“LEGO Dimensions,” the popular anything-goes toys-to-life video game, is adding a selection of characters and vehicles from the upcoming “The LEGO Batman Movie” and the 1980s television series “Knight Rider.”
Available Feb. 10, the “LEGO Batman Movie” Story Pack will allow plays to build the Bat-Computer atop the LEGO Toy Pad. The pack comes with buildable Robin and Batgirl minifigures, which provide access to the new “LEGO Batman Movie” Adventure World” with its out Battle Arena, and the 3-in-1 buildable Batwing, which can be rebuilt into The Black Thunder and Bat-Tank. You’ll also be able to transform Robin into Nightwing, and play the complete movie.
The “Excalibur Batman” Fun Pack, meanwhile, comes with a buildable medieval knight Batman minifigure as well as a 3-in-1 buildable Bionic Steed (both from “The LEGO Batman Movie”) that can be rebuilt into the Bat-Raptor and Ultrabat. Players can use Batman’s Master Builder and Sword Switching abilities to solve puzzles and take down enemies.
And then there’s the “Knight Rider” Fun Pack, which brings a dose of ’80s action into the worlds of “LEGO Dimensions.” The pack features a buildable Michael Knight minifigure and a 3-in-1 K.I.T.T., which can be rebuilt into the K.I.T.T. Jet and Goliath Armored Semi. As with the Batman minifigure, Michael Knight provides access to a new “Knight Rider” Adventure World with its own Battle Arena.
In what will likely prove a disappointing move for some fans, both the “Knight Rider” and “Excalibur Batman” fun packs will be limited-edition store exclusives. Players looking to pick up the “Knight Rider” set will have to purchase it from GameStop, while “Excalibur Batman” will only be available from Target.
Other store exclusive “LEGO Dimensions” sets have been released in the past, and this model of sales follows similar actions taken by other toys-to-life brands such as “Skylanders” and Nintendo’s Amiibo range. Forcing customers to buy from certain retailers has often been met with annoyance from gaming communities, as limited stock often leads to the creation of speculator markets, with third parties purchasing rare sets and selling them for an inflated aftermarket price.
The “LEGO Batman Movie” and “Knight Rider”expansion will be available in stores beginning Feb. 10. These are add-ons, and require the base “LEGO Dimensions” set.
Starring Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes, Zach Galifianakis and Maria Carey, “The LEGO Batman Movie” opens Feb. 10.
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