

Lair review for Rhea! (won’t let me tag you, sorry!)

Okay, first we’re gonna start with Sen. I absolutely adore him. The green range is one of my favorites and emerald is /especially/ the best color of the dark greens imo. The accent is so adorable on him and I love his bio—with how dark and regal he looks, I almost expected him to be a cruel and mean dragon. But no, he loves to garden with his son and he’s a doting wife and father. I love him so much. Also, that bird on his antlers is so cute. It looks like he’s using Sen as a nest.

Cadenza is gorgeous. I love how you went with a darker colored apparel and accent for her and not just red—with how red she is underneath all that apparel I think you definitely made a good choice to balance it out. I love how she looks so much like a rose herself but the armor gives you the sense that she is not one to be trifled with.

This is one unfair dragon omg. Martel is so stunning, honestly. With the cape, the sunchaser jewelery, the crown and the peace dove (and not to mention the accent) Martel looks like a woodland queen with fairies and nymphs at her command. She’s incredibly regal and well dressed—i’m so jealous of this dragon. I love her colors, her apparel…everything about her is perfect.

AAHH Ginko is adorable! He’s definitely my favorite. His accent is so subtle and perfect. It’s not overwhelming but works well to bring out the seafoam. His apparel is minimalistic but it works well—Imperials and silks? To die for. This is actually one of my favorite color combos also. I just bought a nocturne with similar colors yesterday. The splash of pink on his wrist is so so so so cute. He has an air of innocence about him and I love his bio—Oh, and he’s Sen’s son! I’m loving this little family.

There was no way Michael was not going to be on this list. His genes are superb. I like that he doesn’t have crystal, otherwise I think he might be a little hard on the eyes with how bright he is but he’s not so he’s so perfect. His colors are amazing. I’m a sucker for golden dragons and his apparel is great. Like Martel looks like a woodland queen, Michael looks like the king of a vastly rich empire. Dare I say…he looks angelic.

Thanks for the lair review~

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