The Notre Dame Federal Credit Union Irish Rewards Credit Card happens to be this credit union’s only reward Visa. Essentially it’s a fairly standard affair, 1 point per dollar spent as one might expect from most other cards of this nature. However, NDFCU’s rewards partner,, has provided a complete management system which allows cardholder’s to customize how they spend accumulated points and even enables them to set point goals. The APR for this Visa is a competitive one, set at 9.9%, 12.9% or 13.9% depending on credit worthiness. Due to the fact that all the Notre Dame FCU credit cards demand no annual fees, and this one is by far the most attractive of the options, it’s worth applying should you decide to go with this credit union as your card provider. Scroll down and we’ll show you how to get started.
If you plan on going through with the applcation, you will be submitting some fairly sensitive information into the credit union portal. Be sure to review their privacy policy to ensure that you know what they’re doing with what you data you provide.
In order to be eligible for this credit card, the following must apply to you:
You are at least 18 years of age
You have a valid SSN
You are a US Citizen or have a valid passport
How to Apply
Step 1- Begin by navigating to the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union credit card summary page (linked here). Select the Apply Now link underneath the IRISH REWARDS option.
Step 2- Now that you’ve accessed the application forms, begin by submitting the following personal data:
Full name
U.S. Citizen (yes/no)
Date of birth
Phone number
Secondary phone number (optional)
Email address
Step 3- The second page of the the application has you submitting information about your housing situation. Provide the following data in the requisite fields:
Street address
Zip code
Housing status
Time at address
Mortgage holder/Landlord name
Monthly housing payments
Step 4- To ascertain whether or not you qualify for this rewards Visa, the NDFCU will require some employment information. In this section of the application, enter the following:
Current employer
Employer phone number
Position/title held within the company
Date of hire
Gross monthly salary
Source of other, secondary income (if applicable)
Other income amount (if applicable)
Step 5- Provide here, a reference for your application. They require the Name of nearest relative/friend, your Relationship to that person, and the individual’s Telephone Number. Click Next Page when ready.
Step 6- You can add a co-borrower at this juncture if need be. Select Yes or No followed by Next Page to proceed.
Step 7- A copy of the terms and conditions will be presented at this point. Review them, ensure that you are aware of exactly what it is you’re getting into and, if you agree to their terms, select the check box to indicate that you comply. Enter your complete name into the supplied field to act as your electronic signature. Once all of this has been accomplished, click Next Page.
Step 8- If you’d like to purchase debt protection, now is your chance. This is an optional step which can be skipped by selecting No Protection Selected. Otherwise, choose plan 1, 2 or 3 before proceeding to the next page.
Step 9- The last page of the application is the review page on which you will be able to look over everything submitted thus far. Before clicking Submit, and sending the forms to the credit union, be sure that all data is accurate and complete.
You’ve just completed the complete application process for the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union Irish Rewards Credit Card! We hope the results are positive and that our tutorial has helped in some way, shape or form.