
The Rise of the Villains on Gotham means that there will be a lot more focus on the individual bad guys running around the city, including Cameron Monaghan’s Jerome Valeska. During season one viewers were only given a very small taste of who Jerome is and what he is up to. After those appearances on Gotham, however, fans speculation ran rampant, with many believing that Jerome would ultimately become the face of the Joker.

According to Zap2It, there will be more of this particular character throughout the second season. In fact, it is being said that Jerome will end up changing the entire face of Gotham City forever. Apparently just in the season two premiere alone, people’s favorite evil psychopath will be getting quite a bit more screen time.

Gotham shows Jerome as a ticking time bomb

In a group interview that was conducted, Monaghan spoke about his Gotham character and what the viewers could expect moving forward. He described Jerome as a ticking time bomb who is alive. He ends up meeting a man who can tap into that aspect of himself and then turn around and utilize it. He will then use this to become even more destructive, basically on a level so grand and massive as to completely eclipse what he has done previously.

Monaghan said that he is basically going to be able to throw himself a very, very big party. Unfortunately for some of those people getting an invite, this particular party is going to be quite murderous. It seems that a number of individuals are going to be invited to this party, but there is one very special guest that Jerome is looking forward to being reunited with. Of course, that particular invite goes to none other than Jim Gordon (played by Ben McKenzie).

Monaghan points out that Gordon represents the opposite of everything that Jerome himself stands for. He is all about the greater idea of law and order, all the things that Jerome rebels against and resents. By inviting Gordon to this particular get together he intends to use him as an example. Basically Jerome wants the entire city of Gotham to know exactly how he feels and this the perfect opportunity for him to do that.

As with anything surrounding the villains that make the city their home, this does not bode well for the people, in particular Gordon himself. With all of the bad guys seemingly uniting and getting stronger, the second season of Gotham is already starting off with a bang. The new season premieres on FOX on Sept. 21, 2015.

By Dorothea James

Photo Courtesy FOX

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