

I didn't think I'd have much chance to blog this week or the next few until I get moved, unpacked and settled into our new home, but since David left this morning with our stuff and Lucia and I don't fly out until Thursday, I have a bit of down time, so here's a little update of what's going on with us.  I have many friends and family members I'm going to attempt to see one last time before we go, but I'm also going to lounge about a bit after the past few crazy weeks and the ridiculous amount of work it will be to settle in.  Have I ever told you that I can barely leave the house with Lucia?  It's just so difficult (or I'm just so inept) and I know it's only one child, but I just can't seem to handle it.  After the move, I'm going to be running to the store A LOT to get trash cans and hangers and a broom and pantry staples and other things that we no longer have or couldn't fit (packed to the brim and we still had to leave a bunch behind).  And I just don't know how I'll be able to do it.  David will be starting work a week from Monday and I'll be ON MY OWN.  With tantrum toddler.  Trying to set up a house.  Eeek.


Oh, and did I mention that we're moving into a town house that could possibly be a hell hole?  I'm thinking it won't be, but we only saw pictures online and there were absolutely none of the upstairs (bedrooms) or bathrooms and no layout or dimensions for the rooms.  The downstairs does look habitable and possible even nice, so I have hope.  Unless it's downright dangerous or unsanitary, we'll be living there for the next year, so let's just pray it's ok... (Um, that was supposed to be a short intro, but turned out to be worthy of a few quick takes of it's own.  Just pretend this is 11 Quick Takes Saturday.)



--- 1 --- 

David and his dad left this morning with our vehicles and the Uhaul trailer.  His departure, of course, did not go as planned.  There was a problem with his truck door not closing properly that my dad had to fix.  Then, he called my dad within the first 30 minutes after leaving to say that the trailer was acting up.  He took it in to be checked, but essentially was told he just has to stay under 55 mph.  Which makes a 25 hour drive into a MUCH longer drive (not that he would be going 75, but he definitely was comfortable with 60/65 mph speed on the way moving back with the same truck and trailer).  I am continuously at awe of the selflessness of my husband caring for our family, as well as the men in our family who have helped us with multiple moves (this is #4 in three years).  Will you say a prayer that they arrive in NC in a safe and timely manner? 


--- 2 ---

Oh wait, I almost forgot our BIG news!  (Um, other than moving cross country, but that's old news by now.)  We bought a new car!  (A new-to-us car.)  My grandparents recently stopped driving and we offered to buy their car.  It's about five years old, they kept it in pristine shape, it doesn't have many miles, and best of all, it's a Subaru!  My car is a Subaru and we love it, so I knew when the time came, we would want to swap it for another Subaru.  It's a Forester, so it has a little more room than my Legacy and will be a great family car!  Of course, it's not exactly what I would choose - the beige interior isn't exactly family-friendly, I don't really like white vehicles (probably because every single vehicle owned by my parents/grandparents is white!), and I would have preferred a stick shift - however, the benefits way outweigh these little preferences.  We're thrilled!  I would post a picture, but it's currently on it's way to North Carolina.

--- 3 ---

Let's talk stress + parenting.  I'm going to be very honest right now.  I've been in a huge parenting rut.  Motherhood is wonderful and so worth it, but recently it has felt so impossible.  Lucia has had terrible tantrums (including one in which she stabbed my little toe with a shovel in a fit of rage and I thought I would die from the pain) and I've been relying on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (and various Mickey Mouse programs on Netflix) to get me by.  I haven't been playing with her or engaging with her, simply trying to get her to watch TV or play with toys so she will leave me alone to do other things.  As soon as anyone else comes home, I've thrown Lucia at them and ran away to have some private time.  It's not that I haven't wanted to be a mother or wish I hadn't had Lucia, I just wanted a vacation.  A few weeks without her at all.  Do I sound like I'm going to get the parent of the year award?  I was starting to get really scared for that not-far-off day when David starts work and will be gone 8+ hours a day five days a week and I'd be alone with Lucia.  I can't imagine how moms of two do it, much less moms of three or four or five.  (And yes, we still do want a large family, because I know I CAN do it, just can't imagine HOW.)

Anyway, after David left with the Uhaul today (and we took 3 hour naps), Lucia and I had an amazing afternoon together.  We played with stamps for hours.  Took a walk.  Played "b-ball" (yes, she calls it that!).  Played.  We just played together.  I enjoyed her company.  It was amazing.  And I realized that I hadn't really been in a parenting rut, I simply was beyond stressed by this move and trying to get everything done.  As soon as the stress was gone, I could focus on her and our relationship.  The tantrums were still there.  There were a few memorable doozies today.  But I could handle them, focus and love my daughter through them because I didn't have something else sapping my attention. 

So my question to you then is how do you deal with stressful situations (because we can't always avoid them) in a way that minimizes their effect on your family life?


--- 4 ---

Last Saturday was my sister-in-law's baby shower and it was just lovely!  It's the first shower I've ever planned (baby or otherwise) and while I can't say it went exactly as planned, it was very fun, cute, and honored my SIL and her baby in a very loving way!  I just love showers.  And babies.  So sad we won't be here when our sweet niece arrives.

(And to tie this to the previous quick take, may I suggest NOT planning a baby shower the weekend before you move out of state.  Everything ended up fine, but there was a lot of compounded stress and busyness this week!)


--- 5 ---

Instead of getting down in the dumps as we move, I've been focusing on the things we'll look forward to.  Here's a little list I've been working on to keep my spirits up:

reuniting with old friends (and meeting some new online ones)

having our own place again

David's new career

nights and weekends together as a family

free museums

amazing weather

farmer's market

life without lotion (humidity)

Super Double coupon week at Harris Teeter

exploring more of the US East and South

Any of you who know NC/Raleigh, what am I missing?


--- 6 ---


Another thing to be grateful for: the amazing guest bloggers who have contributed posts for this crazy busy moving time.  I am so beyond grateful that I can take a blogging break (except for tonight, of course) which was much needed, even without the move!  If you missed them, Sarah wrote a post about the care and keeping of single ladies with advice for single women who struggle with engagement/baby announcements, and their married/mom friends who want to be kind about these announcements.  On Monday, Olivia wrote a heartwarming post about what she learned about preteens in her first year as a middle school teacher.  It's a two part post, so be sure to check back to read part 2 on Monday.  To round out the week, I shared 12 reasons we don't use contraception (in three days already the 3rd most viewed post in my nearly three years of blogging!) and a sponsor spotlight on my friend's etsy shop, The Hydrangea Hut.  There are so many more amazing guest posts coming up in the next few weeks too, so stay tuned! 

--- 7 ---



I finally bit the bullet and signed up as a Lilla Rose independent consultant.    I've done a couple reviews of Lilla Rose hair accessories provided by my sweet consultant Anjanette and LOVED them.  (I lost the hair band in that picture and am not proud to say that I may have cried like a baby about it.)  I had been thinking about signing up as a consultant for awhile and figured I would finally do it after we were fully settled in after the move, however, there is currently free shipping on the new consultant enrollment kits and thought I might as well just go ahead and take advantage of it.  You'll be seeing some giveaways and information in the future (after I settle in), but I just wanted to share in case you were in the market for some new hair accessories or interested in taking advantage of the free shipping and becoming a consultant as well!  You can find more information on my website here.


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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