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Privacy Policy

Gaea and affiliates ("Gaea", “us”, “our” or "we") are dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of our users ("users" or "you").

This Privacy Policy ("the policy") describes the ways we collect, store, use, and manage the information, including personal information, that you provide or we collect in connection with our websites, including www.gaea.com ("the site"), or any Gaea game provided on a mobile platform (for example, iOS and Android) (collectively, the "Service").

By visiting our sites or using our services, you consent to our collection, use, storage, deletion and disclosure of information relating to you as set forth in this policy.

Please note that the scope of this policy is limited to information collected or received by Gaea through your use of the service. Gaea is not responsible for the actions of third party individuals or companies, the content of their sites, the use of information you provide to them, or any products or services they may offer. Any link to those sites does not constitute our sponsorship of, or affiliation with, those individuals or companies.

Information Collection and Use

Gaea collects information as described below. Gaea’s primary goals in collecting and using information is to create your account, provide services to you, improve our service, contact you, conduct research and create reports for internal use.

In order to use your community forum, you must register and provide a username, password and email address.

While you are browsing Gaea's sites, your computer’s operating system, Internet Protocol (IP) address, access times, browser type, language and affiliated website addresses may be logged automatically. We may use this information to monitor, develop and analyze your use of the service. In addition, we may ask you to submit and we may process data that is personal to you, including but not limited to your name, profile photo, gender, age or date of birth, links to your profiles on social networking websites and other third party sites, user names and e-mail addresses. We may use this information to create a user profile and provide you services. We may use your email address to contact you about your experience with Gaea Sites and notify you about company news and promotions. Your gender and date of birth may be used to analyze user trends and target certain promotions. Your mail address may be used if we have merchandise or other physical promotional materials that we want to send to you. If you no longer wish to receive these types of promotional materials, you may opt-out from receiving them at any time by emailing us at support@gaeamobile.com.

Forums/Private Messages

Our website offers publicly accessible blogs, private messages, or community forums. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. To request removal of your personal information from our blog or community forum, contact us at support@gaeamobile.com. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know that we are unable to do so and why.

If you choose to use Facebook to connect to use our blog or community forums, the information you provide is tied to your Facebook account. You will need to contact Facebook directly in order to request removal of personal information from our blog or community forum.

Social Media (Features) and Widgets

Our website includes social media features, such as the Facebook Like button, and widgets, such as the Share this button or interactive mini-programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may use cookies to enable this feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Site. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.

iOS and Android Platforms

When you use any of the Gaea games or applications on a mobile platform, we may collect and record certain information such as your unique device ID (persistent / non-persistent), hardware type, media access control (“MAC”) address, international mobile equipment identity (“IMEI”), the version of your operating system (“OS”), your device name, your email address (if you have connected to Facebook or Google+), and your location (based on your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address). This information is useful to us for troubleshooting and helps us understand usage trends.

We may collect your location based information for the purpose of providing you with the correct version of the application. We will not share this information with any third party. If you no longer wish to allow us to track or use this information, you may turn it off at the device level. Please note, the application may not work properly if we are unable to tell where you are coming from (Country specific).

In addition, we create a unique user ID to track your use of our service. This unique user ID is stored in connection with your profile information to track the Gaea games you are playing.

Facebook Connect, Game Center and Google+

You can log in to our site using sign-in services (“SN Service”) such as Facebook Connect, Apple’s Game Center, or an Open ID provider. These services will authenticate your identity and provide you with the option to share certain personal information with us such as your name, email address, and resume to pre-populate our sign up form. Services like Facebook Connect give you the option to post information about your activities on this website to your profile page to share with others within your network.

We may collect and record information through the SN Service in accordance with the policies and terms of that SN Service. The information we collect when you connect your user account to an SN Service may include: (1) your name, (2) your SN Service user identification number and/or user name, (3) locale, city, state and country, (4) gender, (5) birth date, (6) email address, (7) profile picture or its URL, and (8) the SN Service user identification numbers for your friends that are also connected to Gaea’s game(s).

If you want us to delete the data we receive from Facebook, Game Center or Google+ about you, please contact us at support@gaeamobile.com.

Invite a Friend

Gaea may offer you the opportunity to invite your contacts from a social networking service (such as your Facebook friends) so that those contacts can be located in Gaea games and/or you can invite them to join you in Gaea games. Such contact information will be used only for the purpose of sending communications to the addressee. You or the third party may contact us at support@gaeamobile.com to request the removal of this information from our database to the extent Gaea stores any of this information.

Customer Service

We may collect your email address when you contact our customer service group and we may use that email address to contact you about your gaming experience with Gaea games and notify you about company news and promotions. If you no longer wish to receive certain email notifications you may opt-out at any time by following the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication or by emailing us at support@gaeamobile.com.

Push Notifications

We may occasionally send you push notifications through our mobile applications to send you game updates and other service related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by turning them off at the device level through your settings.

Game Data Collection

Whenever you play our games, we collect data about all of your interactions with the game and with the other players inside the game via server log files. This information may be associated with your player ID, IP address or device ID for the purpose of providing you our services and improving them.

Other Collection

We may also acquire information from you through (1) your access and participation in message boards on the service, (2) your participation in surveys regarding the service or (3) your participation in a sweepstakes or contest through the service.

We may provide you the opportunity to participate in a sweepstakes or contest through our service. If you participate, we will request certain personal information from you. Participation in these sweepstakes and contests are voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information. The requested information typically includes contact information (such as name and shipping address), and demographic information (such as zip code).

We use this information to notify winners and award prizes, to monitor traffic or personalize the Service. We may use a third party service provider to conduct these sweepstakes or contests; that company is prohibited from using your users’ personal information for any other purpose.

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