
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:

How about they build an interchange on the open space with
shuttle buses connecting to T1, 2, 3 and upcoming 4.

This way all buses will go to one interchange and will not have
to undego security check and basements, while shuttle buses
dedicated for terminals can just drop the passengers at end of
departure bay.

This will save runtime for PTO buses and can get massive high
capacity upgrades + reduce travel time for people as they will have
mini bus shuttle at 04-05 min frequency to their designated
terminal without going to all.

Just an idea. Thoughts?

Having a shuttle bus to each terminal is about as bad an idea as
the buses entering the terminal itself.

Forcing passengers to transfer and having to wait again and
again, coupled with potential delays for buses and possible
overcrowding, both on the roads and on the bus, are some of the
practical consequences your idea is going to bring about.

Then there is the feasibility issue. Is it then worth it to
operate such a large scale shuttle service, involving high fleet
and labour requirements, without charging a single cent? Even if it
is where are we gonna find it? You need to realise that the demand
and flow for public buses in the terminals is CONSTANT and it's not
like a periodic thing. Buses that are fixated to only carry a
certain amount of passengers at fixed intervals are far from being
the desirable move to take.

Tbh a centralised terminal shld really be centralised in
location, with walkways that provides seamless and rapid
connections to terminals the moment passengers leave the bus. It is
far more economical for CAAS too. Now that the fools have forgone
the chance to build a terminal inside the Jewel I am at least
keeping my fingers crossed for a bus ter for T1-3 to be built on T1
CP or in front of the Jewel (a bit unlikely since it may ruin
aesthetics), and another one in T5 that will also serve nearby T4.
In the end buses only stop twice for 5 terminals. 

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