
News from Texas:

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The 85th Legislative Session is just weeks away from beginning and when it comes to gun related bills so far 37 have been filed with most focusing on gun safety.

One of the big bills that passed during the last legislative session concerned concealed carry on college campuses. This year, State Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, has proposed two pieces of legislation that would allow universities to opt out of campus carry just like private universities. The second bill says cities with more than 750,000 people can pass an ordinance prohibiting open carry.

Another bill that appeared last legislative session is coming back for a second try. State Rep. Jonathan Strickland, R-Bedford wants to allow anyone to carry a legally owned firearm without having to obtain a state issued license, take a government mandated safety course, or pay a licensing fee. Strickland calls it constitutional carry because of the Second Amendment. During the 2015 legislative session it never made it to a committee hearing which is the first step in moving a bill forward.

Advocates for gun safety encourage everyone to get involved.

“It always helps to call your members and tell them you care,” said Andrea Brauer, Ex. Dir. Texas Gun Sense. “Members need to hear from their constituents throughout Texas. These issues are often framed as an us against them or an anti-gun verse pro-gun, it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Oh yes it does because that’s the truth of the matter.  You see what the progressives are doing, don’t you?  Person to person, one on one, grass roots involvement.

We gun owners have no room to complain when we don’t get involved.  Of the bills you saw above, they’re all just smoke screens and certainly anti-liberty, except one, i.e., constitutional carry.

You know what to do.  Ignore the doomsday, end of the world, panic stricken screams of law enforcement, and force this bill into committee and out of committee to the floor.   Light is the best disinfectant.  If everyone votes on it, you’ll know who to target in the next primary and election if they are haters of liberty.

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