
At the BMICH Auditorium & Committee Room B

The Press Conference of the 10th Annual District Convention of the Lions Clubs International  District 306 A1 is held on Monday 18th May 2015 at the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA) Auditorium, 275/75, Prof. Stanley Wijesundera Mawatha, Off Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7, with the participation of many Key Cabinet Members of the  International Association of Lions Clubs District 306 A1, local media and the members of Lions Club District 306 A1. The purpose of this press conference is to brief the media about the Lions Movement and on the Humanitarian Services and Projects carried out by the District during the Lionistic year 2014/2015.

The following dignitaries graced the head table at the press conference:-

Chief Guest - International President (2007/2008) & Chief Advisor to the District Governor & District Cabinet Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya (PMJF), District Governor Lions Clubs International District 306 A1 Lion Ganamini Sumanasena , Past Council ChairpersonLion Marcella Silva (MJF), Past District Governor District 306 A1 Lion Dr. Senarath Rekogama MJF, Cabinet Secretary Lion Srilal Fernando (MJF), Secretary Convention Steering Committee Lion Premanath De Zoysa  and Chairman MOC Awards Committee Lion Sampath Jayasundara

The Chief Guest Past International President Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya PMJF in his address briefed the media on the history of the Lions Clubs International which was founded in Chicago in 1917 by Melvin Jones and is currently the largest, fastest growing and most active Service club organization in the world.  It is said that the founder of this organization who was a young successful insurance agent had thought to himself at a business dinner “What if these men, who are successful because of their drive, intelligence and ambition, were to put their talents to work improving their communities?” and that thought created the Lions Clubs International. Soon after it spread to Canada, Mexico and Cuba. Later it was accepted in Europe, Asia, Australia, Japan, and India and presently there are Lions Clubs active in 209 countries. Lionism was introduced to Sri Lanka in 1958 with the formation of the Lions Club of Colombo. It has now spread to all parts of the country with over 480 clubs and around 14,000 members, to become the strongest and most active service organization in the country.

The organizing committee for the Centenary Celebrations in Sri Lanka has planned a very special program consisting of a series of initiatives. Initially to raise funds from all Lions in Sri Lanka by requesting each member to contribute Rs, 500/= per member per year during the years leading to the Centenary, namely 2015-16,2016-17 and 2017-18. Such funds to be used by each District to complete special Landmark projects. Also they are planning to organize a Chinese Circus to raise funds for other major service projects and also to promote the issue of a special Centenary stamp. PIP Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya PMJF mentioned that the centenary celebrations committee is doing a research and to compile information on mega projects completed since 1958 and to publish a Centenary volume including such information and to organize Lions parades from six areas in the country to reach Colombo simultaneously on the Centenary Day and to organize a Public meeting in Colombo.

District Governor Lion Ganamini Jagath Sumanasena addressed the gathering by tabling his Theme, Vision and the Mission for the past year.

Theme – “Inspire to Act”  To motivate and inspire members towards achieving the mission and accomplishment of the vision of the year

Vision –  To be the nationally recognized leader empowering innovative humanitarian services

Mission – Strengthening the pride in the Lions Club brand by maximizing effectiveness and quality, and inspiring, leading, and enabling actions to create a lasting legacy of positive changes in the lives of people.

District Governor said he had identified very important areas that he felt that should be addressed at the beginning of the year or may be prior to be the District Governor to accomplish his mission in addition to the normal customary administration and service activities and membership drive. They are

a)      Running a fulltime office with a permanent officer during the year.

b)      To have an early fund raiser with the intention of motivating Regions and District Chairman with financial assistance as motivating factor to carry the projects planned for the year.

c)       Concentration of collecting backlog of Cabinet Dues, District Dues etc

d)      Bringing the Clubs which are less than 20 members  up to 20

e)      Reactivation of suspended clubs

f)       To have aspirate fund raiser by the ladies of the District to raise funds specially for ladies projects with concentration on women empowerment.

g)      To keep  the entire membership informed about District activities by way of a quarterly news letter

h)      Extend Five clubs which will be running for two years under his responsibility as per new resolution passed at the 9th convention

Lion Ganamini Jagath Sumanasena reported the membership growth to the audience by presenting following diagrams. Further he said from the day one membership starts increase and at 15st May 2015 there were net membership growth of 250 members and this was achieved by the District after many years.

Growth Report


1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

At 1/5/2015

Opening Balance at 1/2/2014





Add Members





Dropped Members





Closing Balance





Net Growth





District Governor Lion Ganamini Jagath Sumanasena briefed about the Humanitarian Services and Projects conducted during his tenure of office:

a)      Worlds  Children’s Day  celebrations under the leadership of Lion Sunil Premawardena and Lion Chandrani Sri Nikethi  along with ITN  was held on 1st October 2014  at Leisure World Theme Park at Kaluaggala.  200 deserving school children were brought from the Northern Province who had a whole day of entertainment and each child was given gift pack consisting of a School Bag, a pair of Shoes, Books, and other stationery items. This was telecast live by ITN. The District contributed Rs 150,000.00 from the proceeds collected through the Fund Raiser.

b)      White Cane Day was held on 19th October 2014 at Lions Activity Centre with a walk from Independence square. 150 Blind People and Leos Lions participated and each blind family was given a parcel of dry rations and a white cane. The District provided Rs 50,000.00 for the project. Project Chairperson was Lion DayaWijetunge.

c)       Day with the Differently Abled under the theme Inspire the Difference was held on23rd November 2014 at Moratuwa De Zoysa Stadium and around 1000 children participated on this day where they enjoyed the activities and the events. The cost of the project was well over Rs 700,000.00. Project Chairpersons were Lions Sampath and Bhakthi Jayasundera. Contribution from the District wasRs 100,000.00 from the proceeds of the District Fundraiser and balance was contributed by well-wishers.

d)      Elders Day under the chairmanship of Lion Nimal Dassanayake was held on 14th December 2014 at Maliban SamaMandiraya, SirimalUyana, Ratmalana with the participation of over 100 elders. The District provided Rs 50,000.00 towards this project.

e)      All Regions had their multiservice projects at regional level and the District provided                   Rs 50,000.00  for each of these projects.

f)       Sports Day; District Marathon –   District Chairman Lion R W M Podinilame organised a  Road Race from Kalutara to Wadduwa in conjunction with the Ministry of Sports which was well attended. District contributed Rs

g)      Camilla School – A sum of Rs 150,000.00 was released from the District to carry out urgent repairs.

h)      Lions Gift of Sight Hospital, Panadura – A sum of Rs 100,000.00 was given from the District to carry out cataract surgeries as the reimbursement from the LCIF had been curtailed. Further a sum of Rs 300,000.00 will be donated  before the District Governor’s term ends.

i)        Canada Foster Parent Scheme – Under this scheme 53 orphans were given scholarships for their educational and other requirements.

j)        Lanka Lion Foundation –

This year Lanka Lion Foundation has given 43 interest free micro loans through clubs in District 306 A1 to the less fortunate people of the society.

Further District Governor listed following special projects carried Out by the Ladies of the District he added ladies being the “Live Wires” of the District carried out many meaningful Humanitarian Projects as follows:-

a)      Project for Pregnant Mothers & Newborn Babies –

This meaningful project was organized by the Project Chairperson Lion Shanthi de Silva and Co-Chairperson Lion (Dr) Chanchala Muthumuni on 4th October, 2014, at the Deniya Temple in Beruwela. Gift packs were donated to all the participants.The project value was Rs 300,000.00

b)      Cancer Hospital Project –

Lion Ladies of the District visited the Children’s Ward at Cancer Hospital, Maharagama on 11th November 2014 and donated medicine and essential items to mothers and children. The Project Chairperson was Lion Ayesha Wijesekera with Lion Sunethra Fernando as the Co-Chairperson and District contributed a sum of Rs 25,000.00 towards this project.

c)      Caring for Elders –

A successful project was concluded at Moratuwa Janadara Social Service Society on 25th January 2015 where around 180 inmates were entertained and participated with a “peduru party” musical programme and a magic show. Inmates were also served with given food items and were gifted with cakes of soap. Project Chairperson was Lion Indrani Perera and Lion Sarojini Rodrigo was the Co-Chairperson. The cost of the project was around Rs 43,000.00

d)      Camilla Day – Lion Ladies of District 306A1 jointly with the ladies of District 306A2 celebrated Camilla Day on 4th February 2015 at the Camilla School Mattegoda. Several dance items were staged by the Inmates of the Camilla School as well as the Intellectually Handicapped members of the Dullewa Foundation displaying their talents. All the children were given special gift packs whilst 17 members of the Camilla staff were given Rs 2,000/- each. The Project Chairperson was Lion Lady Nilanthi Ferdinandis with Lion Lady Wiranthi Musafer being the co-chairperson. The project value was around Rs 93,000.00.

e)      A project was carried out at Darakaduwa Vidyalaya, Kamburugamuwa on 17th February 2015 where sports equipment to the value of Rs 19,800/= were donated. The Project Chairperson was Lion HemaliHettiarachchi and Lion KashmiKankanige was the Co-Chairperson.

f)       International Women’s Day

A presentation and a programme on beauty culture were carried out at Brief Garden, Beruwala to coincide with the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2015. The project value was Rs 28,0000.00. Lion Nandanie de Silva was the Project Chairperson.

g)      Avurudu Ulela

This was held at Camilla School, Mattegoda on 26th April 2015 where the inmates participated in many games and competitions. Lion Wasanthi Gunawardena was the Project Chairperson and Lion Manohari Kankanamge was the Co-Chairperson and the project value was Rs 28,000.00.

h)      Donation of an Overlock Sewing Machine

Responding to an appeal made in an article which appeared in the Sunday Times, the Lion Ladies donated an overlock sewing machine to a courageous mother of four children, three of whom were autistic, to empower her to eke out a living and to support her children by taking orders for sewing. The cost of the machine was Rs 75,000.00 which was donated from the District. The project Chairperson was Lion Lady Swarnamalie Fernando.

District Governor Lion Ganamini Jagath Sumanasena ended his speech by mentioning following special projects conducted in the District under  his leadership

Singha Kantha Abhimani Programme – Women’s Empowerment Programme

This year District Governor gave special attention to the women’s empowerment programme which was very successfully launched revolving around the promotion of self-employment opportunities by educating andempowering women in rural and urban areas with the necessary skills, expertise and knowledge with a view to enhancing their livelihood.  For this purpose the Lion Ladies of the District organized a special fund raiser to harness the necessary funds.

Matara Millennium Ladies Club under the guidance of Lion Yasodhara Galappaththi provided training for 138 women in sewing, handicrafts and cookery and also organized an exhibition. Lions Club of Galkissa under the leadership of Lion Devika Gunawardena trained 25 women and Lions Club of Panadura Central under the leadership of Lion Lady Devika Smith had trained women in home gardening. Lions Club of Moratu Eliya under the leadership of Lion Iroshi Binduhewa organized training in curtain making for 8 deserving women whilst Lions Club of Tangalle had trained around 200 women in beauty culture. Lion Ladies in Lions Club of Moratuwa had trained around 16 participants in various culinary skills.

District Chairperson – Lion Ladies’ Projects Lion Farina Dole coordinated all the ladies’ activities including the Singha  Kantha Abimani Project.

District Fund Raiser

On 24th of August 2014 a mega fund raising project under the name WAYO,DADDY B&S LIVE IN CONCERT was organized by the District under the co- chairmen Lion Sagra Dissanayake and Lion Jilan de Silva  at the Main Auditorium of BMICH  and the project was a resounding success. Around 850 spectators were  present and a net profit of Rs 1,700,000.00 was realized and in addition this was also an image building project where public awareness was created due to the excessive advertising over TV, Radio and in Newspapers and by email campaign. Late Lion Dudley Fernando was instrumental in securing the main sponsorship from Lanka IOC  Ltd.

Lion Ladies’ Day –

Lion Ladies of the District had their annual get together on 7th September 2014 at Ramadiya Ranmal Hotel under the theme “Kantha Ekamuthuwa”. Presentations were made by Dr Asanga Wijeratne on physical health and Mrs Bernie Balasuriya on beauty culture whilst Lion Lady Suchithra demonstrated in making Christmas decor which was both educational and entertaining. An inspiring speech was delivered by Mrs Rosy Senanayake on empowermet of women. There were well over 100 ladies and this gave an opportunity to foster camaraderie amongst ladies from all clubs of the District.

Singhabimani Singha Charika-

This was conducted from Kataragama to Moratuwa on 27th and 28th September 2014 under the chairmanship of Lion Sanjeev Thilakeratne. A large number of Lions and Lion Ladies participated in this parade on both days and at every town along the Galle Road from Kataragama to Moratuwa service projects were conducted in conjunction with  Lions Club in and around the town.

A sum of Rs 300,000.00 was provided from the District to buy 3000 spectacles for distribution. At Kalutara a procession was held along with visually handicapped children and they were given Dry rations and other items by the Kalutara Central Club.

Lion Ladies’ Fund Raiser

Lion Ladies of the District under the leadership of Lion Lady Swarnamalie Fernando as the Project Chairperson organized a memorable fund raiser “MYSTIQUE” an evening of fashion, song and dance at Hotel Galadari on 30th November 2014, which was a reverberating success amidst a packed audience. The District Chairperson for Lion Ladies Lion Farina Dole played a major role in canvassing donations and advertisements along with the other dynamic committee members and the invaluable guidance from PCC Lion Marcella ensured a smooth running of the show. The fund raiser was a resounding success and a profit of Rs 1,023,000/=

Name Boards

Six (06) numbers name boards were erected at prominent locations on the main route from Colombo to Kataragama depicting various  messages to the motorists and pedestrians with Lions Logo with a view to increasing the image of Lionism in Sri Lanka.

PCC Lion Marcella Silva MJF, Advisor Women’s Membership Initiative based her speech on the 10th Annual District Convention and the Women in Lionism. According to Lion Marcella Silva MJF, the 10th Annual District Convention  titled‘Pibidunu Siha Nada Abhiman’ will be held at the BMICH on the 23rd and 24th of May 2015.  The Ceremonial Inauguration will take place at 2.30 pm amidst a large gathering of  Members of the Lions family from all parts of the District from Colombo to Kataragama.  The main highlights of the Convention Ceremonial will be the Ceremonial Parade of all Clubs and Cabinet Officers, The Necrology Ceremony in remembrance of all dear departed Lions and Ladies and the Awards Ceremony in recognition of Most Outstanding Citizen’s in the country and the District Governor’s appreciation awards in recognition of members for their outstanding contribution to the year.  The entertainment will be provided by Channa upuli Dance troupe.The Ceremonial will be followed by a Banquet.

Advisor Women’s Membership Initiative said our District Ladies have always been in the forefront carrying out innovative projects for clubs . adding a different perspective to an old project through their  own efforts.  Most importantly, they also  crusade against the needs of other women in the community such as issues of poverty, Children,  Battered women, Women estate workers, Women drug addicts , Women in need etc. Joining the 3 year centennial celebrations of the International association commencing July 2014, this year ,the Ladies of  our District launched a women’s empowerment programme ‘Singha Kantha Abhimani’ , with the view of  empowering  women  to  build  better lives for them selves and their families.  ‘Mystique ’, an evening of fashion, song and Dance organized by the Ladies this year raised the necessary funds towards this programme and also such other  programmes  carried out by the Ladies

Further PCC Lion Marcella Silva MJF added, it specially catered to women in rural and urban areas looking for self employment to support themselves and their families.  Women with limited access to enhance their education and skill base were identified and trained in technical skills such as  tailoring, beauty culture, Bridal dressing, pottery painting, soft toy making, cookery, home gardening, and such other areas to with the view to enhancing  their knowledge and facilitating  an income. These programmes have been carried out in the areas of Mt- Lavinia, Moratuwa, Panadura, Wadduwa, Kalutara, Dharga Town Beruwela, Ambalangoda, Galle, Matara, Dickwella,Tangalle and Hambantota through  various Lions Clubs and  up to now nearly 2500 women have been trained  and most of them have improved their life styles through self employment ventures. This program will identify ‘The Empowered Woman of the Year’ with the view of generating  inspiration among other women and this award will be presented at the District Convention at the BMICH .

PDG Lion Dr. Senarath Rekogama MJF, Advisor Image Building “Singha Charika Programme” & Constitution & by Laws joined the press conference by emphasizing the  importance of Professionals and the Corporate giants joining Lions Movement and take part in the service projects. He added  that the Chief Guest for the Press conference today PIP Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya PMJF and District Governor Lion Ganamini Sumanasena are two good examples for all professionals and businessmen, because of their contributions to the Lionism, the services rendered by the Lions Movement  has grown tremendously and they are the real Diamonds of the Lions Movement today.

Dr. Senarath Rekogama mentioned he takes this as an opportunity to invite all talented individuals to consider joining hands with a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support the community every day. He also mentioned that to Join a Lions Club, is only by invitation, but applications are encouraged from all members of the community. Further Added for nearly a 100 years, Lions Movement have been one of the most trusted and respected names in the nonprofit voluntary sector and its spans across the entire world and is growing every year. PDG Lion Dr. Senarath Rekogama MJF also outlined a list of benefits for the members who are joining Lions movement and ended his speech by mentioning  that “Alone we can do little, but together we can do so much.”

Lion Sampath Jayasundara – Chairman MOC Awards Committee said that the Most Outstanding Sri Lankan Citizens Awards were introduced by the Lions Clubs International District 306 A1 with the aim of recognizing and honoring individuals with exceptional accomplishments and achievements through sheer perseverance overcoming many challenges and odds in their chosen fields. This program is intended to provide the community with an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the contribution made by certain individuals for the advancement of their chosen fields or for the betterment of community at large. Further he added nominees for the year 2015 were received through advertisements published in the local newspapers in all 3 languages under the following categories; Science, Healthcare, Art, Culture, Literary Works, Sports, Entrepreneurship and Business Management & National Interest Community Service.

Delivering the vote of thanks, Lion Srilal Fernando (MJF) – Cabinet Secretary Lions Clubs International District 306 A1, gave an open invitation to all the media personnel to visit the 10th Annual District Convention ‘Pibidunu Sihanada Abhiman’, on the 23rd of May 2015 at the BMICH.  from  2.30 pm and witness what they have briefed in today’s’ media conference.

10th Annual District Convention, ‘Pibidunu Sihanada Abhiman’, will be held at the BMICH on the 23rd and 24th of May 2015.  The Ceremonial Inauguration will take place on 23rd May 2015 at 2.30 pm.

The post “PIBIDUNU SIHANADA ABHIMAN” 10th Annual District Convention of the Lions Clubs International District 306A1 on Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th May 2015 appeared first on Ceylon Business Reporter.

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