
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- Barbados has won the bid to host the 2017 Golden Oldies World Cricket Festival, an international tournament for semi-professional and retired players.

Local cricketing legends, Sir Garfield Sobers and Joel Garner, have joined a delegation led by Alvin Jemmott, chairman of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI), to promote the tournament in Cape Town, South Africa, at this year’s edition of the festival.

According to the BTMI chairman, the response to the Barbados delegation has been very positive thus far as they work toward attracting approximately 600 visitors to Barbados for May 6 – 13, 2017 edition of the festival.

“What is particularly interesting about having the 2017 Golden Oldies Cricket Festival is that it takes place during the month of May, which allows us to increase arrivals during a traditionally slower month. No less than five hotels are expected to benefit from this event. In addition our support services – restaurants, attractions, car rentals, nightlife facilities, etc. – are expected to gain additional business as the games are structured as a festival allowing participants to adequately enjoy the host country.

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