
Free Monthly PD Webinar

The Common Core State Standards for ELA and Math call teachers to revisit their skills in crafting challenging, thought-provoking questions and leading rich, rigorous small-group and whole-class conversations.In this webinar, Teaching Techniques for Immediate Impact, participants will learn how to write scaffolded questions and manage classroom discussions.  Participants will be introduced to several techniques found in Doug Lemov’s best seller Teach Like a Champion.

Some teaching techniques you will learn include:

Do It Again. When students fail to successfully complete a basic task, from entering the classroom quietly to passing papers around, doing it again, doing it right, and doing it perfectly, results in the best consequences.
No Warnings. If you’re angry with your students, it usually means you should be angry with yourself. This technique shows how to effectively address misbehaviors in your classroom.
No Opt Out. How to move students from the blank stare or stubborn shrug to giving the [...]

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