
The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Feel free to send your suggestions to my email at clinicalcases@gmail.com. Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.

Tips for doctors looking to engage with #HCSM: "a childlike playfulness, humility, politeness, and humour"

Dr. Ronan Kavanagh @RonanTKavanagh, a Galway based Rheumatologist, offers advice for those looking to engage better with patients in healthcare: it’s worth thinking about the power of just being nice….. Practice a childlike playfulness, humility, politeness, and humour which makes you instantly more human, likeable and accessible. Just like these rugby players http://goo.gl/zKZZ5 :

Explanation: The ad shows three famous Irish rugby players asking house owners permission to play, and for volunteers to join them in a game of rugby on the grassy area in front of their homes.

Dr. Kavanagh is an authentic, practicing physician, and a rising social media superstar. You should follow him on Twitter @RonanTKavanagh

11 Chronic Disease Technologies to Watch

Here is the list of 11 Chronic Disease Technologies to Watch, by John W. Sharp:

Extended Care eVisits, Home Telehealth, In-Car Telehealth, Medication Adherence Tools, Mobile Asthma Management Tools, Mobile Cardiovascular Tools, Mobile Clinical Decision Support, Mobile Diabetes Management Tools, Social Media Promoting Health, Tele-Stroke Care, Virtual Visits http://goo.gl/vilXQ

One Doctor’s Prescription to Avoid Social Media Overload

Mark Ryan, M.D. @RichmondDoc shares a post with the the blog of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Here is his Prescription to Avoid Social Media Overload (my comments are listed as Editor's notes) http://goo.gl/bdtPU:

- Stop trying to read every update (Editor's note: I read 95-99% of the Twitter updates but I only follow about 100 accounts - @RichmondDoc follows 1,500).

- Organize your incoming information in Twitter lists (Editor's note: I find Google Reader with folders more time efficient).

- Use time wisely. Glance at your stream whenever you have a few minutes (Editor's note: Don't forget your friends and family).

- Look into using a third-party Twitter client, such as TweetDeck or HootSuite .

- Leverage your e-mail newsletters (Editor's note: RSS feeds work better).

- Finally, if you do not have much time to be on social media, look for relevant Tweetchats (Editor's note: Twitter chats can be a huge time sink too, so be careful).

6 Inexpensive Ways to Stay in Shape - from Cleveland Clinic

It is great to see my former employer, the Cleveland Clinic, blogging useful tips to stay healthy http://goo.gl/peDXq :

- Walking

- Skipping rope

- Exercise balls

- Dumbbells

- Callisthenics

- Exercise DVDs

Is the Electronic Medical Record Full of Lies?

Cardiologist Dr. Wes comments on a a provocative piece in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) http://goo.gl/tjxGU

Physician Social Media Guide

Mike Sevilla, MD comments on the newly released Physician Social Media Guide by the Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) http://goo.gl/xjFUv. You can see the guide embedded below:

Open publication - Free publishing

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