I have recently discovered the Milli Millu brand, the chic handbags. The way I discovered this was via the Walpole’s Brands of Tomorrow. Milli Millu is a handbag brand based in Chelsea, London. When you first step inside their store, you will be thinking that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time! Their Chelsea store is also their head office.
When I first visited their store and realised that I opened the wrong door, it was a moment of surprise. Hopefully, I wasn’t the first person who made that mistake.
Anyway, Milli Millu has a unique history. It was founded by Mireia Llusia-Lindh on October, 2010 (It took six years for me to discover. Well done to me!). She worked in finance for a very long time, and consulted fashion brands. Later, she decided to create her own brand , which consisted of items that she wanted and could never find. With this approach, she created a very unique and functional collection.
The collection was fascinating, and I wish that they were offering handbags for men. I think that a functional handbag of laptops would be a popular item, and I would definitely consider purchasing it.
I know you will be bored with my reading content, so don’t take my word for it. Go check out her collection in real life. If you haven’t found my article inspiring enough, the real life collection will definitely inspire you. You will not regret a visit!
Website: http://www.millimillu.com
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