by Julia Eldred, Media & Communications Assistant
Those of us who own pets know the joy they can bring to our lives. We love being greeted at the door after a long day of work with a wagging tail or happy meow. We soak it in when our furry friend shows us some love. We talk to them, take pictures of them, are proud of them, and in general, make them a part of our families. Other than just the friendship they bring, did you know that owning a pet actually benefits your health? It’s true! According to studies, owning a pet can make you healthier!
Here are 8 ways how pets keep you healthy:1. Better Your Fitness: Owning a pet, especially a dog, will help you stay fit! Many dogs require daily walks which will keep you on track with daily exercise! Even just playing a fun game of fetch with your pup in your backyard can be a great way to stay up and moving. Some pet owners even work out with their dogs and cats. You can go for a run or bike ride with your dog. I’ve even heard of yoga classes where you can bring your pet along!
2. Stress Relief: Just spending time around your pets and enjoying them can reduce stress. Physical changes in your body happen that affect your mood. Cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, can be lowered. And the production of serotonin, a chemical associated with well-being, can be increased. Reducing stress by hanging out with your pets saves your body wear and tear.
3. Keep Blood Pressure in Check: With increased exercise and reduced stress, having a pet can help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range. In a study of 240 married couples, pet owners had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates during rest than people who did not own a pet. Just the act of petting a dog or cat has shown the ability to immediately lower blood pressure and heart rate.4. Lower Cholesterol: This may just be a result of the active lifestyles of pet owners, but studies have shown that pet owners have lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. The stress relief and extra excise that comes with owning a pet can have a positive effect on your cholesterol levels.
5. Stay Social: Having a pet around can increase your mental health and happiness by staying social. Bringing your dog to dog parks can make you happier by interacting with other dog owners with similar interests. Also, just walking down the street with your cute pet can be a conversation starter with passerby. Everyone loves to stop and pet a dog on the sidewalk!
6. Less Allergies and Stronger Immune System: Studies have shown that children who grow up with pets in the home (or even children who grow up on farms with larger animals) are less likely to have allergies. They also grow up with stronger immune systems that will help them fight off illnesses when they get older.7. Service Dogs: When people think of service dogs, we typically thing of guide dogs for those who are blind. But, did you know that dogs assist in many other ways as well? Dogs can be used to help diabetic people realize when their sugar level is changing. They are trained to sense that change in their owner’s body. Those with mental disorders like anxiety and depression can use service dogs to help them feel more comfortable in public spaces.
8. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Arthritis: Chronic pain and arthritis are difficult conditions to live with. Some patients find comfort in having a pet to distract them from the pain they deal with every day. Patients with arthritis caring for dogs who also have arthritis can help them form a special bond making it easier to cope. Another helpful quality pets have is the heat they produce. Just cuddling with a pet can sooth pain like a heating pad would. In fact, the Mexican hairless dog called a Xolo (pictured on left) is known for producing copious amounts of heat and an organization called Paws for Comfort is actually training them as service dogs for those who live with pain.
Did you know that Care Advantage can help with pets as well? As a part of our personal care services, aides can assist you with the care of your family pet! Our aides can feed pets, take them on walks, and even provide transportation to the vets office! Call today for a free in-home assessment to see how we can help!
Julia Eldred, Media & Communications Assistant
Julia joined last year to assist with Care Advantage’s communications efforts. As a recent graduate of the University of Richmond with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art, Julia enjoys contributing to the creative needs of our company and our founder Debbie Johnston. She writes press releases, articles, and digital content as well as manages social media and websites. Julia also gets the chance to break out her artistic talents doing design work, photography, and video editing. Since Debbie Johnston created her foundation Connecting Hearts, Julia has loved learning about Virginia’s kids and providing her skills to help adoption and foster care support endeavors in our state. In her spare time, Julia continues to pursue her passion for communications and music by hosting a show on University of Richmond’s campus radio station WDCE 90.1fm.
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