
Looking for a job and happen to be pregnant? Here’s a list of things you’ll want to be sure to consider during your job search!

By law, you are not required to share that you are pregnant.

By law, an employer cannot discriminate against a woman by asking any questions about her age, marriage status, or plans for a family.

Tip: Consider whether your salary requirements will change with a new child in the picture.

Consider how much you’ll need to make.

With a baby, you’ll have additional expenses to cover. You should carefully consider what your new salary requirements are, if any, prior to interviewing.

Consider whether you’ll want to ask for a flexible schedule.

Many employers do allow parents a certain amount of flexibility, but you need to ask for it. Do you know that you only want to work three days a week? Do you want to work from home one day a week? Be sure to ask these questions in the interviewing process if they are important to you.

Take Working Mother’s advice.

Working Mother comes out annually with a list of Top 100 Best Companies to work for when you are a mother. Consider looking for job opportunities at some of those businesses!


If the company you are interviewing with doesn’t happen to be listed as among the Top 100 Best Companies to work for according to Working Mother, fear not!

Ask HR during the interview process (or prior) for a complete listing of benefits information (inclusive of details around maternity and paternity leave). Every company has a maternity policy. It’s up to you to decide if what they offer is what you need.

Educate yourself on what companies are obligated to offer.

By federal law, all companies of 50 employees or more must offer three months of unpaid leave. State laws vary, and in some cases are far more generous. Find out what your state’s maternity laws are as you begin your search.

Treat yourself to a new interview outfit.

A Pea in the Pod has great workwear for pregnant women. Consider a new suit that flatters your pregnant figure, making you feel confident for that next interview!

Tip: Bring a snack to eat before your interview to maintain blood sugar.

Blood sugar matters!

Remember that you are eating for two! So be sure to pack a snack in your interview bag in case hunger strikes just prior to your interview – that way you can truly be on your game.

References, references.

Get three great references who can vouch for your reliability, consistency, and capability. Those positive references could will be reaffirming for your employer when they do find out you are pregnant.

It’s a good idea to disclose your status prior to starting your job. While you aren’t obligated to discuss the status of your pregnancy with a prospective employer, once you have your offer, it’s recommended before you get started to manage expectations with that employer by letting them know what’s going on. Start off on a note of transparency so they can start to consider how to work around your impending leave of absence.

In short, be sure to consider these handy tips when searching for a job while with child – you won’t regret having taken a little extra time to do so when you’re knee-deep in dirty diapers and ready to return to that great new job!

Have a tip for mothers seeking job opportunities? We want to hear it.

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