
Carousel sliders is now a must have feature in all business, portfolio or any website template. Along with fullscreen image sliders we can see that horizontal carousel image sliders works well with any website design and are implemented alongside. Sometimes slider needs to be one by third of a website page and that is where tiny carousel sliders come in with loads of transitions effects and even with responsive layout. eCommerce websites may be the best benefited from these sliders as they need to showcase many pics in an individual post or page. All code here is free to use and you may alter it according to your needs if you are already a developer.

Other jQuery scripts we have discussed in our previous articles which you may find interesting

26 Free Responsive jQuery Image Sliders

9 Free Jquery Price Range Sliders

10 Free jQuery CSS3 Progress Bar Codes

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and more. Make sure you to visit our jQuery category more often for updates regarding the same. Click the example button to find alternate examples of the plugins introduced here so that you can find multiple options and transitions. jQuery when integrated with HTML5 and CSS3 makes the webpage interesting with unique effects to grab attention of your visitor to a particular area.

Slick – Modern Carousel Slider plugin

Slick is a free jquery carousel plugin claiming to be a one solution for all your slider carousel requirements. This responsive carousel slider will let you enable swipe for mobile devices and desktop dragging to view through dozens of images fast. Transitions effects like fade, a cool feature to put one scrolling image in center mode, lazy loading of images with autoplay On and OFF are just superb options to use.  New features include adding, filtering slides as you deem it fit on your carousel gallery.

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Owl Carousel 2.0 – Touch enabled jQuery plugin

With a heavy set of features for both newbies and advanced developers owl carousel is a class of its own. This is an updated version of carousel slider to its predecessor with the same name.  The slider also packs some built in plugins to improve the overall features. Animate, video play plugin, autoplay of slider, lazy load, auto height adjustments are the top plugins included.

Drag and touch support is integrated to improve mobile browsing with this responsive slider. Merge fit may be a new way of including large width images in slider without any issues, even for mobile browsers.

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jQuery.Silver Track

A light weight jquery plugin with useful plugins for developing a small core carousel slider which has less impact on the website performance. The carousel plugin can be used to display vertical and horizontal slider animations with your set of gallery images.

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AnoSlide – Ultra lightweight Responsive jQuery Carousel

AnoSlide is ultra lightweight responsive jQuery carousel plugin. It’s suitable for implementing a carousel for both desktop and mobile viewports.

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Owl Carousel – Jquery Carousel Slider

Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.

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3D Carousel Gallery

Using CSS 3D transforms, and just a bit of Javascript.

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3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery

A beautiful 3D Carousel plugin if you ask me. This 3D carousel look under beta stage as i found some problems right away. If you are interested in testing and creating your own then this carousel is going to great help.

Examples  | Download

Bootstrap Carousel

A responsive bootstrap carousel slider just for your new website.

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Bootstrap Moving Box Carousel

Most used type of carousel in business, portfolio websites. You can see this in almost every type of website made today as it is very resourceful.

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Tiny Circleslider

Its tiny and i dont its responsive as resolution is already very small and view able on mobile devices. Tinycircleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide webdevelopers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any wepage. It was built using the javascript jQuery library.

Examples | Download

Killer Carousel

Powerful, responsive, touch-enabled carousel for modern websites and devices, plus legacy browser support.

Examples | Download

Wow – Carousel Slider

Over 50 effects this may be the biggest source for you to create unique design of your own in no time.

Examples |Download

bxSlider – The Responsive jQuery Content Slider

Resize your browser to see the slider adapt.

Examples |Download


jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order.

It provides a full-featured and flexible toolset for navigating any HTML based content in a carousel-like fashion.


Scrollbox : jQuery Plugin

jQuery Scrollbox is a lightweight plugin that enables you to scroll a list of html elements (text, image, etc…) like a carousel slider or traditional marquee. Not responsive but i love this.

Examples |Download


This plugin will convert the ul element into a carousel.

Examples |Download

Flexisel : jQuery Responsive Carousel Plugin

All you have to do is call flexisel on your unordered list containing images. Call it on the $(window).load event (as opposed to the $(document).ready event) so that Flexisel can calculate the width of the images and figure out how to space them out properly.

Examples |Download

Elastislide – A responsive image carousel

Elastislide is a responsive jQuery image carousel that will adapt its size and its behavior in order to work on any screen size. Inserting the carousel’s structure into a container with a fluid width will also make the carousel fluid.


FlexSlider 2

The best responsive slider. Period.


Amazing Carousel

Amazing Carousel is an easy-to-use Windows & Mac app that enables you to create circular, responsive jQuery Carousel and jQuery Image Scroller. The carousel can also be published as WordPress Carousel Plugin, Joomla Carousel Module and Drupal Carousel Module.

Examples  | Download

Responsive image gallery – thumbnail carousel

A tutorial on how to create a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide. Inspired by Twitter’s “user gallery” and upon a request to show an integration of Elastislide, we want to implement a responsive gallery that adapts to the view-port width.

Example | Download

jQuery Liquid Carousel plugin

Liquid carousel is a jQuery plugin intended for liquid designs. Every time the container of the carousel gets resized, the number of items in the list change to fit the new width.

Example | Download

jQuery CarouFredsel

CarouFredSel is quite simply the most powerful and flexible way to add carousels to your website. The jQuery version is free to download so scroll below to find the download option.

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Responsive Infinite Carousel

This is an in-progress experiment to create a infinite (circular) responsive carousel. That means: – You can resize as much as you want. You can scroll as much as you want. Simple as that. But so far the width of each item is still hardcoded on the CSS – I’m looking for a nice solution before going for js.

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Tikslus Carousel version 2.0

A totally different implementation of previous and next arrows can be seen with this responsive carousel slider. This plugin gives a simplistic feeling to the images being previewed. More features which we may not come across in a carousel plugin these days are a full screen and pause buttons on the preview image. Take a look at the features this plugin offers and i’m sure this plugin will come in handy for some categories of projects.

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The post 25 Free Responsive Jquery Carousel Slider Plugins appeared first on Designscrazed.

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