
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A mother from East Los Angeles says she was “in shock” after she alleges she found an X-rated surprise on a used video game system she bought for her child.

“I was in shock. I was very emotional,” the woman who didn’t want to reveal her identity told CBS2 Investigative Reporter David Goldstein.

She explains that after 8-year-old son had unpacked a pre-owned PlayStation 3 she had given him for his birthday and turned it on, he found a lot more than games.

“He said, ‘Mom, Mom, guess what’s on my PS3?’ I was like, ‘What’s wrong?’ He said, ‘There’s porn on my PS3,’ ” she said.

As Goldstein reports, there were more than a dozen pornographic videos on the PS3, in addition to personal pictures apparently from whoever owned it.

The videos were so graphic, Goldstein says, CBS2 couldn’t even show a second of them on television.

When asked what went through her mind when her son called her to look at the videos, she said: “I was in shock, like how dare somebody even put this on there.”

The woman purchased the pre-owned PlayStation at GameStop in East Los Angeles for $159.99.

The nationwide chain sells new and used video consoles and games.

She says she asked more than once if there was anything on it from the last owner.

“As a parent, I just wanted to make sure that was the honest truth, that it was clean, because I’m bringing this machine home to my 8-year-old son,” she said.

With a hidden camera, CBS2 went into the same GameStop location and asked about a pre-owned PlayStation 3.

GameStop Employee: “Do you have a question?”

Undercover Producer: “I want to look into PlayStation 3s.”

GameStop Employee: “Pre-owned. People come in and sell.”

Undercover Producer: “OK and the memory is wiped out?”

GameStop Employee: “Completely.”

Undercover Producer: “Completely here with you guys.”

They almost guaranteed it would be wiped clean.

Undercover Producer: “So the pre-owned ones, those get sold here?”

GameStop Employee: “Yeah.”

Undercover Producer: “And then you guys wipe them clean here?”

GameStop Employee: “Yes.”

Undercover Producer: “Everything is completely wiped out?”

GameStop Employee: “Yes.”

Undercover Producer: “Like there’s nothing?”

GameStop Employee: “No.”

When CBS2 went back inside, the manager wasn’t talking.

David Goldstein: “David Goldstein, CBS2 News.”

David Goldstein: “And you had hardcore porn on that PS3. Any idea how it got on there?”

“You’ll can contact corporate and you can go ahead and leave the store,” the manager replied.

CBS2 contacted the corporate office, where a spokesperson said they have an extensive process in place to make sure all units are cleaned and personal information is removed. They went on to say: “GameStop takes these matters very seriously. We are working closely with the customer to conduct a thorough investigation of this issue.”

“I would imagine this fell through the cracks,” said CNET Editor Brian Cooley.

Cooley says the best way to protect yourself this holiday season when buying anything pre-owned is to wipe it clean yourself.

“On a PlayStation, for example, you just turn the thing off and you hold the power button down like you’re turning it on but keep holding it until you get some beeps. And that puts you into a reboot routine that will say ‘Do you want to completely wipe me clean?’ It’s a great way to protect your kids, in this case, because you don’t know what’s being left on a used machine,” he said.

In this case, the mother said it was hardcore porn that ruined her child’s birthday.

She says she has hired a lawyer. They’re in the process of setting up a meeting with GameStop officials to have them figure out how porn ended up on the device.

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