
Here it is, Tuesday morning and I didn’t even get around to posting Monday’s celebrations yesterday.  Monday came along so fast that before I knew it Sunday evening was over and I hadn’t finished writing up Monday’s post! The good thing was that this weekend was so wonderful that it actually FELT like we had some time off!  Saturday we had our adventure with the trains, and Sunday hubby and I had a wonderful day that turned into a date day!  After doing some shopping, we ended up at a fairly new tap room near where we live (see review below), came home and enjoyed wine, cheese and bread night together.  While at the tap room we had a wonderful surprise!  Every once in awhile in this life everything lines up just perfectly and you run into strangers through a random comment to each other, and next thing you know, it’s been more than an hour of wonderful conversation, the discovery of many common interests, and the possibility of a new friendship.  A couple came into the tap room and asked for a a couple of beers – the same two we had tasted.  We both told them how good they were, they took their beers outside, we finished up and left.  On the way out we passed them and they told us thanks for the recommendation, and we began talking.  Before we knew it we’d exchanged numbers and I am truly hoping that we can continue our conversation on another evening over dinner.  So to J and A – thank you for a wonderful visit.  May it lead to many more!

Now we end up having to celebrate both Monday’s and Tuesday’s celebrations on Tuesday!

Local Business Review:  So Sunday afternoon on our way home from shopping, R and I visited a new-ish tap room that is in town.  Seven months is new-ish, right? We hadn’t heard about it until the other day from one of my friends though, so it’s definitely new to us. It is called Downpour Brewing (catchy!) and is in a great location in Kingston, WA. They have taken the old Hay and Feed store and turned it into an awesome place to sit and enjoy a beer and a pint of peanuts with friendly people.  My friends said it was a great place and I can say I wholeheartedly agree!  The beer was cold (though frosty glasses would have been awesome on a hot day), and was exceptionally good!  I love a dark, sweet Porter, and this one did not disappoint.  The Down Porter was smooth and sweet, with the lovely flavor blossoming on the taste buds.  I can honestly say I was sitting there building a cake recipe around it the entire time I sat there.  We also tried the MacCool’s Irish Red – though just a taster.  I may deviate from my usual porter the next time we go in, and get one of those. Pretty delicious!   Another fun thing about this place is the ambiance – their website says it is a “living room for the community” and that’s really what it felt like.  Comfortable and very laid back, they have a play corner for the kids which was being enthusiastically enjoyed by a few little ones.  Its rustic décor is a lovely memory to what the building was in years gone by, with the whimsical addition of open umbrellas hanging right side up from the ceiling, showing a sense of humor about the rain we get around here, and is testimony to the complete lack of superstition on the part of ownership and management.  Warning to those who ARE superstitious, bring a rabbits foot or something!  There are multiple non-alcoholic selections for the kids, or people who choose not to have a beer.  They allow you to bring in your own food if you choose also, so if you are hungry for something beyond peanuts, pretzels or pepperoni, you don’t have to go elsewhere, just bring along a tap room picnic!  As an extra bonus they have wi-fi, AND dogs are welcome!  The gentleman who served us had a sense of humor, was efficient, friendly and showed a genuine interest in what the customers were talking about.  I even saw him making notes of a few suggestions for places to possibly put their product on tap!  With the indoor or outdoor seating, plentiful parking in front, back or along the street, and the easy access location, this is one I know we will be visiting many times in the future, and highly recommend to anyone local, or just passing through.  (sorry the picture is a little blurry Doug.)

Moments With Moose –

Moose is definitely feeling more energy and hates, hates, hates his cone!  Can’t say that I blame him.  It looks miserable, especially with as warm as it’s been getting.  We do have a fan set up to blow on him in his kennel all day, so I am hoping that is helping him feel a bit better.  His excitement at getting it taken off when I get home is so sweet!  Mom said she felt bad about putting it back on him this afternoon when she was ready to go home after his potty and play time break.  He looks so sad when it goes back on that it just tears at the heart strings!  I keep telling myself that no matter how bad I feel now, I’ll feel MUCH worse if he hurts himself by ripping out his stitches.  One bad thing about the cone being off, he can get his toys all drooly and drop them into my lap. YUCK!

8th – Best Friends Day – If you are fortunate enough to have someone you call your best friend, then you are indeed blessed.  Today is the day to appreciate friendship, and to honor the relationship you have with that friend. There are some folks who say that you can only have one best friend at a time and some that say you can have several.  I say that the number doesn’t matter, as long as there is trust.  A friend is there for you if you’re happy, if you’re grumpy, on your best days, and your worst.  They don’t judge you for choices you make, but support you in your endeavors.  A friend will laugh and cry with you, forgive you easily, and be there through everything.  There’s a lot that a friend is NOT, but I think that’s for another post on another day.

8th – Name Your Poison Day – Have you ever heard someone say “Name Your Poison”?  It’s not often you’d hear that in your daily life, but I know I’ve heard it in the movies.  It’s most common context is when someone walks up to a bar and the bartender, perpetually drying glasses, asks the customer to decide what they want.  It isn’t always used in to refer to alcoholic beverages though.  It’s about making a choice, especially when there are plenty of options.  The exact origins of this phrase are not known, but it has been suggested on the links I’ve followed that it started out with negative connotation – perhaps where none of the options that are available are good ones, but you have to choose one anyway.  Makes sense.  Let’s take the negative out of it today though, and if you have a choice to make, make it a good one. Name Your Poison could be – for today at least – which dessert you want!  Sounds like a plan.

8th – Upsy Daisy Day – This day was started by Stephanie West Allen, and she started it to encourage all of us to start our days with a smile no matter what challenges lie ahead.  Her message is to remember to be grateful for each day.  She used to publish an e-zine called “Upsy Daisy Daily” about how to start each day anew.  “Feeling gratitude will smooth out the landscape so you can create new paths.  Replace the thoughts of sickness with thoughts of health, poverty thoughts with wealth thoughts, dread thoughts with dream thoughts.”  A nice way to start the day in the right direction would be to start the Upsy Daisy song:

Upsy Daisy here I come,   I’m the only Upsy one! I’m the only Daisy too, Ipsy, Upsy, Daisy Doo

I couldn’t tell you what tune this song has, and for myself, I agree with the positive thinking, grateful mindset, but I prefer starting my day with a nice long conversation with God while I get myself going.  It’s up to you though, whatever motivates you in the right direction to have an Upsy Daisy Day.

8th – World Ocean’s Day – I love going to the ocean – standing on the sand, looking out over the seemingly endless expanse, hearing the crash of the waves and the power that this incredible body of water holds just fills me with a deep respect and awe of our Creator.  If the ocean is this powerful, how much more powerful is He?  I could stand at the waters edge and ponder this for hours.  Beyond the beauty and power, and the artistic majesty of the oceans of the world, they also generate most of the oxygen that we breathe.  They help feed us, regulate our climates, and clean the water that we drink.  The oceans all over the world interconnect with each other, and link all continents together.  Anyone who questions that intelligent intent created this must have sand for brains, because the intricacy of all of this isn’t a happy accident.  To celebrate this day head for the ocean and enjoy the beauty of all it is, if you can.  If you aren’t near an ocean, maybe watch a movie or documentary about it.

9th – Donald Duck Day – Hard to believe that Donald is 81 years old, since he doesn’t act a day over 20!  Donald Duck is one of Disney’s most famous and popular characters.  He made his debut in “The Wise Hen” on June 9, 1934.  Did you know that Donald has a middle name?  Yep, he does! I had no clue and I’m betting many of you don’t either, but just in case this ever comes up for a trivia question . . . Donald F. Duck’s middle name is “Fauntleroy”.  Maybe you can celebrate today by watching a Donald Duck cartoon, along with all of his Disney family and friends.

9th – World APS Day – APS stands for Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS).   I’ve read over the description several times, and can’t find a way to simplify it enough and still keep the original intent from the APS information website I was reading, so I’ve copied and pasted their description for you:  “APS is associated with recurrent clotting events (thrombosis) including premature stroke, repeated miscarriages, phlebitis, venous thrombosis (clot in the vein) and pulmonary thromboembolism (blockage of an artery found in the lung due to a clot that has traveled from a vein). It is also associated with low platelet or blood elements that prevent bleeding. Recently, however, even more disease states have been linked with APS including premature heart attack, migraine headaches, various cardiac valvular abnormalities, skin lesions, abnormal movement/chorea, diseases that mimic multiple sclerosis, vascular diseases of the eye that can lead to visual loss and blindness.”  That’s pretty scary stuff!  APS is an autoimmune disorder in which the body sees certain normal components of blood and/or cell membranes as foreign substances and it starts producing antibodies against them to fight them out of the system.  There are two known forms of APS.  It may happen in people with systemic lupus erythematosus, other autoimmune disease, or in people who are otherwise healthy.  Sadly, when most people hear about APS and it being referred to as an autoimmune disease, they incorrectly confuse the terms autoimmune with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), or they think that it is a form of cancer.  Women are more likely than men to be affected by APS. Some estimates say that 75% to 90% of those affected are women.  It has also been estimated by some doctors that 1/3 of all of the young strokes (young defines as under the age of 50), ar due to APS. In obstetrics it is estimated by some doctors that up to 25% of all women with 2 or more spontaneous miscarriages have APS. Some doctors believe that 1 in 5 of all Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Pulmonary Embolism (PE), and even worse, amputations are due to APS. And it is believed that 40-50% of patients with Lupus also have APS. Still, with these statistics, APS rarely is discussed as a women’s health issue and is misdiagnosed often, therefore the total number of people affected and true statistics are unknown really.

This Day In History –

June 8, 1948 – “The Milton Berle Show” premieres on NBC TV.

June 9, 1934 – Disney’s Donald Duck makes his debut.

Food Celebration of the Day –

8th – National Soul Food Month – The term “soul food” was coined in the 1960s to honor how cooks in the South transformed unwanted cuts of meat and unglamorous veggies into delicious dishes.

Black-Eyed Peas With Mustard Greens & Rice

Smoked Chicken & Cheddar Buttermilk Waffles

Fried Green Tomatoes

Slow-Cooker Collard Greens

Buttermilk Fried Chicken With Gravy

Easy Sweet Corn Spoonbread

Peppered Sausage Gravy With Biscuits

9th – National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day – Strawberry and rhubarb are some of the first fruits of spring. Don’t miss out on this sweet-tart combo before the season ends!

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Strawberry Rhubarb & Macadamia Pie

Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler With Candied Ginger

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp

Strawberry Rhubarb White Chocolate Crisp

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie With Almond Streusel

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Well, that wasn’t too bad for two days worth!  It’s early enough on Monday night to enjoy a little TV with hubby, and get to bed at a decent hour!  Might be good for Moose to go to bed early also.  He got into trouble for chewing on some cords (he’s already ruined a lamp cord and an expensive head seat) and got yelled at by Daddy . . . he had the audacity to “talk back” in his biggest “big boy” bark he could come up with.  It didn’t go over very well, let me tell you.  I’d say it was the puppy equivalent of “NO! DON’T WANT TO!”  *sigh* never a dull moment.  God Bless You and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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