
<p>Darren Hardy, the Publisher of SUCCESS Magazine has a new book out, “The Compound Effect.” It helps people highlight aspects about themselves that they can use, or change, to achieve the life they want. As an editor of SUCCESS magazine, <a href=”http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/interviews/entrepreneur-darren-hardy/”>Darren Hardy</a> understands the concept that goes into creating a successful career and home life. Everything about how we think, act and perform revolves on how we perceive ourselves and our place in the world around us.</p>

<p><a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/37676753@N08/5116437223/”><img alt=”The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy” src=”http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1257/5116437223_8ca4a6c7c7.jpg” style=”height:500px; width:374px” /></a></p>

<p>Photo by Flickr user BetterBizIdeas</p>


<p>Hardy goes into great depth discussing choices he made. They were not always successful, but they did teach him valuable lessons. Are your choices productive? Can you see results? If not, ask yourself why. People constantly make choices where they sabotage themselves unintentionally. Set goals and stick to them. Don’t make excuses for failures. Learn from them, and move forward without wasting time. Choosing to do things in the present keeps you on track and steadily working towards the achievements of your goals. A good example of this is losing weight. People will often buy <a href=”http://www.gaiamtv.com/collection/cardio-workouts”>cardio exercise videos to help with weight loss</a>. If you made the choice to buy the equipment, make a conscious choice to use it.</p>


<p>Your behavior and your resulting actions will let others know whether or not you are dedicated to the goal at hand. Missing work or being consistently late for deadlines can be an indicator to those around you that you aren’t as into the result as you claim. Always put your best foot forward. Take the initiative. If you see something that needs to be done, do it. Correct mistakes as they happen, don’t let them spiral out of control before you take action. Your attitude towards your co-workers and clients is an excellent indicator as to whether or not you will succeed in your endeavors. Have a positive attitude and keep a smile on your face. It will draw successful people to you.</p>


<p>Your habits are repetitive parts of your daily routine that will eventually lead you to success or failure. The more you practice each habit, the closer you get to your goal. Bad habits take you in the opposite direction. Habits, just like your choices and behavior compound on one another to either make you or break you. Learn to recognize your patterns and the habits you’ve created for yourself. If they’re not working or you can’t see noticeable improvement, change them. Start to establish new habits and thought patterns to create an attitude and environment for positive growth. The more you get used to the new habits, the less control the old ones will have over your actions.</p>

<p>”<a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9420697-the-compound-effect”>The Compound Effect</a>” is based on the principle that the more you do something, the more it comes back around to help you grow. In essence, the more you look up, the higher you will go. Learning to recognize the actions we take that sabotage our success and modifying them to produce a positive result is just one key element of Hardy’s book. Your behavior and the choices you make bring everything full circle.</p>

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