CLEVELAND, OHIO (CBS) — The GOP convention gets underway today in Cleveland. Monday’s program is set to focus on border security and immigration, with scheduled speeches from Donald Trump’s wife Melania Trump and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.
State Rep Dan Truitt is running for re-election for his seat representing the greater West Chester area, he has this message for delegates as they head to Cleveland.
“Your mission this week is to unite the party, divided we lose, united we win,” Truitt said.
With the “never Trump” movement in the rearview mirror, Truitt hopes the convention will provide a clear message for Pennsylvania voters.
“Folks who are not on the Trump train if you will, need to learn more about him, and realize all the positive parts of Donald Trump and all the areas where he agrees with them.”
Truitt points to a line from Ronald Reagan, my 80-percent friend is not my 20-percent enemy.
“They need to focus on the 80-percent where they agree with Mr. Trump and try not to focus on the 20-percent where they disagree.”
So here's our @KYWNewsradio @GOPconvention office for the week. #RNCinCLE
— Jim Melwert (@JMelwert) July 18, 2016
Chester County GOP Chairman Val DiGiorgio calls the convention a celebration.
“Disneyworld for politicians and political junkies,” DiGiorgio said.
He said the key to this week will also be party unity: rallying behind Donald Trump.
“It’s taken some folks to come around a little longer, even took me a little more time to come around than usual.”
And DiGiorgio said, Trump is on the right path, but he needs to get through to moderate Republicans.
“We’re seeing a new dynamic here where we’re not doing as well on the presidential level with some suburban voters on the mainline, but we’re picking up blue collar democrat voters in a way we never have before.”