
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) — Alabama has $595 million in property that belongs to the people of Alabama. If you’ve checked the website and didn’t see your name, you still have a chance to claim some of that loot. The vault that’s filled with unclaimed valuables which banks have turned over from their safe deposit boxes can only hold so much.

The state participates in an ongoing auction to make room for the constant stream of property that banks by law have to handover to the state each year.

Don’t worry! They are not pocketing the proceeds. The cash will be held until the rightful owner claims it. But the item itself whether it’s jewelry, coins, cards, statues, you name it, are available for sale to the highest bidder.

Check out the link on the right hand side of the www.moneyquestalabama.com page to view items and bid on them.

Copyright 2015 WIAT 42 News

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