Hello, Intermediate Parents!
Celebrate 2017 Auction Items- wines, jewels, A-list entertainment, sporting events, and get-away stays at the best of the best! Come prepared to bid on these and more. Don't miss it! Buy your tickets Click Here
Book Club Reminder - “Dear Committee Members” by Julie Schumacher. Tuesday, January, 24th at 5pm in Founders Library. Please rsvp to Joan McKee at jmckee@carrollton.org.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, January 26th – Intermediate Class Pictures. All students should wear their regular uniform to school. This is a schedule day 5; if a student has PE on this day, she should wear her regular uniform and bring sneakers in a bag.
Friday, January 27th – Early Dismissal for Barat Campus at 11:50am. No sibling dismissal on this day.
Monday, February 6th - Intermediate Mother-Daughter: Grades 4 and 5 will take place at 8am, Grade 6 will take place at 1pm.
Wednesday, February 15th – Grades 4 & 5 parent Meeting, 8:30am, Benoist Room
Hearts for Haiti: On February 13th, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart will be one of multiple schools in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools that will host the annual Hearts for Haiti bake sale and dress down day. Started in 2012, the bake sale has supported the construction and operation of Notre Dame de Lacolline in Lacolline, Haiti. Carrollton started this project and will be continuing our efforts by hosting our bake sale on February 13, 2017. As part of the bake sale, we also sell t-shirts. The logo was designed by our very own 7th grader, Isabella Delionado! If you are interested in purchasing a Hearts for Haiti t-shirt, you can find the link here . The deadline to order t-shirts is Friday, January 27th. Thank you in advance for your support!
Adult Spirituality Offerings:
The Adult Spirituality course meets on this Wednesday, 1/15/17 in the Benoist Room from 8:30 to 10:30am. All are welcome. The final two sessions will be held on 2/22 and 3/22/17.
Save the date: The Lenten Saturday Morning Retreat will be held on March 4, 2017 from 8:45am to 12 noon in Funders Library. All parents, alums, faculty/staff, and all interested adults are most welcome. Please mark your calendars.
After School Spring Registration is open and available online through the parent portal, Mybackpack, After School Program Registration. Enrichment classes begin the week of January 23rd. For more information, please contact our office at extensions 2340 and 2341.
Mrs. Gillingham-Rivas