
Without beating around the bush this weekend has sucked above and beyond all expectations. It has been two weeks since our return from our outstanding Disney vacation and the REAL WORLD has finally raised its ugly head forcing us to surrender to the mundane and stupid. What about last weekend? Well, my wife and I saw the Eagles in concert last Sunday night up in Greenville, South Carolina so that previous Friday and Saturday was sort and extension of the vacation. But we're back to the here and now and my lovely spouse, Dragonwife, went all happy and psychotic-obsessive homemaker having me, myself, and I go all crazy pressure washing the house. Now in fairness the house did need a cleaning but before I could get the pressure washer going it required a trip to Home Depot for supplies, changing the oil and filter, mixing up the soapy stuff I had to use to spray down the vinyl siding, and finally getting everything in place. Once that was over I had to take off the trash, clean out and organize the shed where we keep all our neat outdoor maintenance equipment. That was just my Friday chores after I got off work, Saturday I had to help Draginwife pull out all the pot and pans as we reorganized the kitchen. So long story short, I didn't get much time to work on my latest piece of semi-crappy fiction. That means you get more Disney pictures.

Outside the Enchanted Tiki Room at Magic Kingdom.  I could be wrong but I do not believe this outdoor fixture has changed any since this attraction first opened.

For those who may not know, the Enchanted Tiki Room features a flock of robotic birds singing different tunes. As the name implies it is decorated in the tiki style complete with a fake window overlooking a beautiful green tropical island with a sparkling blue ocean. Just be aware I realize this picture isn't very good so it degrades the actual scene I found fascinating since childhood.

This is from the Jungle Cruise attraction at Magic Kingdom. For reasons I will not explain I find this hut quite enticing. It would beat the hell out of any suburban McMansion.

One of the scenes during the "cruise." It's a nice thought especially since poachers are hunting rhinos to extinction before our generally uncaring eyes even now.

This is from EPCOT and it is a huge outdoor toy train setup. I once knew a seriously strange dude whose whole life revolved around model trains. I'm sure if he ever saw this setup he loose his teabagger mind.

As the saying goes all good things have to end and the time came that we had to send my niece, Darth Gadget, back home. This is part of the Orlando International Airport, a pretty cool place given that it is an airport after all. I was surprised to learn that it is also an upper-end hotel which would make those ubiquitous layovers far more interesting.

The entire time we were waiting for Darth Gadget's flight to leave the airport intercom message kept reminding everyone to watch for "abandoned luggage or containers" implying they could be dangerous. So I didn't know what to make of the lady who walked off suddenly leaving an unattended banana behind on her seat.

For the traveler who absolutely has to have a new smart phone or tablet before his or her flight leaves.

Alas, even my troop eventually had to leave the confines of Walt's wonderful creation and sunny Florida. This might piss some redneck off but you cannot imagine the despair I felt crossing back over into the intellectually stimulating fiefdom of South Carolina.

Finally, here is a video I filmed of an afternoon thunderstorm at Animal Kingdom Lodge. I will return to my usual crappy fiction for my next post. Even though Dragonwife is sure to have more epic adventures in home maintenance planned for me next weekend. Yes, I'm ready to go back to Disney.

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