
Inside WNC is a permanent feature from Carolina Public Press that profiles each of the 18 westernmost counties of North Carolina. This is your guide, including direct links, to elected officials, key agencies and departments, plus information on the county’s wages, housing, education and more.

Watauga County, N.C., map courtesy of the U.S. Census Bureau, via Wikipedia

Watauga County

Geography and Population

Watauga County is bordered by Ashe County to the northeast, Wilkes County to the east, Caldwell County to the south, Avery County to the southwest and Tennessee to the west and north.

Map courtesy of the U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Census Bureau Maps

Land area in square miles: 312.6

Persons per square mile: 163.4

Population, 2012 estimate: 51,024

American Indian or Alaska Native: .3 percent

Asian: 1.1 percent

Black: 1.8 percent

Hispanic or Latino origin: 3.4 percent

White, non-Hispanic: 92.4 percent

People reporting two or more races: 1.4 percent

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

U.S., State and Local Government

U.S. elected officials

U.S. Senate

Sen. Richard Burr (R)

Washington address: 217 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-3154

Fax: (202) 228-2981
Email contact form

Asheville address: Federal Building, 151 Patton Ave., Suite 204

Asheville, N.C. 28801

Phone: (828) 350-2437

Fax: (828) 350-2439

Information on Burr’s support, sponsored bills, etc. from GovTrack.us

Sen. Kay Hagan (D)

Washington address: 521 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-6342

Fax: (202) 228-2563
Email contact form

Asheville address: 82 Patton Ave., Suite 635

Asheville, N.C. 28801

Phone:  (828) 257-6510

Fax: (828) 257-6514
Information on Hagan’s support, sponsored bills, etc. from GovTrack.us

U.S. House: 5th Congressional District
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R)

Washington address: 1230 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515-3305

Phone: (202) 225-2071
Email contact form

Boone office address: 240 Hwy. 105 Extension, Suite 200

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 265-0240

Information on Foxx’s support, sponsored bills, etc. from GovTrack.us

N.C. Elected Officials

N.C. Senate District 47
Sen. Dan Soucek (R)

Address: N.C. Senate

300 N. Salisbury St., Room 310

Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925

Phone: (919) 733-5742

Email: Dan.Soucek@ncleg.net

N.C. House District 85
Rep. Jonathan C. Jordan (R)

300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 420

Raleigh, N.C.  27603-5925

Phone: (919) 733-7727 and (336) 846-1657

Email: Jonathan.Jordan@ncleg.net

County Officials and Agencies

Watauga County Courthouse in September 2012. Hank Shell/Carolina Public Press

Watauga County Board of Commissioners
Chairman: Nathan Miller

Address: 814 W. King St., Suite 205

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-1125

Email: Nathan.Miller@watgov.org

County Manager: Deron Geouque

Address: 814 W. King St., Suite 205

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828)

Email: deron.geouque@watgov.org

Sheriff: Len D. Hagaman

Address: Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

184 Hodges Gap Road

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-3761

Email: len.hagaman@watgov.org

Watauga County Social Services

Director: Matthew “Jim” Atkinson

Address: Watauga County Human Services Building

132 Poplar Grove Connector, Suite C, Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 265-8100

Email: jim.atkinson@watgov.org

Watauga County Health Department

This health department is part of the Appalachian District Health Department, which also includes health departments in Alleghany and Ashe counties.

Director: Beth G. Lovette

Address: 126 Poplar Grove Connector

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-6635

Email: info@apphealth.com
Email contact form

Watauga County is a member of the High Country Council of Governments, which also includes Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Wilkes and Yancey counties.

County Seat

Town of Boone

Population (2012 estimate): 17,774

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Town of Boone Government Office Address: 567 W. King St., Boone, N.C., 28607

Mayor: Loretta Clawson

Address: 567 W. King St.

Boone, N.C., 28607

Phone: (828) 268-6200

Email: Loretta.Clawson@townofboone.net

Town Clerk: Kimberly Brown

Address: 567 W. King St.

Boone, N.C., 28607

Phone: (828) 268-6200
Email contact form

Chief of Police: Dana Crawford

Address: Boone Police Department

1500 Blowing Rock Road

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 268-6900

Email: dana.crawford@townofboone.net

Law Enforcement Agencies

Boone Police Department

1500 Blowing Rock Road

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 268-6900

Email: dana.crawford@townofboone.net

Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

184 Hodges Gap Road

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-3761

Email: len.hagaman@watgov.org

Voter Information

Watauga County Board of Elections

Director: Jane Ann Hodges

Address: 842 W. King St, Suite 6

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 265-8061

Email: janeann.hodges@watgov.org

Chairman: Luke Eggers

Address: 842 W. King St, Suite 6

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 265-8061

Email: n/a

Court System

Judicial District 24

Address: 842 W. King St, Suite 13

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 268-6600

Email: n/a

Clerk of Superior Court: Diane Cornett Deal

Phone: (828) 268-6600

Email: n/a

District Attorney: Jerry Wilson

Phone: (828) 268-6610

Email: n/a

Economy and Employment

Unemployment rate, August 2013: 7.3 percent

Unemployment rate, August 2012: 8.3 percent

Source: N.C. Department of Commerce-Labor and Economic Analysis Division

Top three industries, by employment (2011, most current)

Healthcare and social assistance: 3,345

Retail trade: 3,330

Accommodation and food services: 3,043

Source: County Business Patterns, U.S. Census Bureau

Largest Employer (First quarter of 2013, most current): Appalachian State University

Source: N.C. Department of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce, Tourism, Economic Development

Boone Area Chamber of Commerce

President and CEO: Dan Meyer

Address: 870 W. King Street, Suite A

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-2225
Email contact form

Watauga County Economic Development Commission

Contact: Joe Furman

Address: Watauga County Office of Economic Development

P.O. Box 404, Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-3082

Email: joe.furman@watgov.org

Watauga County Tourism Development Authority

Address: 815 W. King Street, Suite 10

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 266-1345

Email: wataugatda@gmail.com

High Country Host Visitor Center

Address: 1700 Blowing Rock Road (Hwy. 321)

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-1299

Email: info@highcountryhost.com

Wages, Housing and Education

Per capita money income in past 12 months (2011 dollars) 2007-2011: $21,266

Persons living below poverty level (2007-2011): 26.3 percent

Median household income (2007-2011): $34,497

Median owner-occupied housing value (2007-2011): $234,300

High school graduates, age 25+ (2007-2011): 88.3 percent

Bachelor’s degree or higher, age 25+ (2007-2011): 39.3 percent

Source: U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts

Number of homeless (January 2013 point-in-time count): Combined total number of 875 reported for Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, Ashe, Alleghany and Wilkes counties.

Source: North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness


Watauga County Schools

Four-year cohort high school graduation rates, as of September 2013: 87.6 percent

Source: N.C. Department of Public Instruction

Watauga County Board of Education

Address: 175 Pioneer Trail

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone (828) 264-7190

Email: warrenl@watauga.k12.nc.us

Board of Education Chairman: Lee Warren

Address: 175 Pioneer Trail

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone (828) 264-7190

Email: warrenl@watauga.k12.nc.us

Interim Superintendent: David Fonseca

Address: 175 Pioneer Trail

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone (828) 264-7190

Email: fonsecad@watauga.k12.nc.us

Higher Education*

Appalachian State University

Address: 287 Rivers St.

Boone, N.C. 28608

Phone: (828) 262-2000

Email: admissions@appstate.edu

Total enrollment for Appalachian State University: 17,589 (for fall 2012, according to Appalachian State University)

Top Healthcare Providers*

Watauga County Health Department

This health department is part of the Appalachian District Health Dept. http://www.apphealth.com/, which also includes health departments in Alleghany and Ashe counties.

Address: 126 Poplar Grove Connector

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 264-6635

Email: info@apphealth.com
Email contact form

Watauga Medical Center

Address: 336 Deerfield Road

Boone, N.C. 28607

Phone: (828) 262-4100

Email: krastello@apprhs.org

HCAHPS Patient Perceptions Survey 4/2011-3/2012 rankings

Rate 9 or 10 Overall:  68 percent

Always Clean and Quiet: 65.5 percent

Crime and Law Enforcement

Crime Rate Per 100,000 (2012): 1,840.4

Violent Crime Rate: 131

Property Crime Rate: 1,709.4

Number of registered sex offenders: 37

Source: N.C. Department of Justice

*Listings are for entities headquartered in the county and do not include satellites, branches or other service information for others with operations in the county.

This page will be updated regularly. Contact us with updates or questions.

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