
This is like a mega lucky dip for Cats: take your pick.  (Sorry re length – but it is pretty informative and just think of the savings to the taxpayer!)

Part 3          Grants of financial assistance to persons other than a State or Territory

Department of Immigration and Citizenship


Grant to Refugee Council of Australia for advice on the views of the refugee and humanitarian non-government sector on the Humanitarian Program, including resettlement and onshore protection, and on humanitarian settlement issues


Grant to Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia  to advise the Australian Government on the views and needs of ethnic communities in Australia


Grant towards the cost of developing a multicultural centre in Mirrabooka, Western Australia

Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education


Assistance to upgrade Simplot’s processing plants in Tasmania

Objective: To provide financial assistance to upgrade Simplot’s coal-fired vegetable processing facilities


Ford Australia Environmental Innovation Grant

Objective: To provide assistance to the Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited in the design and engineering to reduce carbon dioxide emissions of the 2014 Falcon and improve the safety of the Falcon and the Territory vehicles


General Motors Holden—next generation vehicles

Objective: To provide assistance to General Motors Holden to support capital investment and design and engineering of Holden’s next generation vehicles


Programs to assist in the transition to lower-emission energy sources

Objective: Assistance to transition to lower-emission energy sources


Alcoa Point Henry assistance

Objective: To increase the productivity and sustainability of the Point Henry aluminium smelter


Cairns Institute Tropical Innovation Hub

Objective: To support the construction of a new research facility to work on issues of significance to the tropics, including marine and climate science, public health, social and community welfare and Indigenous development


Establishment of an ICT-enabled research laboratory—Commonwealth assistance

Objective: Assistance to establish a global research and development laboratory at the University of Melbourne in Victoria

Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism


Grant to an entity to assist in the transition to lower-emission energy sources

Objective: Providing grants to an entity to assist in the transition to lower-emission energy sources

Part 4          Programs

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


Carbon Farming Initiative

Clean energy future—Creating Opportunities on the Land—extending the benefits of the Carbon Farming Initiative

Objective: Through these programs, Australian farmers and land managers can participate in, and benefit from, the carbon crediting system by generating carbon offset credits that can be sold in domestic and international carbon markets


Climate Change Adaptation Partnerships Program

Climate Change Adjustment Program

Climate Change Research Program

Objective: To strengthen the capacity for primary producers to adapt and adjust to a changing climate while maintaining productivity


Drought Assistance—Re-establishment Assistance

Drought policy reform—Pilot of new measures in Western Australia

Drought Assistance—Professional Advice

Objective: These 3 programs increase the resilience and capacity of farmers, farming families and communities to better prepare for and self-manage the impacts of drought, climate variability and reduced water availability


Tasmanian Forest Industry—Adjustment package

Objective: To foster and enable productive, profitable, internationally competitive and sustainable Australian forest and forest products industries


Live Animal Exports—Assistance to Individuals

Live Animal Exports—Business Assistance

Objective: These 2 programs support eligible primary producers and small businesses with targeted assistance to manage adjustment pressures and remain viable in the long term


Regional Food Producers’ Innovation and Productivity Program

Objective: To foster and enable productive, profitable, internationally-competitive and sustainable horticulture and wine industries


Australian Animal Welfare Strategy

Objective: To improve animal welfare outcomes, including for the export of livestock, by coordinated action at the national and international levels


Northern Australia Beef Industry Strategy—Indigenous Pastoral Project

Objective: To provide an opportunity for the northern beef industry to diversify its production system and add value to its contribution to the region’s future economic prosperity


National Weeds and Productivity Research Program

Objective: To strengthen the national approach to weed and pest animal management and research


Fisheries Resources Research Fund

Objective: To foster and enable productive, profitable, internationally-competitive and sustainable Australian fishing and aquaculture industries


Agriculture Advancing Australia—International Agricultural Cooperation

Objective: To maintain and improve international market access opportunities for Australia’s agriculture, food, fisheries and forestry industries


Live Cattle Exports—Business Assistance—official development assistance and improved supply chains

Objective: To improve animal welfare outcomes, including for the export of livestock, by coordinated action at the national and international levels


Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis and Research

Australia’s Biosecurity Strategy—Post Entry Quarantine—Communications

Animal Biosecurity & Response Reform

International Organisations Contributions—World Organisation for Animal Health

Other Exotic Disease Preparation

Payment to Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)—Contribution to the operating costs of the Australian Animal Health Laboratory

Commonwealth contribution to operating costs of Animal Health Australia

Objective: These 7 programs support access to overseas markets and protect the economy and the environment from the impacts of unwanted pests and diseases through the safe movement to and from Australia of animals, plants and their products, including genetic material, people and cargo


Rural Financial Counselling Service

Objective: To support eligible primary producers and small businesses with targeted assistance to manage adjustment pressures and remain viable in the long term


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Minor Use Program

Objective: To support the National Registration Scheme for agricultural and veterinary chemicals


International Organisations Contribution

Objective: To maintain and improve international market access opportunities for Australia’s agriculture, food, fisheries and forestry industries


Transitional Farm Family Payment

Objective: To provide household support to primary producers, in recognition that farm families may experience hardship at any time

Attorney-General’s Department


Justice Services

Objective: To provide resources for legal assistance services for disadvantaged Australians and communities


Payments for membership of international bodies

Objective: To provide for annual membership payments to international bodies and organisations: the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH); the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO); the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT); and International Social Service (ISS)


Payments for grants to Australian organisations

Objectives: To fund the Commonwealth’s contributions to Standing Committee on Law and Justice (SCLJ) programs and to provide grants to organisations with projects or activities that contribute to the pursuit of an equitable and accessible system of federal civil justice


Payments for the provision of legal aid in expensive Commonwealth criminal cases—Legal Aid Commissions

Objective: To administer the Expensive Commonwealth Criminal Cases Fund to which legal aid commissions can apply on a reimbursement basis


Payments for the provision of community legal services

Objective: To contribute to the provision of access to legal assistance services for disadvantaged members of the community and those with special needs and/or whose interest should be protected as a matter of public interest through the provision of funding to community based organisations


Financial assistance towards legal costs and related expenses

Objective: To provide funding for legal costs and disbursements in proceedings involving Commonwealth law, or in circumstances that give rise to a special Commonwealth interest


Commonwealth Human Rights Education Program

Objective: To provide grants to community organisations to deliver practical, grassroots human rights education projects for the community and vulnerable groups


Family Relationships Services Program

Objective: To provide funding for family law related services


Payments under the Indigenous Justice Program

Objective: To provide grants to State, Territory and local governments, and non-government organisations, for projects to reduce crime and improve Indigenous community safety by reducing offending behaviour


Payments for the provision of Family Violence Prevention Legal Services for Indigenous Australia

Objective: To provide funding to help Indigenous adults and children who are victims or survivors of family violence, including sexual assault, or who are at immediate risk of such violence


Payments for Indigenous interpreter services in the Northern Territory

Objective: To provide Indigenous interpreter services in remote communities and urban living areas to assist in the delivery of Australian Government services and to improve access to appropriate legal services for Indigenous Australians


Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory law and order measures

Objective: To provide grants to the Northern Territory Government, local governments and non-government organisations to improve the safety of Indigenous communities and to reduce the risk of contact with the criminal justice system


Native title system

Objective: To support professional development and training for anthropologists in the native title field, to attract a new generation of junior anthropologists to native title work, and to encourage senior anthropologists to remain within the system


National Security and Criminal Justice

Objectives: To support strengthened bilateral and multilateral cooperation in regional and international crime and terrorism prevention, national and community crime prevention, national crisis and emergency management, support anti-people smuggling legislation in regional countries, the development of police and criminal justice legislation in Pacific Island countries, and participation in the work of, and payments to support, the International Criminal Court


National Community Crime Prevention Program

Objective: To provide grants to not-for-profit non-government organisations to undertake community based crime prevention projects.


Payments for membership of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Objective: To fund membership of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)


Payments for grants to Australian organisations

Objective: To provide annual payments to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to fund the National Crime Statistics Unit (NCSU), the National Corrective Services Statistics Unit (NCSSU) and the National Criminal Courts Statistics Unit (NCCSU) and make grant payments to Crime Stoppers Australia


Safer Suburbs

Objective: To reduce crime and antisocial behaviour by funding local initiatives run by not-for-profit and local government organisations to implement a range of community safety initiatives


Disaster Resilience Australia—Emergency Warning System Database

Objective: To maintain the Location Based Number Store (LBNS), which provides the phone number data and associated data services which underpin the emergency alerting systems used by State agencies in the event of emergencies which threaten lives


Disaster Resilience Australia Package

Objective: To fund emergency management projects of national significance to improve the ability to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from disasters across social, economic, environmental and governance elements


National Counter-Terrorism Committee—special fund and operating expenses

Objective: To support a program of training, development and counter-terrorism exercises, the purchase of specialist counter-terrorism equipment, and forums, workshops and meetings which support the development of national policy and capabilities


Counter-terrorism exercises

Objective: To conduct national counter-terrorism exercises


National aerial firefighting

Objective: Funding to the National Aerial Firefighting Centre Ltd (NAFC), a joint company formed by the States and Territories in association with the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council Inc


Countering Violent Extremism to Prevent Terrorism

Objective: To support community-based initiatives to counter the influence of violent extremist ideologies


Schools Security Program

Objective: To fund security measures for government and non-government schools assessed as being at risk because of racial, religious or ethnically motivated vandalism, property crime and harassment to meet their specific security needs


Assistance—New Zealand citizens affected by natural disasters in Australia

Objective: To provide payments to New Zealand citizens affected by natural disasters


Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements—Loans

Objective: To provide concessional loans for the victims of natural disasters

Australian Customs and Border Protection Service


Border protection and enforcement

Objective: To prevent, detect and deter prohibited, harmful or illegal goods or people entering Australia or operating illegally in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone

Australian Federal Police


National Security—Policing

Objective: To support prevention delivered by the following functions: Counter Terrorism, Aviation and Protection


International Deployments

Objective: To contribute to national security by providing, on behalf of the Australian Government, policing support for enhanced rule of law internationally, including Official Development Assistance



Objective: To reduce the criminal threats to Australia’s collective economic and societal interests by employing a multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary approach to the fight against Commonwealth crime. This includes transnational crime (drug trafficking, people smuggling and human trafficking), as well as financial and corporate crime, identity crime and other Commonwealth offences


Close Operational Support

Objective: To provide specialist support to 3 AFP national security and operations programs, particularly to address advances in technology and science, and operations in response to particular Criminal Code offences


ACT Community Policing

Objective: To provide a community policing capacity to the ACT Government. AFP activities in this regard include the 4 key outputs of crime and safety management, road safety, prosecution and judicial support, and crime prevention

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy


International Organisations Contributions

Objective: To contribute funding to the International Telecommunication Union and the Asia Pacific Telecommunity to ensure that Australian interests are represented in international standards development, capacity building and telecommunications cooperation



Objective: To inform and educate the Australian community, particularly young people, about online risks and to provide tools in response to the risks



Objective: To raise Australians’ awareness about cybersecurity and to educate them on safe and secure online practices


Digital Productivity

Objective: To assist local governments, Australian citizens and small businesses to acquire the skills and capabilities necessary to harness the benefits of high speed broadband


ICT Centre of Excellence

Objective: To develop an ICT Centre of Excellence to a world-class standard in research and research training, with associated commercialisation, linkages and collaboration activities


Regional Telecommunications Review Response

Objective: To improve telecommunications affordability and access for people and Indigenous communities in regional and remote areas


Community Broadcasting Program

Objective: To assist community broadcasters to deliver community radio and television services in the support of media diversity and social inclusion and to provide opportunities for media training and skills development


Digital Television Switchover

Objective: To achieve the switchover to digital-only television through: assisting commercial television broadcasters to provide additional services to viewers in regional and remote licence areas; assisting eligible households to convert to digital via the Viewer Access Satellite Service; and providing practical and technical assistance to those who are most likely to have significant difficulties in switching to digital television


Indigenous Broadcasting

Objective: To contribute to the Indigenous communications sector through funding for independent radio and media organisations and peak bodies, the development of professional skills and the promotion of Indigenous culture


Digital Television Switchover—spectrum restacking—assistance

Objective: To assist broadcasters to replace and retune existing television transmission equipment and allow the digital dividend spectrum to be cleared as soon as possible after the switch-off of analog television services


Spectrum—assistance to broadcasters for electronic news gathering

Objective: To assist free-to-air commercial broadcasters to facilitate the clearance of the 2.5 gigahertz spectrum band

Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency


Extending the benefits of the Carbon Farming Initiative

Objective: To provide funding for research and development of reporting tools for Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) methodologies


Carbon Farming Initiative—Non-Kyoto Fund and Carbon Farming Skills

Objective: To purchase CFI credits that are not Kyoto-eligible and to promote the integrity of the CFI and ensure that landholders have access to high quality carbon services


Solar Cities

Objective: To support Australian residents to create a collective energy-wise response to climate change


Energy Efficiency Programs

Objective: To provide minimum energy performance standards and the labelling of residential and commercial buildings and the implementation of measures agreed by the Council of Australian Governments in relation to the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency


Solar Hot Water Initiative

Objective: To assist the energy efficiency of Australian homes through support to install new solar hot water systems or heat pump hot water systems


Green Loans/Green Start

Objective: To assist with energy efficiency initiatives in Australian homes by providing free home sustainability assessments, and reimbursing eligible Green Loans home assessors with costs of becoming an assessor and costs of further developing their professional qualifications


Home Insulation Program

Objective: To assist with energy efficiency in Australian homes through supporting the installation of insulation and the associated safety and industry assistance measures


GEMS National Legislative Framework

Objective: To implement minimum energy performance standards and labelling of appliances, equipment and products that significantly affect energy use


Clean energy future—Low Carbon Communities

Objective: To support the development and implementation of energy efficiency initiatives in local council facilities and infrastructure, community-use facilities and low-income households


Clean energy future—Carbon Deducible Gift Recipients Fund

Objective: To provide assistance to charitable organisations for the effective carbon price impact on essential maritime and aviation fuels


Clean energy future—Energy Efficiency Information grants

Objective: To provide information and training to help small and medium enterprises reduce energy costs


National Solar School Plan

Objective: To assist eligible primary and secondary schools to install solar and other renewable power systems, solar hot water systems, rainwater tanks and a range of energy efficiency measures


Local Government Energy Efficiency Program

Objective: To support local government authorities to install solar and heat pump hot water systems in their buildings and community facilities to improve energy efficiency


Clean energy future—Voluntary Action Pledge Fund and GreenPower purchases

Objective: To establish a tax deductible pledge fund that allows households and individuals to access the carbon market to voluntarily cancel permits


Climate Change Science Program

Objective: To fund research to improve knowledge of the causes, nature, timing and consequences of climate change


National Climate Change Adaptation Centre

Objective: To support the development of climate change adaptation policy and risk analysis


Natural Resource Management for Climate Change

Objective: To provide coordination of research to produce regional-level climate change impacts and adaptation information to support regional natural resource management planning


International climate change

Objective: To influence the development of international policies and measures in relation to climate change through the pursuit of broad based international climate action and agreement


Energy security fund

Objective: To provide transitional assistance to eligible emissions-intensive coal-fired generators

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations


Support for the Child Care System

Objective: To support child care services so that more families can access quality early childhood education and childcare services. This program helps families to participate in the social and economic life of the community


Child Care Services Support

Objective: To support Child Care Services to:

(a)  improve access to child care; improve the quality of child care support; and

(b)  promote and maintain high quality care and inclusion for all children; and

(c)  promote and maintain high quality care and inclusion for all children; and

(d)  support the development, maintenance and dissemination of information to assist families to make informed decisions about child care


Jobs Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance (JETCCFA)

Objective: To provide eligible parents with extra financial assistance to help with the cost of approved child care while undertaking activities such as job search, work, study, training or rehabilitation to help them to enter or re-enter the workforce


Early Childhood Education

Objective: To improve access to early childhood education and child care, to support optimal child development in the early years and prepare children for formal schooling


School Support

Objective: To support initiatives that aim to improve the quality outcomes for all Australian students


Teach Next

To address areas of teacher shortages in regional and hard-to-staff schools and to reduce the number of teachers currently teaching outside their subject areas


National Trade Cadetship

Objective: To deliver a school-based program that provides opportunities for students to undertake vocational learning and develop work readiness skills in preparation for a skilled occupation after leaving school


Online Diagnostic Tools

Objective: To deliver online assessment and learning tools for teachers and parents and to trial online delivery of the National Assessment Program including NAPLAN and sample population assessments in science, civics and ICT


Australian Baccalaureate

Objective: To develop a new voluntary recognised senior school qualification, the Australian Baccalaureate


Indigenous Ranger Cadetships

Objective: To assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to complete school and build their capacity for further study, training, jobs and careers in land, water and resource management


National Asian Languages in Schools

Objective:  To increase opportunities for school students to become proficient at learning the languages and understanding the cultures of our Asian neighbours, namely China, Indonesia, Japan and Korea


Grants and Awards

Objective: To assist in maintaining the operations of key national educational research and representative organisations


National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program (NSCSWP)

Objective: To assist school communities to support the wellbeing of their students, including by strengthening values, providing pastoral care and enhancing engagement with the broader community


Helping Children with Autism

Objective: To provide support for children with autism spectrum disorder, their parents, carers, teachers and other professionals


Quality Outcomes

Objective: To provide projects that support the objective of improved student learning outcomes in schools and a national leadership role in school education


Framework for Open Learning

Objective: To maximise the benefits of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for educational purposes across education and training sectors


Local Schools Working Together

Objective: To encourage government, Catholic and independent schools to work together to develop shared educational facilities which will broaden the benefit of government expenditure on capital infrastructure


Student Resilience and Wellbeing

Objective: To support student resilience and wellbeing


Review of School Funding

Objective: To conduct further policy and technical work to refine and verify elements of the recommendations made in the Review of Funding for Schooling


One Laptop Per Child

Objective: To support One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Australia to roll out additional custom-built laptops to thousands of primary school students and to provide helpdesk and online support to participating schools


Maths and Science Participation

To improve participation in the study of mathematics and science at school and university


Indigenous Education

To support initiatives that aim to improve the quality outcomes for Indigenous Australian students


Trade Training

Objective: To enable all secondary students to access vocational education training through Trade Training Centres


Digital Education

Objective: To support the effective integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Australian schools


Digital Education Revolution Project Pool

Objective: To support the development of digital curriculum, assist teachers and school leaders to embrace technology, provide technical advice and support for initiatives, and support the Australian Curriculum by enabling the use, sharing and discovery of digital resources aligned with the new curriculum


Digital Education Revolution (Non-Government)

Objective: To help schools to provide new computers and other ICT equipment for students in Years 9 to 12, as well as providing the necessary infrastructure to support the installation and maintenance of the additional ICT


National Action Plan on Literacy and Numeracy

Objective: To support teaching, leadership and the effective use of student performance information to deliver sustained improvement in literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students, especially those who are falling behind


Education Infrastructure

Objective: To provide economic stimulus through the rapid construction and refurbishment of school infrastructure and to build learning environments to help children, families and communities to participate in activities that support achievement, develop learning potential and bring communities together


Smarter Schools—Improving Teacher Quality National Partnership

Objective: To support ambitious, nationally-significant and sustainable reforms to attract, train, place, develop and retain quality teachers and school leaders in classrooms and schools


Support for Students with Disabilities

Objective: To assist government and non-government education authorities to support their work with students with disability and learning difficulties


Students with Disabilities (COPE)

Objective: To support the implementation of the Students with Disabilities National Partnership


Student with Disabilities (Non-Government)

Objective: To assist non-government education authorities to support their work with students with disability and learning difficulties, and to build the capacity of schools and teachers to better meet students’ individual needs


Youth Support

Objective: To support all young people to make a successful transition from school to further education, training or work


Youth Attainment and Transitions National Partnership

Objective: To improve young Australians’ educational participation and attainment, their engagement, and their transition to post-school education, training and employment


Youth Engagement

Objective: To support young Australians to engage with government on decisions that impact on them, to transition to independent living, to celebrate their contribution to the community, to provide specific assistance to vulnerable young people and to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information about key issues and practices in the youth field


Empowering Local Schools

Objective: To support participating schools to make decisions, to better respond to the needs of students and the school community, and to provide services designed to assist their students to achieve their best educational outcomes


Empowering Local Schools (COPE)

Objective: Leadership to support research, communities of practice and professional development for principals and school leaders participating in Phase One of the initiative


Empowering Local Schools (Non-Government)

Objective: To support non-government schools to make decisions at a local level and to better respond to the needs of students and the school community


Rewards for School Improvement

Objective: To encourage a nationally-consistent and rigorous approach to school self-evaluation and improvement planning through implementation of a National School Improvement Framework and reward payments to schools showing the most improvement


Rewards For School Improvement (COPE)

Objective: Support to develop a National School Improvement Framework (NSIF)


Rewards For School Improvement (Non-Government)

Objective: To encourage a nationally-consistent and rigorous approach to school self-evaluation and improvement planning through implementation of a National School Improvement Framework and reward payments to schools showing the most improvement


National Rewards for Great Teachers

Objective: To recognise and reward quality teachers in Australia who achieve certification at the highest levels of the National Professional Standards for Teachers


Employment Services

Objective: To invest in the skills that unemployed Australians need for the future to help them find and retain employment, and to ensure that government assistance supports workforce participation and economic and social inclusion


Job Services Australia

Objective: Job Services Australia (JSA) is a streamlined and personalised service for job seekers enabling providers to more effectively respond to changing economic conditions. JSA provides job seekers with tailored services to equip them with the skills and attributes to meet employers’ needs


Jobs Fund

Objective: To support families and communities most affected by the global financial crisis


National Green Jobs Corps

Objective: To offer young people, aged 17–24 years, a combination of work experience, skill development and accredited training to ensure they are ready for employment in emerging green and climate change industries


Pacific Seasonal Workers Program

Objective: To establish a seasonal labour mobility program that will provide workers from Pacific Island countries and East Timor with the opportunity to work in selected Australian industries experiencing unmet demand for labour


Productivity Education and Training Fund

Objective: To support projects which drive a focus on leadership and productivity improvement through enterprise bargaining under the Fair Work framework


Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans

Objective: To improve participation and outcomes in education, training and employment in regional Australia


Mature-age participation—job seeker assistance

Objective: To provide support to assist mature-age job seekers, aged 55 years and over, who are unemployed and would like help to re-enter the workforce


Productive Ageing Package

Objective: To assist mature-age Australians, who want to work, to remain engaged in the labour market by providing training and support and to encourage job retention and the transfer of their skills to younger generations


Indigenous Employment

Objective: To increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ employment outcomes and participation in economic activities, contributing to the Australian Government’s commitment to halve the gap in employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians within the decade


Disability Employment Services

Objective: To help individuals with injury, disability or a health condition to secure and maintain sustainable employment through disability employment services and employment assistance


Employment Assistance and Other Services

Objective: To support those eligible job seekers with permanent disability who are assessed as needing regular long-term ongoing support in the workplace


Remote Jobs and Communities Program

Objective: To build jobs and create sustainable communities in Remote Australia


Remote Participation and Employment Services

Projective: To support employer engagement and economic development in communities


Remote Youth Leadership and Development Corps

Objective: To support young job seekers to undertake a structured program of up to 12 months to get them job ready, with a specific focus on providing work experience in jobs that are available in or near their community


Working Age Payments

Objective: To support people to improve their prospects of gaining employment, to acquire labour market skills and knowledge and to participate in society


Compensation and Debt Relief

Objective: To provide access for eligible recipients to discretionary payments in special circumstances or financial relief from amounts owing to the Commonwealth


Employee Assistance

Objective: To provide safety-net support for employees in certain circumstances or, alternatively, supporting long-standing industry arrangements which deliver employee benefits


General Employee Entitlements and Redundancy Scheme

Objective: A safety-net payment scheme established to assist employees who have lost their employment due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of their employer and who are owed certain employee entitlements


Workplace Assistance

Objective: To ensure the successful operation of the workplace relations system, in particular through initiatives designed to demonstrate the benefit of cooperative workplace relations and/or to assist employers and employees understand their rights and obligations under the system


Protected Action Ballots Scheme

Objective: To pay costs incurred by the Australian Electoral Commission in relation to protected action ballots


Home Workers Code of Practice Program

Objective: To support the development and promotion of the Home Workers Code of Practice and the ‘Ethical Clothing Australia’ label


International Labour Organisation Subscription

Objective: To enable the Australian Government to participate fully in the development of international labour standards, progress ratification of standards at the national level, report to the ILO on Conventions and workplace relations reforms, and participate as a member of the ILO Governing Body


Social and Community Workers Education and Information Program

Objective: To assist Queensland social and community services sector employers to meet their obligations under the new Australian Government regulations for back pay to employees in the sector


Workers’ Compensation Payments

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