UPSC CDS 2 Admit Card 2016, Exam Date 23rd October available at the official website
CDS Admit Card 2016
UPSC is going to organize CDS Examination and Now Combined Defence Services 2 Hall Ticket 2016 Available from 1st week of October 2016. Candidates who are going to apply and attempt the CDS 1 exam organize on 23rd October 2016 and conducted by UPSC are informed that your Combined Defence Services Hall Ticket 2016 available soon on the official website
UPSC CDS Exam 2016
The full form of CDS is Combined Defence Services. The Combined Defence Services examination is conducted two times in a year. CDS is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. The examination of CDS is taken for recruiting candidates into the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Officers Training Academy, and Indian Air Force Academy. In the month of October and June, generally, the notification for Combined Defence Services exam is released by the officials every year. In February and November, the examination of Combined Defence Services is conducted respectively. The main criteria are that only unmarried graduate candidates are eligible to apply for the CDS exam. After the CDS exam, the candidates who all have qualified the written exam the Services Selection Board admits the applicants after taking the interview.
SSB (Services Selection Board) call the applicants who were successful in the written exam for the interview and in this, the board evaluates the candidate’s suitability for a career in the Indian Armed Forces. The process of interview of Services Selection Board goes long for approximately a week. During this process, applicants need to undergo several psychological and physical tests and these tests ensure that whether the candidate is an officer material or not. PABT is the test which Air Force Academy applicants have to give. Later after the completion of all the tests candidates need to pass the medical examination and after the successful completion of all the tests and training candidates are finally been introduced to armed forces.
UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2016
UPSC will be conducting the Combined Defence Services exam 2016. UPSC CDS application Form notification releasing date was 16th July 2016. The application form for CDS will be available until 12th August 2016. Applicants who all are eagerly waiting for the CDS II exam 2016 and this exam will be held on 23rd October 2016. Candidates those who had applied for the CDS exam through official website are now eagerly waiting for their admit card so that they can appear for the exam easily. The last date for applying online is 12th August and the date of the exam is 23rd October 2016.
UPSC CDS II 2016 Hall Ticket Download
Applicants were required to download the Hall Ticket from the official website by following the steps provided below so that you will not face any difficulty and can download the admit card easily.
Visit the official website i.e.
Now click on the CDS 2 2016 Hall Ticket from the link mentioned above.
Click on the ‘Click Here’ mentioned in the right side of the web page to download the e-admit card.
Now you have three option to download your call letter. You can download your admit card by entering your registration id, roll number and by submitting your name.
Select your way to download your hall ticket.
Now enter all the information in the way which you choose to download your CDS II 2016 Exam Hall Ticket.
Here you’ll get your Admit Card.
Click on the ‘Save’ to Download and press on the ‘Print’ option to take a hard copy of the same.
Applicants are suggested to take the admit card to the exam hall at the time of the exam as no applicant will be allowed to enter the exam hall without the admit card.
Official Website: