
Josh and Gwen drove down from Blacksburg last night, and then this morning Josh and I drove up to DC for a Close Action battle with Mark Campbell (with the battle report onthe Battle Honors blog).

It's fun traveling with Josh. We had a variety of "You May Be A Redneck Space Marine" jokes:

"Them critters was tyrannids? Ah thought they was revenooers. Well, reckon it's all the same."

"You may be a redneck space marine if all your tanks are painted orange, they're all numberd 01, and they all play Dixie"

"We wuz so poor, our chapter paint scheme was black and white. And we didn't have no black paint either."

"You may be a redneck space marine if your Chapter Librarian is illiterate."

"When I was growing up, we walked to school, barefoot, through waves of tyrannids that was chin deep..."

We talked about D&D and other RPG campaigns he wanted to run, and monsters he'd designed for them. His monsters for the most recent campaign were designed to function together, with teamwork...it would have been nasty to go up against them. We want to do a Monster Hunters International campaign, and a Dark Heresy campaign, and a D&D or Fantasy Hero campaign, and....

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