
Hi! So I noticed that some people have been talking about OCs on here, I hope it's okay if I do as well. I'm really sorry if this is annoying or takes up forum space. >_<;

Basically, I can't really decide whether she should be an OC for games like the Digimon Story series, Digimon World series, or a custom universe based on shows like Adventure. She's technically a WIP because it's hard to think of a truly fleshed out character right away. But I also wanted advice on how to make her better, and maybe that could help too. (I know I said I wanted to make an original story, but tbh it's really difficult to come up with like 5 or so other OCs for a cast. Maybe that's just me)

Here she is!

Name: Mia
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: June 28th
Appearance: Fair skin, dark red hair in a medium-length bob, fairly wide, green eyes.
Attire: She wears a black "cat eared" hat with a light pink star on it, a deep red shirt, black crop jacket, light pink miniskirt, black leggings and light pink shoes with black shoelaces. Basically my avatar's design but a little different.
Personality: Mia mostly prefers to keep to herself unless one starts interacting with her themselves. If someone is kind to her, she will warm up quickly and reveal a bubbly, friendly personality. But she has no tolerance for hostility and will immediately get defensive and try to insult those who show signs of it. She's rather uncomfortable around anti-social people.

She would rather travel alone, since she doesn't know exactly what to do when working with others. She feels like she would just be a burden for them, and that exploring by herself (And her Digimon) seems much more relaxing. She would try to help stop any bad deeds without joining a group.

While she is normally afraid of drama, as stated before she will get angry at those who are mean spirited. She tends to have a hard time controlling her emotions, and is very sensitive. She is also afraid of letting others down or making those she cares about angry, which is another reason why she prefers to be by herself. Her Digimon, however, are some of the only few that she truly feels happy being around; And her demeanor becomes more gentle and confident.
Backstory: Her past was relatively normal, but when she learned about how mean others can be, she came into a shell. She comes from another country, but has always had an interest in cultures from all over the world, especially Japanese and South Korean cultures. She studied Japanese and in her early 20's, decided to travel to Japan.

Digimon Partners(s):

Originally, assuming that she could only have one partner, this was my ideal evolution line for them (With the help of other users):
Poyomon - Pagumon - DemiDevimon - Sorcermon - Mistymon - Dynasmon

But, if she were to have up to three partners, here's what I was thinking:
Poyomon - Bukamon - Syakomon

Botamon - Pagumon - DemiDevimon

Punimon - DemiMeramon - Candlemon

One of them would evolve into either Wizardmon or Sorcermon, I'm not quite sure about the others yet. Though I think Syakomon could evolve into Octomon as well. I was even considering the "Wizardmon trio" (FlaWizardmon, Wizardmon, Sorcermon) but I wanted to stick to the theme of her team being mostly Nightmare Soldiers based and a little based on Deep Savers as well.

If she could have only two partners she would have DemiDevimon and Syakomon.

What do you think? Do these Digimon suit her at all, or are other Digimon better?

That's basically what I have for now, if anything seems underdeveloped, I'll try to improve on it and make it better. I was considering her to be a Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth OC, a Digimon World: Next Order OC, or an OC for an original Digimon universe as I said before. But I can't really decide, and I'm not confident enough to tell if she's a good OC or not. Thanks for reading and replying if you have!

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