Looking for work is the hardest job there is. Here are some tactics to help you stay positive and improve your prospects
Being unemployed and looking for work is the hardest job there is. It requires self-motivation, planning, bravery and hard graft, while often being under pressure financially, emotionally and mentally. But there are a number of tactics you can employ that will help you remain focused and upbeat, while also improving your employment prospects.
Here are my five top tips:
Offering your skills, knowledge and time for free can have major benefits for job seekers. For example, it can break the isolation by getting you back into a team-work environment, or improve your self-esteem that may have been damaged.
Employers like to see that people have remained busy and focused inbetween jobs, especially if the volunteering role is related to the field. For example, an accountant could spend one day a week book-keeping for a community group or an an IT professional might act as a consultant for local school looking to spruce up their website. This looks considerably better on a CV than a blank three months.
Job seekers should think about what skills they can offer, how much time they can commit to voluntary work, what kinds of voluntary work they would like to do and what kinds of organisations they would like to be a part of. No one is expecting a life-long commitment but it's important to choose a voluntary activity that benefits both parties.
Some of the best jobs are found by the most effective networkers. Networking can uncover job opportunities, arm you with first-rate intelligence to help you shine during the interview process, or lead to a foot-in-the-door.
The recent networking guide is a great pleace to start if you need help networking. The 24-7-30 rule – which urges networkers to follow up new connections within a day, a week and a month to ensure the relationship is bedded in – is particularly useful.
Our networks come in two parts: the existing network, such as friends, family, ex-colleagues, college chums etc, and then the potential network, which is yet to be made. Start with the existing network, reconnect with people, be social and be helpful. Then establish where there are gaps in your network and start meeting people at events, conferences and seminars.
Take a Break
If you were employed, would you work non-stop with no breaks, no weekends off and no holidays? Of course not, and it doesn't change when you become a full-time, un-salaried job hunter. A lack of money can curtail any plans for a getaway but there are numerous ways job hunters can build in some respite for themselves and their family.
Keep weekends and evenings clear of any job hunting activity. When it gets to 6pm, switch off the computer, step away from the internet and focus on other things. Taking regular breaks during the day as if you were at work too; go for a walk, eat your lunch away from the desk and refuel the batteries – this way you'll have a much more productive afternoon.
If you're considering taking a more significant holiday, be mindful of the recruitment calendar. Typical quiet times are around normal holiday seasons such as Christmas, Easter and mid-late summer. Try to fit your own break into these times as decision-makers and hirers are also likely to absent.
Consider freelancing
When unemployed, most people envisage getting back into work fairly quickly and on similar basis to their previous post. But you need to be more flexible in your thinking and perhaps consider freelancing while looking for a permanent salary. Freelancing is a great way to keep skills sharp, increase networks, earn income and enhance the CV.
Signing up with couple of specialist interim agencies is a good start for any senior professionals – the Interim Management Association is a useful resource for those looking for more information on this.
For job seekers looking for work at mid-management levels and below, talk to some of the more generalist recruitment agencies in your area or sector; they'll often have separate consultants who deal with permanent and freelance contracts. Make sure you're seen by both and they know what you're looking for. The Recruitment & Employment Confederation has a good website to locate an approved agency.
Just make sure that if what you really want to do is get back into full-time and permanent employment that the demands of freelancing don't get in the way of your real ambition.
Do an online audit
Articles on the importance (and dangers) of online and social media presence for job seekers are legion. Increasingly, companies are recruiting on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, and job seekers can find opportunities in these digital spaces. It's extremely important that your online profile benefits your jobhunt, not jeopardises it.
For instance, check your privacy settings on Facebook and ensure there are no embarrassing photos or comments that might be seen by employers. Be mindful of what you tweet or retweet; social bravado and criticism of past employers, for example, won't endear you to a company seeking a new recruit.
Take time to polish up your profiles. Are they full of the sort of information – such as your qualifications and contact details – that will help employers find you? Does your Linkedin photo look professional? Is your online network matching your real life network and being leveraged for new opportunities or insightful information?
Robert Wright is a recruitment consultant for TJ Peel Resourcing. You can follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter.
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