Due to reduced participation in the two years and less opportunity to receive "Thanks" and reputation clicks, we are lowering the entry requirements to the Community Member usergroup to encourage more participation.
Previously, 10 posts, 30 days registered and 10 reputation points were required to reduce the chance that spammers and trolls could easily get access.
The new limit will be 10 posts, 14 days registered and 7 reputation points and subject to further changes based on participation.
This will only require two "Thanks" and usually just one Rep click to allow a new member to more quickly get access, which should help a little with friends, family and new posters that appear legitimate. We encourage members to give Thanks and Reputation to new members that appear to be legitimate in order to help them gain community member access.
Also, if you have been a member of the Car-Seat.Org facebook group for 30 days or more, please send me a private message for Community Member access on a case by case basis.
Senior Community Member access will remain unchanged.