
*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year A page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.

Disclaimer: The posts below contain links to other websites and the content of these sites are evaluated before they are included. These websites can change without warning making links inactive and/or the content altered. We have no control over other websites and we are not responsible for the content that they post.

Matthew 26:14-27:66


catholicmom.com- Click on the month. Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc.

catholickidsbulletin.blogspot.com- Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities.

loyolapress.com- Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families

4catholiceducatiors.com- Resources on the Sunday Readings

mssscrafts.com- The Last Supper, The Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion (look under Jesus’ Final Days) with tons of resources for illustrating the story, coloring pages/activity sheets, crafts, and songs.

sundayschoollessons.com- Jesus Shares Supper with His Friends lesson

sundayschoollessons.com- Last Supper lesson with Bible verses, discussions, activities, etc.

sundayschoollessons.com- Pilot Calls Jesus King lesson

sundayschoolresources.com- Jesus Died on the Cross lesson

childrensermons.com- The Cross object lesson

kidsclubs4jesus.com- Kiss of Betrayal
Judas Just Reward
Pontius Pilot
Crown of Thorns
Carrying the Cross
Sour Wine and Gall
It Is Finished
Lessons with puzzles, coloring sheet, Bible readings, questions, memory verses, key points, object lesson, drama, puppets, etc. (These files are set up and formatted so that they can be easily made into weekly booklets for your children's ministry, youth ministry, etc., with 4 sheets of legal paper and two staples).

sundayschoolsources.com- The Last Supper lesson with vocabulary, discussions, questions, memory work, etc.

sundayschoolsources.com-The Garden of Gethsemane lesson with discussions, songs, crafts, games, questions, worksheets, memory work, etc.

sundayschoolsources.com- Peter Denies Christ lesson with discussions, songs, crafts, games, questions, worksheets, memory work, etc.

sundayschoolsources.com- Pilate lesson with vocabulary, discussions, questions, memory work, etc.

sundayschoolsources.com- Jesus’ Death lesson with vocabulary, discussions, questions, memory work, etc.

sundayschoolsources.com- Jesus is Crucified lesson with discussions, songs, crafts, games, questions, worksheets, memory work, etc.

dltk-bible.com- #2 The Last Supper
#3 Jesus Prays
#4 Jesus Dies On The Cross
Lessons that include coloring pages, take home sheet, games, songs, crafts, snacks, etc.

The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities?

textweek.com- Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources


hellokids.com- The Last Supper coloring page

sermons4kids.com- The Last Supper

oncoloring.com- Jesus at the Last Supper with the apostles coloring page

honkingdonkey.com- The Lord's Supper - The Last Supper Coloring Page

sundayschoolkids.com- 2 page activity and coloring page

supercoloring.com- The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci coloring page

4catholiceducators.com- Holy Thursday clip art

theclipartwizard.com- Holy Thursday coloring pages

sundayschoolzone.com- The Last Supper Coloring Page

apples4theteacher.com- The Body and Blood of Christ coloring sheet

4catholiceducators.com- Good Friday clip art

theclipartwizard.com- Good Friday coloring pages

apples4theteacher.com- Crown of Thorns

apples4theteacher.com- Jesus Stumbles with Cross


dltk-bible.com- Last Supper keychain

The Catholic Toolbox- Chalice

christianbook.com- A Framed Picture
Making a sparkling picture of communion will be a reminder of the special time we put aside to remember Jesus. (Bible Crafts on a Shoestring Budget: Paper Plates & Cups, page 12 & 13). *Click on Excerpt and go to pages 12 & 13

catholicicing.com- An easy craft based on the famous Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper painting

first-school.ws- A cute rooster craft with templates available in both black & white and in color versions. Leave off the feet and the rooster can rock back and forth.

christiancrafters.com- Colors of Christ Cross (neat tip at the bottom for younger students)

christiancrafters.com- Mosaic Cross (easy cross necklace/magnet that all kids can make)

daniellesplace.com- Cross Crafts (several posted here)


Building My Cross (Good Friday)- During this game, children will build a cross for themselves and discover Jesus took their place. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games, page 147).

Review lesson with the following games:


Divide the class into two teams. Establish in the classroom, a first base, second base, third base, and home. Determine in advance how many innings will be played. Team #1 is up at bat first and line up along the chalkboard. The first player is asked a question from the teacher, if they are correct, they advance to first base. If they are incorrect, they go to the end of the line and it counts as an out. The second batter is then asked a different question. Each correct answer allows the batter to advance one base. The game continues like baseball until there are three outs. After three outs, Team #2 has their turn at bat. Whichever team has the most runs, wins.


Need: one small ball (or two balled up pieces of paper), two chairs, one trashcan.

Directions: Put a trashcan against a wall. Divide the class into two teams. Have students line up in two teams behind a chair (to keep them from getting too close to basket). Ask the first person in Team #1 a question. If they are correct, they get to try to make a basket. If they make a basket, their team gets a point. If they do not get a basket, their team does not receive a point. After the first player has his turn, he then goes to the end of Team #1’s line. It is now Team #2’s turn. The team with the most points wins.

Pass the Rooster! (Pass the Chicken)

Introduce game: What crowed three times just like Jesus said it would? A rooster.

Need: A fake rooster.

Directions: In this game, nobody wants to hold the rooster -- the game's only prop! To begin the game, all students sit in a circle. Select one person to be “It”. That person holds the rooster. The teacher asks the person holding the rooster a Bible Question and then says, “Pass the rooster!" As soon as the teacher says, "Pass the rooster," the person holding the rooster passes it to the right. Students quickly pass the rooster around the circle. If it returns to the original holder before he or she can answer the question, the holder is still “It”. Otherwise, the person holding the rooster when “It” finishes answering the question is the new “It”. The teacher should prepare the questions for this game in advance.

(Alternate rules)

An egg timer is set for any time the teacher wishes. The teacher then gives a student the rooster and asks them a Bible Question. The student must answer the question correctly. If they do not, the student must answer another question until they are correct. When the student is correct, the teacher says, “Pass the rooster!” and the student passes the rooster to the person on their right and that student must answer a Bible Question to be able to pass the rooster. Whoever is holding the rooster with the timer goes off is the rooster.

yumpu.com- Fill Your Seder Plate Board Game
Have you ever experienced a Passover Seder? For many, Seder meals are not a common part of their typical Holy Week traditions. To help children understand what was eaten during this meal, here is a game that reviews the traditional food of the Seder meal.

The Catholic Toolbox- Last Supper File Folder Game


365 Activities for Kids- Find the cups on November 15th.

More 365 Activities for Kids (puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from November 6 - 21).

biblewise.com- Crown of Thorns (maze)

joanyedwards.com- Word Search

joanyedwards.com- Crossword

The Last Supper- Color the shapes with letters from the word REMEMBRANCE. What did Jesus share with the disciples? (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 72).

Jesus Prays in a Garden- Listen to the directions and circle the correct answer. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 74).

Peter Denies Jesus- Peter denied Jesus three times. Hidden in this picture are three numbers 3’s. Can you find them? Color the picture. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 76).

Crucify Him! Crucify Him!- Jesus had to go before many people before finally going to the cross. Follow this maze to see where He went. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 77).

Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus- The soldiers mocked Jesus. They dressed Him like a fake king. Draw a line to the things that the soldiers put on Jesus. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 78).

Simon Helps Jesus- Connect the dots to see how Simon helped Jesus. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 79).

Jesus Forgives the People- Write the first letter of each object to fill in the blank in this sentence. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 80).

Jesus Dies on the Cross- Listen to the directions and circle the correct answer. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 81).

A Friend Shares His Tomb- Look at these pictures. They tell the story of Jesus’ burial. Number the pictures in the correct order. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 82).

The Crucifixion- Use the Braille alphabet to fill in the blanks to find out about the remarkable things that happened when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. (Red Hot Bible Puzzles by Nancy I. Sanders, page 45).

Jesus’ True Identity- Use the code and fill in the blanks to see if Jesus ever actually told anyone that He was God’s Son. (Wa-a-ay Cool Bible Puzzles by Nancy I. Sanders, page 47).


dltk-kids.com- Last Supper snack

Lenten Hot Cross Buns- Kids Explore American’s Catholic Heritage, page 165 – 166

Hot Cross Buns-




pflaum.com- Four times during the school year, Pflaum Gospel Weeklies provides three ready-to-print activities for each level; Seeds (Preschool), Promise (Grades K-1), Good News (Grades 2-3), Venture (Grades 4-6) and Visions (Grades 7-8). Plus each season special features for the entire family.

catholicmom.com- Holy Thursday Worksheet
Fill in the blanks with a word from below. (Ideas for younger students given.)

catholicmom.com- Good Friday Worksheet
Fill in the blanks with a word from below.

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