salsa
25th – National Hot Fudge Sundae Day – Is there anything more delicious than hot fudge on ice cream? There’s something absolutely decadent about it, and satisfies that need for something cold, sweet, rich and absolutely calorically sinful. Mmmmm, vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, nuts sprinkled on top with whipped cream and a cherry! Oh my goodness, why-oh-why must I always be watching what I eat? My tummy just gurgled! While looking this up I found out something interesting. Hot Fudge sauce, Planters nuts, A-1 sauce and Kellogg’s corn flakes were all introduced in the United States in 1906! Here are some delicious ideas from www. food.com to tempt your taste buds today.
Hot Fudge Sauce
Hot Fudge Sundae Cake
Super Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae
Waffle Sundaes
Hot Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Passion Sundae
Baked Peanut Butter Banana Split
26th – National Coffee Milkshake Day – Early milkshakes had milk and flavoring in them. Ice cream wasn’t a popular ingredient until 1915 so it wasn’t even an option (imagine – life before ice cream! Yikes!) By 1920 ice cream parlors were adding either coffee or chocolate syrup to the shakes. The modern coffee milkshake can be easily made with coffee flavored ice cream and milk. You can also get a frappe at a coffee shop and enjoy a deliciously decadent creamy treat any time you like. Especially if you live in my area where there is a latte stand on nearly every corner. I’m not kidding. There really is. Sometimes more than one. Caffeine any time, anywhere. Yum! Here are some wonderful little treats to try from www.food.com!
Coffee Milkshake
Caramel Latte Milkshake
Cafe con Leche Milkshakes
Tiramisu Milkshake
Mocha Milkshake
Chocolate Espresso Mint Milkshake
Wow- that’s a lot to cover, but it gives us lots of possibilities to celebrate! The Coffee Milkshake is looking pretty good to me right about now, how about you? At the moment though, I have the final touches on the valances for the motor home to do, followed by baking hubby’s birthday cake! YUM! I’d better get busy! God Bless You and I’ll see you Monday!