
Latest Update(8th November 2016): IBPS Clerk Admit Card / Call Letter 2016 or IBPS CWE Clerk 6 Admit Card 2016 is available to download at www.ibps.in

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IBPS CWE-6 Clerk Admit Card 2016

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will soon upload IBPS Clerk admit card 2016 for its Common Written Examination (CWE) for Clerk VI Preliminary Exam which will be taken in November 2016 on its official site at www.ibps.in so all the applied aspirants are requested to regularly visit the site to download your admit card after it will be uploaded.


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is most famous organization which was established in the year of 1975. Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) always used to conduct written examination for the selection of the appropriate candidates for their Clerks posts across the 19 Public Sector Banks along with other banking and financial institutions across the nation. IBPS is an organization which provides services to its clients in the area of personnel selection, recruitment and assessment etc. IBPS provides its service to all Public Sector Banks, Regional Rural Banks, SBI, RBI, NABARD and SIDBI which are its regular member organizations.

IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2016

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is ready to announce the availability of the IBPS Clerk Call Letter 2016 at www.ibps.in official website of the institute. The IBPS is wanted to know all their candidates who have applied for the examination for the Clerk with them as the availability of their admit cards will starts from 18th November 2016. All the candidates who have successfully applied online for the stated posts are doubtlessly waiting for clerk cadre 6 common written examination call letters. According to the scheduled time table the IBPS Preliminary examination for the Clerk posts in various banks and institutes have been planning to be held on 26th & 27 November, and 3rd & 4th December 2016 at various examination centers decided by the authority.

IBPS Clerk Result (CWE VI) 2016

Now the candidates who appeared in the examination are waiting for the IBPS Clerk CWE VI Result 2016. Applicants can check IBPS Clerk CWE VI Score Card from  bellow link. IBPS Clerk Result 2016 will be available on the website in the month of December 2016. So candidate should keep in touch with the website to get the latest notification.

www.ibps.in admit card 2016

Name of the Organization: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection

Name of the post: Clerk

Name of the Exam: Common Written Exam (CWE-VI)

Admit card status: 25th October to 7th November 2016

Exam date: 7th to 11th November 2016

Exam pattern: Multiple choice types

Total Mark: 200

Exam Subject: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, Current Affairs and Computer Awareness

Time Duration: 2 hours.

Result date: December 2016

Further Process: Main exam

Website: www.ibps.in

IBPS CWE Clerk VI Exam Pattern 2016

The pattern of exam would be like that, the exam will be of 200 marks and the time given for completing the exam will be 2 hours. There would be negative marking also and that will be ¼ for each wrong answer. The syllabus for IBPS Clerk Exam is like that, there will be five sections in the exam. The written examination will include 40 marks questions from 5 sections: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, Current Affairs and Computer Awareness. This would be an online test which the candidates have to complete on time. The candidate qualify in the test will be called for the interview. There will also be an interview of 30 marks after written test.

IBPS CWE V Clerk Syllabus 2016

Verbal Reasoning :- Analogy, Odd Man out, Syllogism, word formation, Statement and conclusions, Statement and assumptions, Statement and arguments, Passage and conclusions, Coding-decoding, Blood relations, Alphabet test, Series test , Number, ranking and time sequence , Direction sense test, Sitting arrangement, Decision making, Input output, Assertion and reasoning, Figure Series etc.

Non Verbal Reasoning: – Series test, Analogy, Odd figures, Miscellaneous test

English: – IBPS Clerk syllabus second section is important for all participants. Selection committee wants are going to have a post of Clerk in the bank must have basic knowledge of English Language which is an International common language. it covers vocabulary means homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, word formation and the topic comprehension means deriving conclusion, theme detection, passage completion and the topic Rearrangement of passage, spelling, sentence and the topic grammar means set of rules active passive voice, indirect direct speech and the topic General usage means phrases and idioms.

Numerical Ability: – Numerical ability paper will have 5 Multiple Choice Answers from Arithmetic and Data Interpretation. Information (Data) Interpretation means visual diagrams, pie outlines, line charts and classification. Number-crunching (Arithmetic) means roots, average, ratio, time & work, time & separation, rate, benefit & loss, mixture, stocks & shares, partnership, clocks, volume & surface area, height & distances, logarithms, permutation & combination, simple & compound interest, in equations & equations and probability.

General Awareness: – This paper covers all about the Current Affairs and specially reference to banking Industry, Indian Economy, International Economy, UNO, Marketing, Awards & Honors Sports, Finance, and Agriculture etc. History of Banking, Social Function of Banks , current affairs of last 6 months, countries / currencies, Books & Their Authors, Banking Terms, Reserve bank of India policies etc.

Computer: – This paper covers two section hardware & software. Applicant must have basic knowledge of computer. Applicant must have skill to operate a computer as office purpose known about DBMS, MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Windows, internet etc.

IBPS CWE-V Clerk Exam Important Date

Download Pre-Exam Admit card: 18th November 2016 onwards

IBPS Clerk 6 preliminary Exam Date: 26th & 27th November 2016, 3rd & 4th December 2016

IBPS CWE-VI Clerk preliminary Result 2016: December 2016

IBPS Clerk Main Exam Date: 31st December 2016, 1st January 2017

IBPS Clerk VI Main Exam Admit card Release Date: In Month of December 2016

IBPS CWE-VI Clerk Main Exam Result Declare Date: January 2017

IBPS Clerk Exam Selection Process 2016 (CWE VI)

Selection process for the IBPS Clerk post is based on the performance of the applicant in the Common Written Exam (Pre Exam and Main Exam) and Interview. Candidates who will qualify to pass this exam will be called for interview process and after successfully passed the interview stage they will hired for applied job.

Also Check : BOM ADMIT IS LIVE NOW (Clerk & PO)

Download IBPS CWE Clerk Admit card 2016

Official Website : www.ibps.in

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