

As part of a European lobby tour organised by MISEREOR and CIDSE, Mgr. Fridolin Ambongo, and Fr. Clément Makiobo representing CENCO – the National Bishops Conference of CONGO (DRC) –  will meet with EU political leaders, Members of the European Parliament and representatives of EU Member States to call for a strong EU legislation on conflict minerals. (Brussels, 12-13/11/2015)

4th UN Business and Human Rights annual Forum, with side events with FIDH, FoE Europe and ActionAid on trade and investment agreements (17/11) and another on human rights due diligence in law and practice (18/11). (Geneva, 16-18/11)

Debate on “Laudato Si’: Climate Policy – Moral obligation and International Commitment” organised by the Jesuit European Social Centre and the Hanns Seidel Foundation. To register, click here. (Brussels, 18/11)

Conference on ‘Climate change and development’ co-organised by Cordaid, CARE NL, ICCO, Kerk in Actie, Huis van Europa, and Humanity House. (The Hague, 19/11/2015)

Conference on “Land grab and just governance in Africa” in Nairobi that will gather about 80 participants, including representatives from communities affected by and resisting land grabbing, local, regional and international NGOs as well as Church representatives from Justice and Peace Commissions concerned with this issue. (Nairobi/Kenya, 22-26/11)

Civil Society Summit Europe 2015 “The future of development cooperation – who is really benefitting?” organised by CONCORD Aidwatch with  the support of Eurodad, CPDE, Reality of Aid and CAN Europe (Brussels, 24/11/2015)

During the COP21 conference, CIDSE will host an official side-event entitled “Deal with it! People, Rights, Justice”, together with Caritas Internationalis, MISEREOR and Friends of the Earth International. (Paris, 07/12/2015).

As part of civil society COP21 mobilisation activities, CIDSE will organise a five-day programme in collaboration with partners and allies from all over the world, including workshops, exchanges and actions with supporters and staff from its member organisations. Among activities foreseen, there will be a workshop on sustainable lifestyles and another one on rethinking development. Together with CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Caritas Internationalis and Secours Catholique, CIDSE will also co-sponsor an event on ecology and spirituality. (Paris, 9-13/12/2015)

Together with ECCJ and Amnesty International, CIDSE will co-organise a workshop on human rights due diligence. (Brussels, 27-28/01/2016)


Smart CSOs conference conference theme this year was “Reinventing Activism.” See “Practical guide for a Great Transition“. (Berlin, 5-7/11/2015)

The International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements (FIMARC) and the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) joined the campaign Change for the Planet – Care for the People and launched with CIDSE a Call to action – “4 Steps for the Planet”, to culminate at the Paris COP21 conference. Join this global movement for transformative change by taking a video clip of yourself walking four steps, upload it here and tell your friends why you’re walking for the planet, including the campaign’s hashtag: #ChangeForPlanet. (05/11/2015)

At the last session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) before the Paris COP21 conference a statement signed by 154 religious leaders from different faith groups coordinated by ACT Alliance, CIDSE, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Religions for Peace, and the World Council of Churches was handed over to Ms. Christiana Figueres, UNFCCC Executive Secretary. (Bonn, 19-23/10/2015) Ahead of the IMF/World Bank annual meetings in Lima, CIDSE also facilitated the publication of an opinion article by Bishop Theotonius Gomes, Auxiliary Bishop (emeritus) of Dhaka, Bangladesh in The Diplomat asking rich countries to pay their ‘ecological debt’. (09/10/2015)

Under the sponsorship of the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the UN, CIDSE and Caritas Internationalis organised a high level event on climate at the UN Headquarters (New York, 26/09/2015). A few days later, together with ACT Alliance Europe, Caritas Europa and ECE, CIDSE co-sponsored a debate on climate and the papal encyclical Laudato Si’ hosted by MEP Othmar Karas at the European Parliament. (29/09/2015)

A reflection day on Engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals was held with Caritas Internationalis at Manhattan College (New York, 25-27/2015)

Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) meeting (Rome, 10-11/10) and the 42nd Session of the Committee for World Food Security/FAO (Rome, 12-15/10). On the occasion of World Food Day, CIDSE promoted the civil society-led Right to Food and Nutrition Watch report 2015, “Peoples’ Nutrition Is Not a Business”, shedding light on the control businesses have over food systems and policies.

In an article originally published in “New development policy for Europe – Doing more, doing better” a discussion paper by Friends of Europe, Global Europe and Development Policy Forum, Jean Saldanha, CIDSE Senior Policy Advisor, reflects whether the outcome of the Addis Ababa third international conference on financing for development has changed anything. (24/09/2015)

CIDSE members are mobilizing to respond to the influx of migrants and refugees in Europe with solidarity actions and by providing humanitarian aid. (10/09/2015)

The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (PCJP), in collaboration with the Latin American network, Iglesias y Mineria (Churches and Mining), organised a reflection day entitled “In union with God we hear a plea” with 30 representatives of local communities affected by extractive activities in mining areas from 18 countries across the world. The group and supporters, CIDSE and Iglesias y Minería published the open letter written by the participating communities as well as testimonies. (Rome, 17-19/07/2015)

Securing a strong and effective EU regulation for supply chain due diligence to stop complicity in funding conflicts, CIDSE Briefing. (EN-FR) (11/2015)

Fair shares: a civil society equity review of INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions), civil society report co-signed by CIDSE. (11/2015)

Paris, for the People and the Planet, CIDSE policy paper for the COP21 conference (EN-ES-FR). (10/2015)

“Climate-Smart revolution… or a new era of green-washing?”, CIDSE briefing, now available in  ES-FR. (10/2015)

The right to adequate food and nutrition and the situation of human rights defenders in Guatemala, report by the third International Mission (ACT Alliance EU, CIDSE, CIFCA, FIAN International, Rel-UITA and La Via Campesina International) (ES-EN). (09/2015)


Interview of Baker A’wawdy from The Galilee Society, on “Conflict and Climate Justice”

Interview of OurVoices’ representatives: Yeb Saño and Rev. Harper Fletcher, on “Climate Justice and Civil Society Engagement”

Interview of Enele Sopoaga, Prime Minister of Tuvalu on “Climate Justice and Sinking States”

Series of interviews about the Encyclical Laudato Si’ released on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the environment (01/09/2015)

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