
Happy weekend, sweet friends! Thank you so much for sharing your prayer intentions with me last week in comments, emails, FB messages, etc. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to respond to every email and message, but please know that I prayed for you as promised at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Lechein St. Augustine on her feast day and lit a candle. The requests from those suffering from infertility and loss brought me to tears. Not just what you’re going through, but that SO MANY of you are carrying this burden. Y’all, there were hundreds of prayer intentions about infertility. Hundreds. You are each in my heart.

And speaking of St. Augustine, our trip was amazing. I’m gonna devote a whole post to it later, but so much pirate fun was had and so much Catholic fun was had.

And the kids had a blast. Just look at Mr. Wrinkly-Nose! And I tried out my new glasses c/o Firmoo. I won’t pretend that I wasn’t trying to channel Christy with her trendy specs.

And we discovered that two adults and three kids in one hotel room CAN work for those of us who can’t afford two rooms. The big kids shared a bed and Daniel concocted a pretty fantastic mini-room for Baby Gwen (who CANNOT go to sleep if she can see other people) out of comforters, lamp stands, and an ironing board. So, if the hotel room bathroom is too small for a pack n’ play (our usual trick), it can be done! And we wore the big kids out so much that there weren’t rowdy enough to wake her up after lights were out.

As part of my post-trip with three kids recovery, I’ve been doing a bit of binge-watching of Lark Rise to Candleford. I MAY have signed up for Amazon Prime purely so that I could watch it.

I loved watching The Paradise a couple of months ago, but LRtC really blows The Paradise out of the water. It’s been recommended to me a few times, but why didn’t someone say, “NO REALLY. Drop everything and watch it…..NOW.”

The Quotable Daniel:

Daniel: “What’re you watching?”

Me: “Lark Rise to Candleford!”

Daniel: “I have no idea what you just said.”

Since then he’s referred to it as, “Larkspur upon Cranford” “Langford to Crandleton” and “Larksly from Crumpleford.” We’ll get there someday.

The Quotable Kids:

Lucy: “Benjamin is throwing pine straw at me!!!!”

Benjamin: “Well she came over and said, ‘hey!’ So, I thought she wanted some ‘hay’ thrown at her. Get it?”

Lucy: “I am not having fun with this game!”

Benjamin: “Hey, mama. How about we watch a little movie and you wash all the dirty dishes?”

He really knows how to make a girl feel special!

The Liturgical Year:

Don’t get stressed, because that’s not what Advent is about, y’all! But I’m just now starting to think about preparing for Advent (after Hallowtide, everything snowballs into holiday craziness if I’m not careful to think just a bit ahead). So get ready for a beautiful Advent candle giveaway for you coming soon AND I’m thinking about using the Holy Heroes Advent Adventure Activity Book with the kids this year.


The Great Catholic Cave-In that Wasn’t: George Weigel for the National Review Online

Celebrate St. John Paul the Great’s Feast Day: A Knotted Life

Nigerian Archbishop Denounces West for Imposing Contraception: Aleteia

You Can Say No to that Nasty Orange Drink During Pregnancy: Kitchen Stewardship

A Beginner’s Guide to Dr. Who: Sarah Bessey (I got stuck after episode 2 of Dr. Who but I think this post has convinced me to try again and make it through the first season. Any Dr. Who fans out there?)

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Oh! And in the survey,  readers seem split down the middle about TWM. I’m interested to hear in the comments how you feel about it! Some of you really love the weekly links and quotables, and some of you would rather I sticked with more meaty topics. Chime in!


Be sure to give some love to this month’s sponsors! They keep the lights on around here.

Ignatius Press

Angel in the Waters (Sophia Institute Press)

Holy Heroes

Lots of love,


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