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Hello and welcome to the November 2015 Edition of Monthly Roundups. In this post we will cover the most popular articles on the topic of Accelerated Learning for this month. The articles in this roundup post has been selected based on the views & social shares that have been generated.
Why Crossing the Midline Activities Helped this child Listen to his Teacher
We want to learn new things, but sometimes it really helps to know how we learn. I love the visuals and inforgraphics in the post – it starts with Brain 101 & talks about the different regions of the human brain, and the purpose they serve. ILS Learning has done a great job on also providing step-by-step instructions on improving the connection of the body with the brain. Pretty interesting concepts for parents.
7 ways Learning a Second Language will make you a better person
If you have yearned to learn another language – this article by Matt Hershberger will give you more reasons to do it. Expanding your career choices, ability to travel & learn other cultures, and the added health benefits – makes learning a second language more appealing.
Why Understanding These 4 Types of Mistakes can Help us Learn
Some of us dread making mistakes while others embrace them as a part of learning & success. But not all mistakes are created equal. Some helps us stretch and grow, while others could be avoided altogether. Eduardo Briceño talks about the 4 different types of mistakes in detail in this article. He provides examples about each type of mistake – and how they can help you to learn and grow.
TensorFlow : Smarter Machine Learning, for everyone
Technology has definitely changed the way we learn things. Today, we have more sources and more resources than anytime in human history. Education and Learning have been completely transformed thanks to the Internet. Recently Google took that to another level. If you have used any of Google’s apps -they have leverage Machine Learning. Recently open-sourced its machine learning TensorFlow to the public – providing researchers,hobbyists the tools to contribute machines to learn faster. A fun fact – today’s machines are capable of learning at the rate of a 4 year old – but that will change very soon.
I hope you enjoyed this month’s roundup on Accelerated Learning.
What will you be learning in December?
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