Existing System:
In general when ever any customer wants to purchase audio or video cds he/she has to go to outlets(cd shops), but there is no compulsion that every customer will find all the cd’s what they want, in that case they have to go to the other shops for those products. It will increase the round trips between each and every outlets. To avoid above problem and to give more services to the customer we have introduced an internet based application regarding online purchase of audio and video cds.
Proposed system:
The “Digital-Tunes” application is an online website. It is a virtual showcase of audio and video cds for any customer in different categories like GHAZHAL, FILM, POP, DEVOTIONAL, ROCK, CLASSICAL and FOLK etc. The main aim of this project is to make Online shopping very easily. The Special thing about this project is that provides different types of cds to purchase. User can communicate with administrator of this portal for any enquiries are complains about products by using message service which is provided to him/her, at the same time administrator also can send messages to the customers. The purpose of this project is as follows:
To present the variety of items category wise to the customer.
To get member information
To collect order information from the customer
To display the list of ordered items to the administrator.
Project Analysis:
This application consists following modules.
1. User Module
Admin Module
Shopping cart Module
Reports Module
User Module:
This module tells all about customers and their responsibilities while accessing Digital-Tunes Music Store portal, when ever user wants to get access of this portal he must register and by using login-id, password he can enter in to this portal. Here user can search for different categories of cds. This module consists following categories.
These categories represent different types of audio and video cds which are available in this portal. In this module any user can view all the products but they can’t do other operations like add, modify and deleting items and they can purchase those items by using credit card.
Credit Card Interface:
Through this interface, application will validate credit card. “Digital-Tunes” application will allow three types of credit card. They are Visa Card, Master Card, and Amex card (American Express).
Admin Module:
This module is belongs to administrator, he/she can do any operations on user accounts and they will control all users in the portal like they can give access permeations to them by providing username and password at the same time they can add products list, modify products list and delete products list from the portal. Any customer can’t view the products until unless administrator will add the product details in the portal through this module. Administrator can get any messages from the customers and at same time he/she can give reply for those messages also.
Shopping cart Module:
Shopping cart module contains the items that a user has selected for purchasing. The shopping cart page of the “Digital-Tunes” application will display a list of products selected by the user. User can add the items to that list by clicking the check box next to the items and then clicking on the add to wish list button, they can also specify the quantity of the items. This interface is having following sub functionalities.
Add Products to Shopping cart.
Modify Products to shopping cart.
Delete Products from the Shopping cart.
Reports Module:
In this module administrator will get different types of reports regarding customers like Number of customers of this portal, daily selling reports and no. of messages he/she is getting etc. And this module is controlled by administrator only.
Software Engineering Methodology:
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD Standards)
Software requirements:
Operating System : Windows
Technology : Java/J2EE (JDBC, Servlets, JSP)
Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS
Web Server : Tomcat
Database : Oracle
Software’s : J2SDK1.5, Tomcat 5.5, Oracle 9i
Hardware requirements:
Hardware : Pentium based systems with a minimum of P4
RAM : 256MB (minimum)
Additional Tools:
HTML Designing : Dream weaver Tool
Development Tool kit : My Eclipse