
Greetings High School community members,

Yesterday I had the chance to do something very special- take a ride in hot air balloon.  I did this as part of a belated birthday celebration for my mother.  As we climbed to about 1500 feet above the ground it offered an amazing view and a quietness that is uncommon on terra firma.  Drifting aloft, or not as the case might be, afforded the opportunity to see so clearly the landscape below.  It made me think about what JoAnn Deak, Ph.D. referred to as the difference between those who see the forest versus those who focus on the trees.

‘Tree’ people see the details from the ground- those particular details associated with each individual component (or tree).  ‘Forest’ people see the details from the air- those who take in all the trees concurrently.  Ideally we have the ability to do both, but as Dr. Deak suggested we tend toward one or the other. 

So why am I mentioning this now.  Well, we are about to engage in standardized testing and we have a tendency to be tree people about test scores.  We understand their importance.  The school recognizes their importance and provides a resource for test preparation in the form of PrepWorks.  As we enter into the final week of preparation, I think it is important to keep in the back of our minds that while there are many beautiful, lovely trees…the standardized test trees make up just one portion of this amazing forest that is your daughter’s entire high school profile.  Standardized test scores, while significant, are just one part of what will be included in her application to colleges and universities. 

These early (Grade 9 and 10) test taking opportunities are designed to familiarize students with standardized tests as well identify strengths and areas for continued ‘stretch.’  It is important for students to enter into these test taking experiences with a seriousness of purpose, but as the adult members of the community we need to be prepared to have both the aforementioned tree perspective and the forest view so that we can help our daughters/students come to make sense of what these scores mean for them and their future academic growth.

A final footnote- we frequently share with students that their Carrollton family will accompany them on the journeys in their life well beyond the Main Highway gate.  Students see that their classmates  bolster them on a tough day when the ‘academic stretching’ they are engaged in is difficult.  They know that faculty are there to support them as they ‘talk’ through subject matter to gain a better understanding.  They know that their parents are partners with the school as they move through the grades.  And, they see that, as alumnae, they will have this amazing network of support both professional and personal.  And so it was yesterday, as I awaited the flight (with a bit of trepidation), out of the crowd walked toward me two Carrollton High School parents who were also waiting for their flight. How wonderful at that moment, 3000 miles from home, to receive their warm greeting!  Up in the air, as I looked out at the other balloons, it was comforting to know that while with different pilots- we were on this journey together.

Have a great week-

Dr. Dempf

Important upcoming dates to remember:

October 14thSchool is closed in observation of the Columbus Day holiday.

October 15thGrade 9 Parent Reception 6:00pm in Founders Library.  This reflects a date change from the original ‘pink’ calendar that you received last spring. 

October 16th  Students in Grades 9-11 participate in standardized testing.  Please help your daughter perform at her best by reinforcing the need for a good night’s rest the evening before and a healthy breakfast the day of the test. 

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